Search Results for "what"


GPU In Crisis As Congress Kicks Off

Many young journalists have bitterly complained about the way the Gambia Press Union (GPU) executive handled the affairs the journalist union. Another issue of concern to the attendees of the GPU is the unavailability of enough seat at the congress hall today.  In this article below, a whistle blower thought […]


The Owl And The Pigeon

Kikiyan and Pura (A Short Story) By Suntou Touray As it happens, many people accuse the Owl (Kikiyan) of being a witch. These accusations puzzled and troubled the Owl so much so that it took matters in its own hand to clear its cherished and reputable good name. The Owl […]


Found in SA … Libya’s trillions

By Jovial Rantao Former Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gadaffi REUTERS/Desmond Boylan Johannesburg – The South African government and President Jacob Zuma have been caught in the middle of an international wrangle over as much as R2 trillion in US dollars as well as hundreds of tons of gold and at […]


The Deyda Hydara I Know

Deyda Hydara, the Gambia’s leading journalist whose December 16th, 2004 assassination remains unsolved, meant a lot to me, especially during my formative years in journalism. Here is a man who taught many of us to be who we are. He also brought Alhaji Saramadi Kabbah (nephew of the late Ahmed […]


The Gambia’s Image In Tatters

Written By Siray Touray (U.K) Brand Gambia has been tarnished for a long time since the day unruly soldiers landed on the Executive seat of power. The Gambia’s high office is blemished and ransacked with vigour and unprofessionalism by the ruling APRC. The brand that the world came to accept […]


Open Letter To Yahya Jammeh

  Reporters Without Borders 15 December 2014   GAMBIA   Ten years have passed since Reporters Without Borders and Agence France-Presse correspondent Deyda Hydara was shot dead in Banjul on his way home from The Point, the newspaper he helped to found – ten years in which his murderers have […]


Falai Let Down Activist Colleagues

Activist colleagues of Mr. Falai Baldeh have expressed disappointment over his defection to the ruling Alliance for Patriotic, Re-orientation and Construction of President Yahya Jammeh. The fierce critic of the Gambia government’s policies reportedly jumped ship during a meeting involving officials of the government and APRC in New York last week. […]


We Must Have Unity Of Action

After all is said and done, we are all in the same fight, and the same team. But one thing that must be present, kicking and alive is UNITY of Action. Some might take the route of “reconciliation”, others “force”, others “rebellion” or “whatever”, but one thing that must be […]