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UDP Gains Real Traction In KMC Nomination

By Abdoulie John The nomination for Kanifing Municipality mayoral race ended Tuesday with United Democratic Party (UDP) flag bearer Talib Ahmed Bensouda pulling a mammoth crowd at the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), located along Kairaba Ave in a bid to send a strong signal ahead of May 12 election. The […]


Four Launch KMC Mayoral Bid

By Abdoulie John Nominations have begun Monday for the control of Gambia’s biggest and richest conurbation as the mayoral election is heating up in the Kanifing Municipality. Independent candidates Modou Jenkins, Papa Momodou Njie, Ousman Jatta (Rambo) of the Alliance for Patriotic Re-orientation and Construction (APRC) and Papa Njie Girigara […]


Barrow Demonstrates Statesmanship

Who will not envy and give credit and kudos to the Gambian President whose Commonwealth debut visit and performance was a complete success? President Barrow showed a real statesmanship starting from his meeting at Chatham House with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair to the state banquet with the Queen […]


Well Done President Barrow!

“Those of us who understand and appreciate the symbolism of British pomp, pageantry and protocol know that no one gets to sit next to the Queen [Elizabeth II] at an official state dinner at Buckingham Palace or anywhere else for that matter, by accident or happenstance, but by deliberate consideration […]


‘Money Smart Week Is A Gift’

Kairo Radio Financial Empowerment Center is pleased to be part of the commemoration of Money Smart Week in the United States. This year’s Money Smart Week is scheduled between April 21 and 28. Pioneered by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in 2002, the Money Smart Week creates public awareness […]


Mayoral Hopeful Promises Change

By Abdoulie John Mayoral Hopeful Assan Martin oulined major details of his plan to bring change in the Kanifing Municipality (KMC), saying the said municipality ‘must be fixed’. The human rights lawyer has launched a bid for leadership in the Gambia’s biggest and richest municipality, promising to make change a […]


‘Bensouda Is Political Virus Free’

By Abdoulie John The United Democratic Party (UDP) leader has lauded his party’s Mayoral candidate in the Kanifing Municipal Council (KMC), describing him as a “young visionary leader.” Talib Ahmed Bensouda is a young man in his early 30s. “Talib Bensouda is a young, dynamic and visionary person. He is […]


Info Minister’s Briefing Statement

PRESS CONFERENCE OF THE MINISTER OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE SPOKESPERSON OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE GAMBIA DEMBA A. JAWO MOICI Conference Room Wednesday, April 18, 2018 Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this Month’s press briefing. I’d like to thank you all and the various media houses in The Gambia […]


Right2Know Coalition Wants Transparency In Semlex Contract

By Abdoulie John Right2Know Coalition is making big push for an increased transparency in the Semlex contract. Amid huge controversy, the Belgian company reached a deal with the Gambia government becoming the sole producer of biometric passports, ID and voters cards. “Gambians are eager to know the facts and assumptions […]


Gambia Under Jammeh Lost It All

President Adama Barrow has spoken about how the Gambia that has lost everything — friends, peace, respect and status in the community of nations — is now on a mission to normalise the abnormal situation. President Barrow, who spoke at Chatham House in London on the topic “shaping the Gambia’s […]


Youth Burglar In Police Custody

Police Officers at Bundung Borehole Police Station on Tuesday arrested one Namory Keita a 19 years old resident of Nema Wasulung in connection to a case of burglary and stealing. The case was reported at the Police Station by Zahib Hydara, a Mauritanian national who claimed that their house was […]


Lecture Immortalises Solo Sandeng

Solo Sandeng Memorial Lectures: Sunday 15th April 2018 @ the University of The Gambia Auditorium Theme: The Consequences & Dangers of Surrendering Our Fundamental & Constitutional Rights & Abdicating Our Responsibilities & Duties As Citizens Speaker: Lawyer Emmanuel Daniel Joof Ladies & Gentlemen, I should begin by thanking the organizers […]