
Loyalty to Country, Not Entities

God be with you Dr. Ahmadou Samateh [Minister of Health] for proving to Gambians that public servants should not just have good educational and skill set backgrounds, but they also need the fortitude to think beyond themselves. So long as technocrats are divorce from the wrath (intense criticism and vilification) that befalls politicians, ending corruption will be a long fight. It must be understood that loyalty must be to one’s country not people or entities. The nurses, middle people, and others are all our brothers and sisters, they are neither ghost nor strange creatures. Now duplicate this across other ministries and departments. More ministers should step forward and talk about things they encounter at work.This is beyond the usual political party rivalry, this involves every single Gambian, from Marabouts to Bishops and Pastors, to every professional or laypeople. For us to win in our quest to develop or advance our country, we must take a deep look at ourselves and ask whether we are serving our country and her people at heart. The Arabs quotation that “loving one’s country is an important element of faith.”

Alh. Suntou Touray
