
Dr. Samateh Deserves Not Only Kudos

Thank you my friend Dr. Ahmadou Samateh. People who live in New York City will probably know which train is this. Anyway, on this exact day Dr. Samateh and I were leaving from my house in Manhattan to Bronx to visit some friends. That day I decided to leave the car home and took the train for Dr. Samateh to see how New York City subways or train stations look like.

On this day, we talked at length about how the Ambitious Doctor wanted to eliminate corruption in the Gambia. It was a very interesting discussion. I gave him some piece of advice and assured him of my full support.

I know how Dr. Samateh loves his country and its people to the core. Dr. Samateh is a very honest and decent human being who needs not only our kudos but our support and prayers as well. He is mired in a very difficult situation in a country where decent souls are given strokes of whip. We all know how corruption is rampant in the Gambia. Difficult task lies ahead of those who try to stop the vice.

With full support from Gambian people, the likes of Dr. Samateh will weather the storm in their fight to defeat and conquer corruption. I have always told my friends and associates that the Gambia will be Great Again if we have three more officials like Dr. Samateh in the Cabinet.

I have no doubt that honest and patriotic GAMBIANS will throw their full weight behind a man who tasks himself with a Golden Missiont of wrestling and defeating corruption in an inherited rotten system. Woe be unto anyone who breeds corruption in a country whose founding father President the late Sir Dawda Jawara had no iota of Corruption in his DNA. Mr. Jawara was willing to resign had anyone proved he was corrupt.

Like Dr. Samateh, I also want the Gambia to develop but this will be a mere wishful thinking in the absence of knocking down social vices like corruption. Do we have to fold our hands and allow the few bad elements to tear our country apart? There is indeed nothing more damaging to a society’s social fabric like corruption.

Basiru Sawaneh
New York
