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IEC Gets Diaspora Election Petition

A petition that calls for voting rights to be available to Gambians in the Diaspora has been received by the Independent Electoral Commission, activists behind the move confirmed in an email message. The petition — available in the link below —consists of five points around the registration and voting process […]


Gambia Dumps 7 Military Traitors

At least seven Gambian middle ranking military officers have had their services terminated after they were accused of proving loyalty to former exiled President Yahya Jammeh. The 5 Majors and 2 Captains were reportedly caught giving some sensitive national information to Mr. Jammeh in Equatorial Guinea. Major Karamba Jammeh, Major […]


Military Undoing Dictatorship Wrongs

By Abdoulie John The Gambia Armed Forces (GAF) has began what appears to be the undoing of the rocky relationship it had with the civilian population during 22 years of the Jammeh dictatorship. The GAF leadership knows the cure to the bad blood is for military to remain not only […]


APRC Leader Remains Defiant

By Abdoulie John The leader of Yahya Jammeh’s defeated  Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction leader (APRC) remains defiant about holding the party’s planned 50,000-man political rally later in October. “The issue of the political rally was not even discussed,” Fabakary Tombong Jatta told reporters shortly after the police questioned […]


Nyang Njie Needs To Explain

The ousting of Yahya Jammeh has created another era of accountability in the Gambia. As the Mandinka parlance have it, a drum cannot be beaten when the drum beater sits on the beating stick. When Jammeh was around, government employees portrayed themselves as Angels and even trumpeted sounds of zero […]


‘Our Electric Situation Not Satisfactory’

Since assuming the leadership mantle in end of January this year, Gambian President Adama Barrow has been confronted with so many challenging issues. His Coalition government first had to deal with security issues posed by remnants of ousted President Yahya Jammeh’s civilian and security loyalists. The government then grapples with […]


Jammeh Kills, Barrow Saves Lives

President Adama Barrow’s signing of five United Nations treaties at once draws a vast difference between him (Barrow) and the man he had unseated. The whole world begged Yahya Jammeh to spare the lives of 9 death-row inmates in September 2012 but he did not budge. His government executed the […]


Gambian Constitution Is An Instrument Of Violence Final Part

By Lamin J Darbo Representation of the people On elections, the schizophrenic nature of the Constitution is yet again brilliantly displayed. On the issue of “representation of the people”, there are references to “public elections”, to “elections”, and to “referenda” voting. The Constitution defines “public elections” as “the election for […]