
Financial Empowerment Is Back

Financial Empowerment program is back on Kairo Radio every Monday. Resourced by Gambian financial expert Kemo Barrow, the Financial Empowerment program which aired on Kairo Radio last year, took a break for some months. The moderator of the program Musa Saidykhan felt it was about time the program gets back on its feet, especially at a time when Gambians are healing the wounds of 22 years of Jammeh dictatorship. During the period, poverty had gone over the roof mainly because of bad policies, toxic business climate and Jammeh’s involvement in business.

In the past two programs, Mr. Barrow dissected the dos and don’ts of Taxes. Why people pay Taxes? What can be done before Taxes are paid? Why it is important to file Taxes? What can be done with tax returns? What are the consequences of not filing taxes? All these questions have been adequately answered by Mr. Barrow.

“The feedbacks we have been getting on the past programs are really encouraging,” Detroit-based financial expert said. “Thank you so much for giving us the feedbacks. We highly welcome your questions, comments and contributions.”

On this week’s Financial Empowerment table is the significance of teaching and talking to children about money or wealth. In that discussion will center on how to earn money, save, invest and give away. We will share some vital tips and recommended resources that help children to achieve financial abundance, independence and management.
