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UDP Damns NPP/APRC Alliance

STATEMENT OF THE UNITED DEMOCRATIC PARTY ON NPP/APRC ALLIANCE The United Democratic Party is not surprised about the widely reported agreement between the National People’s Party and the former ruling party, APRC (Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction). The UDP strongly supports the principles of freedom of association, including the […]


NPP Debunks Alliance Misinformation

TUESDAY 7th September, 2021. NPP/APRC M.O.U. In CIrculation Not Authentic The National People’s Party (NPP), wishes to inform the public, the Diplomatic and Consular Corps, that the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) trending in Social Media and purported to be signed by the recently formed NPP/APRC Alliance, does not in anyway, […]


Veteran Criticises Gambian Journalists

Gambian journalist based in the United Kingdom has advised his colleagues in the country to promote “journalism that fosters national unity”. Mr. Essau Williams delivered his speech via a recorded video at the Gambia Press Union’s 2021 National Journalism Award on September 4th. As the Chief Judge of the Panel […]


What Our Civil Society Activists Need

The hypocrisy among some so-called civil society activists in the Gambia is beyond rational comprehension. It is no open secret that all the major political parties in the country have been courting and wanting to flirt with the Alliance for Patriotic Re-orientation and Construction (APRC). The party of the former […]


Why Musa Jeng Must Apologise NPP, UDP

By Yaya Dampha, Sweden During the struggle to dislodge former Gambian President Yahya Janmeh from power, Mr. Musa Jeng had proven to be one of the loudest voices. His participation went beyond merely talking: he walked the talk by taking part in so many activities, including protest marches. Mr. Jeng […]


The KMC Corruption Saga Is A Wake Up Call

Dear Editor, I wish to add my modest observation to the ongoing corruption saga, which I consider as a wake up all of us. Before going any further, let me hasten to admit my lack of knowledge on the full and true story of the case. Notwithstanding, what prompted my […]


Kudos to Hon. Sallah and Dr. Ceesay

The recent face to face debate organised by Mr Haronna Drammeh of Paradise TV between Hon Halifa Sallh of People’s Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS) and Dr Ismaela Ceesay of Citizens Alliance was very interesting and educative. For the first time in Gambian history, we have two of […]


Gambian Imam Leads Windstorm Fundraiser

Concerned about the negative effects of the devastating windstorm on the lives of Gambians, Resident Imam of Detroit Islamic Center has decided to champion fundraising drive for the victims. Imam (Momodou) Ceesay who doubles as the head of Al-Islamiyah Institute has set up a Gofund Me account. His target goal […]


Ex-Gambian Minister Condemned To Death

The Gambia’s former Tourism Minister was sentenced to death by the High Court in Banjul. Justice Ebrima Jaiteh condemned Yankuba Touray to death by hanging after he was found guilty of the cold-blooded murder of Ousman Koro Ceesay. Mr. Ceesay, former Finance Minister of the ruling military junta led by […]


Congratulations To Fatou Bensouda

I wish to use your widely followed media, to register my appreciation and congratulations to Mrs Fatou Bom Bensouda, on the successful completion of her tenure as Chief Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC). Mrs Bensouda’s appointment as the first woman to such a prestigious global position marked a […]


Why Gambia Needs Break On Politics

Dear Editor, I wish to use your widely followed media to extend my heartfelt sympathy and condolences to the President and the entire people of the Gambia, on the recent natural disaster that rained havoc and devastated the country, leaving 10 people dead. May Allah swt grant them Jannah, and […]