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African Leaders And Their Love For Things Foreign

Frederick Douglass once said, “Those who profess to favour freedom and yet depreciate agitation are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it […]


Political Allies Make Their Case

The three major political parties that agreed on forging a Tactical Alliance in the forthcoming national assembly elections have made their case. The parties – United Democratic Party, National Reconciliation Party and Gambia Moral Party – reiterated that “as founding members of the Coalition 2016 which removed Yahya Jammeh from […]


Veteran Journalist Vies For Serekunda West

An outstanding jornalist has been selected as the candidate of an alliance involving the United Democratic Party, National Reconciliation Party and Gambia Moral Party. Madi Ceesay won the nomination in “a democratic and transparent process” conducted by the UDP Serekunda West constituency selection committee on Sunday March 5th. The proprietor […]


Who Wants Gambia Ungovernable?

There are still some Gambians who have got an axe to grind with the Coalition government to a point of vowing to make the Gambia ungovernable. The questions that we ask are whether these people wine and dine with Yahya Jammeh’s dictatorship surrogates or they are sheep in wolf’s clothing. […]


Why Gambia Must Fight Corruption

A British High Commissioner caused a storm in Kenya during Daniel arap Moi’s Dictatorship by saying that “The Kenyan Elite is so corrupt that they eat until they vomit on their Gucci shoes” – or something similar. Some 20 years later, Kenya’s Anti-Corruption Commission is trying to “life-style audit officials […]


Lies Told About Gambia’s Mandela

Supporters of the United Democratic Party  (UDP) have huge task at hand. We must not allow others to paint us black. There is misinformation making the rounds that Ousainou Darboe is the stumbling bloc to forming a coalition in the forthcoming parliamentary election. We must stand our ground and let […]