
Update: Coronavirus – UKJA’s Response

Good afternoon,

I hope you are staying safe and well. I know these are anxious times as many are worried about staying healthy and protecting our loved ones.

Sadly, we are witnessing the loss of lives both in the UK and elsewhere due to the virus. In the UK, the death toll is close to 5,000 and counting. However, this did not alter the bravery and commitment of our NHS and healthcare providers – we continue to say ‘Thank You’ and to everyone of working in other key essential key services to help save lives. Thus, we hereby reiterate to our membership to adhere to government guidelines at all times to protect ourselves, our loved ones and the wider community and ask for support should the need arise.

We are so proud of the UKJA, its strengths and solidarity it has been known for since its inception. It is in that spirit that the Chairman has directed that this update be sent out to you as to remind you of the association’s support. He has asked for members to take advantage of the opportunity.

He has reiterated that his wish for “no Jarranka to be left out during this time”. He has asked members to contact the Welfare team led by Mustapha Sanneh in confidence about individuals who needs our support or if they know of someone who will be requiring support. Mr Sanneh can be reached on 07809537374 or any member of the Welfare team.

It could be recalled that the Charity has the following measures of support:

1.    £700 from the membership contributions has been set aside for members to access depending on circumstance. For information and access, please contact any of these officers in confidence: Buka Demba on 07990808312; Famara Saidykhan on 07846540977 and Kebbaring Dampha on 07988785159.

2. Through Sanneson Associates, Alagy Sanneh has pledged to offer free service those self-employed members to access government grants. Please contact Alagy on 07886446135 for further information;

3.  An information service for those individual members who may have concerns and require advice on heath and other social issues has also been made available. If you are interested members can contact the following for further information: Lamin Sarr – Legal & social concerns: 07947568378; Jawara Saidykhan – Health & social concerns: 07576516883 & Lamin Manjang – Health & social concerns: 07958003923

To conclude, I’d ask for everyone to stay safe and take a very good care of yourself and look out for our neighbours during this unprecedented times. We adhere to government guidelines and ask for support if the need arise.

Sulayman A. Bah
Secretary General
(+44) 07506052314
