You are at it again, attempting to impose your own misunderstanding of someone’s views on the readership.
Quote @ author: “when displaying leadership was consequential to have prevented a civil war in our country, during the political impasse in December 2016, Mr. Sallah paid his dues beyond the call of duty.”
The author, as far as I can see, referred to a specific period (during impasse) and claim that Mr Sallah paid his dues beyond the call of nature in providing the quality of leadership that prevented our country decending into civil war.
How could you interprete this statement to mean that “Mr. Sallah is the only one who prevented civil war or successfully helped the country…..” I think that’s the figment of your own imagination as a result of refusing to acknowledge the role that Mr Sallah played and the quality of his leadership during the impasse, and nothing exposes your grudge against Mr Sallah than your claim that, “Mr. Sallah spoke on behalf of coalition and whatever he said was never his personal opinion only but it was collective ideas or strategies of opposition coalition.”
Indeed, you have a point here, as Mr Sallah was the spokesperson and official voice of the coalition and it would, thus follow that whatever he said was reflecting the views or positions of the coalition. However, your inconsistency and insincerity becomes evident when go further and remind ourselves of your position during the coalition’s National Assembly Elections dilemma.
Whilst you so brazenly claim now that Mr Sallah was speaking on behalf of the coalition during the impasse, as the spokesperson, you have not held the same views when he spoke about the independent, non partisan candidates for the NA Elections, though he was still the same spokesperson of the coalition. May I now ask you whether Mr Sallah was transmitting the position of the coalition, at the time, when he informed the nation about the independent option at the NA Elections?
If yes, would you now say that those who provided a counter option went against the coalition option, and thus, betrayed the coalition partners?
If no, would you explain why, as spokesperson, “Mr Sallah was not speaking his opinion only but whatever he said was collective ideas or strategy of coalition”, in one instance, but (I would assume from you) he was speaking his own mind, and not that of the coalition, in another instance?
Bax said “ The author, as far as I can see, referred to a specific period (during impasse) and claim that Mr Sallah paid his dues beyond the call of nature in providing the quality of leadership that prevented our country decending into civil war”.
Here you are trying to tell us Mr. Sallah acted alone as a leader when in fact he was assigned to speak on behalf of opposition coalition leadership. It was a collective responsibility and Mr. Sallah was guided by other members of the opposition when he spoke . So for you to claim that he acted beyond the call of nature in providing leadership is simply an exaggeration and further mystification of Mr. Sallah’s ability . Here you are going further to suggest that Mr. Sallah performance was beyond the call of nature as if he has supernatural power or special power that no human being ever has . In simply term , if Mr. Sallah’s leadership performance was beyond the call of nature then you are trying to equate mr Sallah to God or highest being. This was what Jammeh has been doing for 22 long years . This is why I believe that some PDOIS disciples are indoctrinated and you have formed personality cult around Mr. Sallah . How could you claimed that being a coalition spokesman was beyond the call of nature? What special power or leadership capabilities did Mr. Sallah has which made his performance beyond the call of nature? I would like to see your answer.
With regards to Independent NA members, there was no coalition agreement on that and Mr Sallah ceased to be a coalition spokesman when the new government was installed by ECOWAS military intervention forces.
Max…Here are a few things to note:
1. The view I quoted from the author, never mind the conclusion you drew from it, is not mine and no same person can attempt to attribute it to me, unless I had expressed agreement to, or associated myself with, it.
I have done neither, so I have no answers to give you, because I did not offer the view point you are claiming.
2. Whether there was a prior agreement or not is irrelevant to my question for you. My question was for you to say whether Mr Sallah was expressing the “ideas and strategies of the coalition”, when he communicated the Independent candidates’ option to the nation, given that your claim is that, as spokesperson, he was doing just that during the impasse. I would refer you back to my options, where you either answer “Yes” or “No”.
3. @Max: “Mr Sallah ceased to be a coalition spokesman when the new government was installed….”
I would urge you to check your facts again. In fact, I will advise you to ALWAYS check your facts before you put them down on a public space.
For your info, Mr Sallah was putting on two caps during the impasse:
1. spokesperson of the president (and)
2. spokesperson of the coalition.
He only ceased to be spokesperson of the president when cabinet was formed. He continued to be spokesperson of the coalition and I believe, he is still holding that position.
You would probably want Mr Sallah to cease being the spokesperson of the coalition, but you will have to wait a bit longer, as he seems to command the confidence and respect of many in that coalition.
Bax , there is something fundamentally wrong with regards to how you quickly disowned your statements. But I will put them before you and readership to see how you distanced yourself from mr Camara’s statement eventhough your write up initially supported his view and you went further to make outrage claim and exaggeration . Please read your statement and mr Camara’s statement.
Mr Camara Quoted by Bax said @ author: “when displaying leadership was consequential to have prevented a civil war in our country, during the political impasse in December 2016, Mr. Sallah paid his dues beyond the call of duty.”
The quote above indicate that Mr. Camara only expressed his view that Mr. Sallah played extraordinary leadership quality during the impasse and this was why he asked the whereabouts of udp leadership and president Barrow. He never said that Mr. Sallah paid “his dues beyond the call of nature “ in providing the quality leadership. This was your imagination and exaggeration.
Here is your interpretation of what Mr. Camara said:
Bax said : “The author, as far as I can see, referred to a specific period (during impasse) and claim that Mr Sallah paid his dues beyond the call of nature in providing the quality of leadership that prevented our country decending into civil war”.
In the above statement, you highly acknowledged, associated and endorsed the statement made by Mr. Camara and you went further to exaggerate that Mr. Sallah “paid his dues beyond the call of nature “. The fundamental truth is that you have ascribed special power to Mr. Sallah and believe he acted beyond the call of nature. That means his leadership role during the impasse was divine intervention in your mind and he has special divine leadership qualities which helped to prevent civil war . This was how you interpreted Mr. Camara’s statement by exaggeration , mystification and cult personality like belief . It was this reason that I asked
What special power or leadership capabilities did Mr. Sallah has which made his performance beyond the call of nature? I would like to see your answer.
The next question is why you distancing yourself from the author and your statements when you claimed to have disassociated and disagreed with Mr. Camara eventhough you compassionately defended his view in your write up .
With regards to coalition spokesman, Mr. Sallah ceased to be spokesman when the new government was installed by Ecowas and new cabinet formed . Though you still believe that he is currently the coalition spokesman. This is the day dream and lack of reality orientation you continue to manifest and believe. Mr. Sallah will speak on behalf of PDOIS and serekunda central but he can’t speak for president Barrow or coalition government which he refused to be part of.
1. The quote you produced, if anything, only shows my attempt to point out how you may have misunderstood the author to arrive at your ridiculous conclusion that he views Mr Sallah as a God. It does not in anyway show that I agreed with the author, never mind elevate Mr Sallah to the status of a God. Astaghfirullah. I am a Muslim and will never, ever ascribe divinity to a human being.
2. The English phrase “beyond the call of….” is often followed by the word, “duty” rather than “nature”. (The author’s choice). So, has it occurred to you that the choice of the word, “nature”, may have been a typo error that the author failed to notice? Perhaps, you should have followed my advice and enquired from the author whether he meant, “duty” or “nature” before jumping to conclusions and claim that he viewed Mr Sallah as a God.
3. But even if the author had meant “nature”, the structure of the phrase (beyond the call of…) should have alerted your mind to the general usage of this phrase in English: an expression used to indicate that an individual had done extremely well; more than was expected of them. This is much in the same way as someone saying that “an individual had achieved a feat that is beyond all human capabilities”, or that “an individual achieved a feat that no human being can achieve.” Only a person with a serious language deficiency would claim that these individuals are being elevated to the status of a God.
4. Obviously, you don’t know the difference between the Coalition (The all party political entity that defeated Jammeh) and the Coalition Government (The executive comprising President Barrow and his Ministers). I won’t waste my time in this point, but for curiosity sake, could you tell whether the coalition still has a spokesperson and, if so, who is it? Or whether the coalition still exists, in your view?