An erudite Gambian political activist based in the United Kingdom is currently in the Gambia. Suntou Touray has manifested bravery by visiting and hearing the horror stories of those Gambian politicians who fearlessly put their lives on the firing line for six months before the election that swept Yahya Jammeh away. Having earlier heard the disturbing story of Honourable Fatoumata Jawara, the National Assembly Member for Tallinding, the United Democratic Party UK Coordinator still had the courage to listen to Nogoi Njie and Fatou Camera who were also beaten to come by Jammeh’s bragging security officers. All the three UDP politicians maintained their demeanour and told their horror story in detail.
After visiting the brave women who took the risk many men would not, Suntou Touray wrote about his visit.
I am honoured to receive the Iron ladies, Nogoi Njie and Fatou Camara last night. I listen with deep emotions to their personal ordeals. Both narrate their tortures and sufferings at the hands of evil Jammeh criminal NIA with pains and some humour. Fatou Camara, a quieter noble woman, speaks softly whilst Nogoi gives a firm reality of what was a murder and bloody entity….we were their voices during and after their ordeal. However, listening to the real voices from torture take one to another level.
Both women took pride in being conduit in ending tyranny. A personal satisfaction was feasible all over their faces….my sisters and Nieces shed tears hearing some gruesome accounts… it was necessary to hear first hand how Jammeh operates with impunity and cold heart. I had earlier met Madam Fatoumata Jawara at National Assembly building with pride a week ago.
Mr Suntou Touray is remarkable and seasoned political strategist and propagandist whose voice, contributions and wisdom has led to effective victory. I personally hope that Mr Suntou Touray is consider for the position of Ambassador to UK or any European country, a position he deserve. People like him have done great and excellent job for our country. We need people like him to truly represent our country. He is a patriot and he loves our diversity as people.
Kinteh (Kemo)
Dear Editor,
Could you please look into the posting and formatting? The article is barely edible!
Thanks for your consideration.
Kinteh (kemo)
Indeed, a remarkable and noble effort from Suntou worth emulating.