Adama Barrow: Gambian Prodigy

Dear Editor

Kindly allow me to use your reputable media to congratulate Gambians and their meritorious President.

I wish to register my profound congratulations to the Gambian sensation, President Adama Barrow and the people of the Gambia for their meritorious choice. The emergence of this progeny, Adama Barrow, on Gambia’s political scene was no doubt a divine intervention that could not have come at a better time. In retrospect, leading to the December 2016 Presidential elections, Gambians were almost compelled to give in to desperation and despondency, when undesirable brute force and ruthless decoy ambushed our political atmosphere. The resultant premeditated killing of the late Solo Sandeng and the consequent imprisonment of Lawyer Ousainou Darboe and others, signified the final nail on the political coffin of the then government in waiting.

However, while the incumbent dictator and his cronies plotted their conspiracy, the shrewd ad hoc think-tank, under the able leadership and tutelage of Hadja Fatoumata Tambajang, a woman of action and substance, was also scheming prudently. Mrs. Tambajang’s positive thinking attitude, maturity, wisdom, courage and levelheadedness coupled with her organisational prowess and conflict management skills enabled her to bring together the various opposition parties under the amicable ambience of amity (Coalition), to tackle a common enemy. The emergence of Adama Barrow to lead that Coalition took many by storm. However, the way and manner in which Barrow planned, organized and conducted himself during the whole process and beyond, was fabulous and second to none. Congratulations to President Barrow and Hon. Fatoumatta Tambajang. Congratulation to the entire Coalition, the Gambian people, home and abroad, Senegal, the E£COWAS and the rest of the free world for standing together and defending democracy and the will of the masses despite potential doom looming. Barrow’s honesty wisdom, humility, courteousness and respectfulness makes him Gambia’s prodigy, who instantaneously became the darling of the free world. His cool and calm nature, respectful conduct and character serve as a magnet which charms the admiration and approval from all and sundry. Keep it up Mr President.

Obviously President Barrow has opened a new chapter in the annals of Gambia’s political history. And all over the world, people warmly welcomed Adama Barrow’s emergence as Gambia’s liberator and shining star, depicting brighter future for the country. I strongly urge you, Mr President, to remain the Adama Barrow that we all know. Indeed your humility, courage and integrity, represents hope, inspiration and future success for Gambia. It is just a question of time, In sha Allah. May Allah (swt) grant him that realty, ameen.

Long live President Barrow, the Gambia

Alh Yahya Ceesay


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