Search Results for "what"


Jammeh Sets Trap With Phone

Anyone who converses with Gambian President over the phone has been warned to be extra careful if they don’t want to fall into his trap. “This is a stern warning to anyone who communicates with President Yahya Jammeh,” the State House Revealer alerted. “People should be careful in the way […]


Rule By One Person

By Lamin Saddam Sanyang, The Netherlands The word “monarchy” literally means “rule by one.” When that sole ruler is wise and ethical, the government may run smoothly, but when that individual has flaws of character or temperament, they affect the entire nation. Monarchs typically hold their seats for life, which […]


Police Freed UDP Youth Activist

Police in Tujereng released a youth activist of the main opposition United Democratic Party from unlawful detention. Amadou Jallow, who has had his phone seized, was detained after his arrest on Sunday. The police had earlier stormed the Sunday youth re-organising and engagement tour of the party in Bato Kunku […]


So Many Dreams

By Baba Galleh Jallow   The Igbo say When the moon is shining The cripple Becomes hungry for a walk; What the Igbo did not know Or did not say is that The Cripple With a capital C Is always hungry for a walk; Especially when There’s no moon in […]


‘Don’t See Only Tribal Loyalty’

Gambians have been guided to remain loyal to their country and avoid seeing only their tribe and political affiliations. Mr. Ebraima Manneh, the former Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Health and long serving UDP Administrative Secretary, said being loyal to one’s tribe and political party only ruins a country’s […]


Guinea Bissau Presidential Loser Rejects Poll Result

By Alberto Dabo Former finance minister Jose Mario Vaz won a high-stakes presidential run-off election in Guinea-Bissau meant to draw a line under a 2012 coup, the elections commission said on Tuesday, but the losing candidate rejected the result. The looming dispute over the outcome of Sunday’s vote threatens to […]