
Kurang’s Firing Exposes Flaws

Mr Alhaji Kurang came up with very serious/alarming accusations and revelations regarding the operations of the Commission. As the Secretary to the Commission who is supposed to be responsible for its operational or administrative matters, it is his duty to try to address them or bring them to the attention of relevant authorities where his attempts to address them could not succeed. What the authorities should have done was to thoroughly investigate the allegations first rather than saying that “Mr Alhaji Kurang, made a number of unsubstantiated allegations against Counsel Amie Bensouda.” When I read Mr Kurang’s letter, it appears that he provided documentation evidences (in the form attachments/enclosures) to support some of his allegations.

I am on record to have said that the way this Commission was instituted had several flaws and I am being proved correct with these revelations. If these revelations are valid, the enforcement of the findings of the Commission can be very difficult in any fair and genuine court of law.

Mr Abubacarr Tambadou’s statement that “Mr Kurang acted beyond the confines of his administrative authority which was principally to execute the orders of the Commission and not to question the wisdom or motivations underpinning those orders” is an insult to Gambians and can only promote a culture of forced silence and for that matter bad practices, corruption, impunity, nepotism and favouritism in government. Any bona fide citizen of the country can bring to light such malpractices not to mention the fact that Mr Kurang is the official designated “Secretary” to the body. From the contents of the letter, Mr Kurang is not necessarily questioning the wisdom of the Commission. He has largely pointed out administrative and operational matters which are within his rights to do.

The allegations made by Alhaji Kurang must be investigated as they are unethical, unprofessional and potentially illegal. Proper “Investigations” should have been the first step but not to abruptly terminate his contract for doing what are within his democratic rights and technically within his duties and responsibilities as the Secretary to the Commission. If Mr Kurang decides to take legal actions for the wrongful termination of his contract, it can have very serious implications for the Government.

Morro Touray



  1. Lamin Joof Jawara

    Gambia now full of foolish talks and talktives. Why are you all silent when Jammeh was here. You cawards…

    • Lamin Ceesay

      Lamin Joof Jawara, I think this particular Morro was more active during Yahya’s regime than now. I have read his comments/contributions many times during Yahya’s time. He must be a UDP supporter that’s why he has now gone silent (my thinking only and I do not mean to make any offence). Above all, I think what is important here are his comments and not whether he was silent or not during Yahya’s time.

  2. Lamin Ceesay

    Morro, I must say that I associate myself with your observations. It is definitely technically within Kurang’s functions to highlight such “unethical, unprofessional and potentially illegal” actions as you have put it. If such responsibilities have not been spelt out in Kurang’s duties and responsibilities then something wasnfundamentally wrong with the design of the Commission.

    I listened to Almamy F. Taal’s interview with Fatu Network. If that is the view in Gambia Government quarters, it is then obvious that we have a long way to go. The sort of picture Taal was describing where authorities cannot be questioned is absurd. You can find such environments only in Gambia and African and has been responsible for their lack of good governance. During the design of the Commission checks and balances should have been put in place. Taal was emphasising team work, but where there are missing links in the team work it must be pointed out. Moreover, what Kurang said are very serious allegations and to say that they have been “unsubstantiated” is not enough.

    I am working for a public organisation here in the UK. On many occasions, I have declined to carry out instructions as I believed that they were not proper which is within my rights. And not only that I flagged them out with relevant authorities. If Taal’s reflections is the way government operations are conducted and the accepted culture, then the country has a long way to go. No one should carry out illegal activities and if one see them it is an obligation for them to report it otherwise they could be culprits in the actions.

    Thank you Morro for these observations.

  3. Alhagi Touray

    If What Mr. Kurang said is true about the commission of inquiry and the lead Counsel’s involvement in certain affairs, then the government should listen and make investigation. This is as simple as that. A whisleblower should be protected not sacked or fired.

  4. Momat Gaye

    Well said commentators and the author of the contribution. This is my first to comment here.

    I would like to join all of you to emphasise the need for a comprehensive and unbiased investigations of this serious case. That should have been the first thing and it is the results of that investigation which should have informed the necessary actions against Mr Kurang or Amie Bensouda.

    With these developments, those who were promoting Talib Bensouda as a possible future president of the Gambia simply got it wrong. They do not know what they are talking about. Talib does not have what it takes to be a President with these kind of dubious activities and behaviour. We hope Gambians and relevant authorities will be closely watching him.

    Alhagie Touray, you are right that whistleblowers should be protected. But from the look of things, Mr Kurang was in fact doing what he was supposed to do.