Other News


Interim Management for Sir Dawda K. Jawara International Conference Center Inaugurated

News Release Interim Management for Sir Dawda K. Jawara International Conference Center Inaugurated Petroleum House, Brusubi, 17th June 2020 – Oicgambia Secretariat and the Ministry of Transport and Works on Wednesday inaugurated an interim body charged with temporary managing and operating the newly commissioned Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara International Conference […]


Gambia Gov’t Refutes Purported Coup Plot

In the wake of malicious and subversive audio messages circulating on Social Media warning The Gambia Government of a looming coup plot allegedly being hatched by some private citizens, senior government and military officials, the public is hereby informed that these are outrageous and baseless allegations.  In total, all these […]


An Uncomfortable Conversation

By Ebrima Conteh  It is important for people to understand and frame the current unrest in the United States as a struggle by moral people. This long historic struggle for justice for the descendants of people who endured slavery for 250 years, who then endured 100 years of legal apartheid […]


Loyalty to Country, Not Entities

God be with you Dr. Ahmadou Samateh [Minister of Health] for proving to Gambians that public servants should not just have good educational and skill set backgrounds, but they also need the fortitude to think beyond themselves. So long as technocrats are divorce from the wrath (intense criticism and vilification) […]


Finance Ministry, UNDP Validate COVID19 Impact Study

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme on Thursday concluded a virtual validation exercise of a study that assesses the Impact of COVID19 on lives and livelihood in The Gambia. The study explores the immediate, medium, and long term socioeconomic impact of […]


Dr. Samateh Deserves Not Only Kudos

Thank you my friend Dr. Ahmadou Samateh. People who live in New York City will probably know which train is this. Anyway, on this exact day Dr. Samateh and I were leaving from my house in Manhattan to Bronx to visit some friends. That day I decided to leave the […]


How Dr. Samateh Betrayed Normalcy

The normal order has been consistent for decades until when the chief servant appointed a betrayer in Dr. Samateh. The novice, inexperience newcomer, went into the parliament and eschewed the norms of the cabinet. He confidently rejected a life-changing system which is not brought by him. This rare bravery and […]