
A True Pan-African Has Fallen

โ€œInna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un – From Allah we come and to Him is our return.โ€

We have lost a great friend of The Gambia, a huge personality and dedicated writer and commentator on Gambian political, social and legal affairs.

The brilliant Pan-Africanist and entertaining journalist and educator, Comrade Dida Jallow-Halake has passed away in The Gambia on Thursday.

We became close friends over past few years. During the later days of our political struggle, Mr. Halake wrote for both Kairo News and Freedom newspaper.

Ever witty and humorous, Dida wrote with creativity and subtle sarcasm that many came to enjoy. He will surely be missed.

When Doctors in U.K informed him of the severity of his illness, though an Ethiopian by birth, Mr. Halake had chosen to pass on in Mother Gambia. I journeyed with him last month to the Gambia where he has been meeting old friends and acquaintances at a clinic.

With great admiration for his daughter, who cared for him to the last day, a father cannot be any prouder. May Allah bless her and make her strong. May Allah reward Mr. Halake’s friends and others who visited and comforted him before he answered to Allah’s call.

The late Dida Halake loved The Gambia and Gambians at heart. The country and its people meant everything to him. While his burial is being discussed by Mr. Halake’s family and friends, we pray that Allah makes our soil a place of comfort, serenity and peace for him.

Rest in peace Brother Dida.

Alh. Suntou Touray
