
Immigration Scandal’s Fact And Fiction

Pa Nderry M’bai  of Freedom Newspaper wrote:

Part of the Gambia Immigration Department’s intelligence findings revealed that out of the D180,000.00 that was received by Omar Badjie to be shared among some senior officers at the headquarters, Deputy Director Seedy Touray received D100,000.00.

Investigators Report Extracts Truth:

“Evidence herein exposed that the D180,000.00 received by Omar Badjie, which he said was going to be shared among some senior officers at the headquarters as in D100,000.00 for the Deputy Director General, D30,000.00 for Sambujang Badjie, D50,000.00 for him Omar Badjie, was never delivered and there is no evidence to collaborate his statement. Thus this is considered absolute greed with a view to implicate his superior and deny government from revenue.”

Here comes Pa Nderry again:

“The million dollar question is: where does these people get the courage to deliver D100,000 to Seedy Touray if he is not part of them? That’s the big question he needs to answer. If he was not part of the scheme to defraud the state, why was he handed D100,000.00 share?

My take:

One would sometimes wonder how conscious you are because you’re far fetch from basic understanding of the English language. This report is neither ambiguous nor rocket science to deter you from understanding the facts from fiction because Pa Nderry always believes what Pa Nderry says/wants. And it’s only his way or the high way. This makes many to believe that he is worse than many of Africa’s worst dictators who think they are the only saviours in their countries.(Not a good trait).

Investigators report further reveals:

The investigation also reveals that the said D180,000 which was to be shared among the senior officers at the headquarters D150,000 was returned to cashier Omar Ceesay leaving an outstanding balance of D30,000 which is yet to be recovered. The cashier confirms this.

“That Omar Badgie alleged that the said D180,000.00 to be shared among some senior officers at the headquarters as in D100,000.00 for the Deputy Director General, D30,000.00 for Sambujang Badjie, D50,000.00 for him Omar Badjie but there is no evidence to confirm that the money was given to the people mentioned”.

I defend the truth:

I think if Seedy Touray were as bad as how Pa Nderry had been portraying him, he would have taken the money and kept quiet. But he rejected the cash envelope when Omar Badgie offered him. Seedy instead asked him to pay it to the government coffers. This is what decent people do. But the Gambia Immigration Department’s New EL-CHAPO [Mexico’s jailed corrupt drug baron] in the person of Omar Badgie takes all without caring about the implications. More level headed and competent minded people are in that office who can do this job better than him, but because of his close association with Buba Sagnia (Zeal), Omar becomes the Rocket Man’s son at the Immigration. The likes of Bully Jobarteh have been in Internal Audit/Statistics unit for 14 years but have always been trampled upon.

Pa Nderry’s spanners at work again:

“The Immigration Intelligence unit didn’t do justice to the case. But thanks to the office of the Inspector General of Police and CMS Demba Sowe, a lot has surfaced from the police investigation that was not reported by the Immigration Intelligence unit. The police report will soon be out,” said one insider.

I want harsh punishment on corruption:

Ha ha ha.. come on, cut the bullcap and move on. This makes you the Judge, Jury and Executioner at the same time. That’s how unpathetic you are. The report clearly vindicated DDG Seedy Touray.

When you read the piece I sent to you all, it is evident that fingers are pointed at Omar Badgie, Sulayman Colley and Momodou Jammeh at the seaport.

But, most importantly Omar Badgie who is the New Jesse in the Hood at the Immigration, has the balls so strong enough to decide who gets what money and what amount shows you how dysfunctional our immigration department is.

These corrupt officers need to be fired to set good example for any would-be fraudster. Any drastic action taken against them will both serve as a learning curve and deterent to many others. We need a Gambia where no one have to bribe a superior to enjoy favours of promotions, selection or inclusion in the peacekeeping mission packages.

For your information, CMC Demba Sowe’s report is indeed laughable. It is nothing but Pa Nderry M’bai’s cooked figment – his usual style of news writing. Pa is the best in creating and trumpeting news that is far from the truth. I am anxiously waiting for Sowe’s report.

On the other hand, in your first story regarding this scandal at the Immigration Seaport, you (Pa) insinuated that DDGI Seedy Touray took a bag of money amounting to D700,000 but that turned out to be another of your phantom lies.

In your second, article you claimed that Touray was given D100,000, but that the investigation report found that to be untrue. Instead of retiring into your cage, accept defeat, apologise and repent, you are sharpening your tools against an innocent man, accusing him of being part of fraud when he in fact refused bribes.  Who are you Pa Nderry and what more will you believe in? Even in a court of law an accused person must be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

You can clearly see that your the figures in your first and second articles are nothing but a figment of distortions and deceit. You don’t even jive with what the investigation team has come up with.

Again, it is imperative for you to know that Seedy M. Touray was contracted with the United Nations Mission in Liberia until June 2018 but he decided to resign and answer to national service. This is what is expected of any Patriotic Citizen.

Mr. Touray headed the Immigration and Border Security Section of the United Nations Peace Keeping Missions in Liberia for several years. Through his sincerity and honesty, he became a symbol of success. Like or dislike him, the man has proven to be very aa smart, eloquent, level-headed, charismatic leadership material.

It’s better to take your time to your get facts straight rather than expose yourself to emarassment. Smart people always learn from mistakes but noentities don’t because they want to act hard balls.

See attached herein the D700,000 that was debited on a receipt attached to the investigation team’s final report.

Ensa A.B Ceesay
Ex-Cadet Inspector
Gambia iImmigratio Department
