
Barrow’s Closing Remarks At Presidential Council Meeting

Your Excellency and Dear Brother Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal;

Honourable Ministers on both the Gambian and Senegalese sides here present;

Executive Secretary of the Senegalo-Gambian Permanent Secretariat;

Senior Officials and members of the delegations of The Gambia and Senegal to this Presidential Council Meeting;

Ladies and gentlemen,

As we come to the close of the Second Edition of the Presidential Council Meeting between the Republic of The Gambia and the Republic of Senegal, I express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Your Excellency and your Government for the cordial welcome accorded to me and my delegation and for generously hosting us for this meeting. I also thank you for the excellent facilities put at our disposal.

It was a delight to co-chair the Second Edition of the Presidential Council Meeting, as it gave us the opportunity to discuss salient matters bordering on the bilateral cooperation between our two countries, besides the opportunity to consult on international affairs of common concern relative to our sub-region and the continent of Africa. The meeting facilitated a candid exchange of views and adopting concrete positions on common objectives.

With reference to our bilateral relations, regional integrationย  and global issues, I am happy to express my satisfaction with the fruitful discussions we had.ย  They allowed us to review the cooperation agreements between our two countries and our common desire to strengthen them.

I welcome our resolve to heighten the bilateral relations between us and to broaden multilateral collaboration through South-South Cooperation arrangements.

I strongly support the push to foster genuine economic growth on the African continent for greater human development.

Your Excellency;

Honourable Ministers;

Ladies and gentlemen,

I congratulate our Ministers and senior officials on the sterling work they undertook these past two days, culminating in the comprehensive documents tabled before us today for endorsement.

I commend them further for diligently finalizing the various important agreements signed in our presence. ย  I remain confident that the various tasks we have set ourselves through the action points in the Report of the Second Edition of the Presidential Council Meeting, and the various objectives contained in the signed agreements will be pursued before convening the Third Edition of the Presidential Council in Banjul.

Your Excellency;

Honourable Ministers;

Ladies and gentlemen,

I will conclude by applauding the manner in which this Presidential Council Meeting has been conducted in an atmosphere of fraternity and cooperation.

The meeting characterizes the special bond of unity between The Gambia and Senegal, and which goes on to signify that our two countries are indeed one people divided into two nations, but with a common heritage and destiny.

I thank everyone present for a job well done, and I am pleased to express my eagerness to welcome and host Your Excellency and delegation in Banjul for the Third Edition of the Presidential Council Meeting on dates to be mutually agreed.

May the Almighty Allah continue to bless our endeavours and continue to guide and protect us and our peoples.

I thank you.
