
Colonel Sanneh Is Clean

I have read an article by the so-called insider of the National Disaster Management Agency, implicating the Executive Director Colonel Alhajie Sanneh. I am convinced that the author of the said article has got an an axe to grind with an innocent person. The author’s characterisation of Alhajie Sanneh is far from the reality. I think the said article is borne out of hypocrisy, jealousy and witch-hunt. The Alhajie Sanneh I know is an upright, sincere and truth telling man. He does not mince his words when it comes to truth telling. I can swear by the holy Quran that Col. Sanneh will not, for whatever reason, threaten his subordinates with lethal weapon. What I know is that he carries weapon mostly for hunting purposes. But to accuse him of threatening “to fire his subordinates with a pistolโ€ does not hold water.

It is not also true that Alhajie brags about his relationship with ousted Yahya Jammeh. The man is proud of his identity and I don’t think he will abandon his Jola identity for any reason. He does not hesitate to tell you that he hails from Foni. A hater is the face behind the mudslinging article that aims to destroy the brand of a man who loves his country to the fullest. I have known and worked with Alhajie at the Defense Headquarters in Banjul. He has throughout proven to be a very accommodating and kind boss. Alhajie gets along with everyone at work. I hate seeing innocent people being ripped apart which is why I have decided to react. It’s not about defending Alhajie but telling the truth.

Bakary Jawara, Louisville, Kentucky



  1. Maxs

    Hey Bakary Jawara,
    I found one statement in your article very troubling to say the least . This statement is I will quote you;

    ” what I know is that he carries weapon mostly for hunting purposes ” .

    To give you a benefit of doubt, are you suggesting that when he went to work, he carried weapon for hunting purposes? Why did he carried weapon to work where there are no animals to hunt except human beings ? I think your suggestion that he carried weapon for hunting purposes when he went to work does not make any sense to any sensible human being. We all know that people who hunt in the bush do not carry weapon in public unless they are passing by or meet with a crowd .
    You have every right to express your personal relationship or experience with him but that doesn’t mean the author may not be right about his personal relationship or experience with Col Sanneh . Do you think Mr Borry Kolley’s family or wife will agree that her husband was a killer or human rights violator . She would never agree that her husband participated in killings.
    Why did Col Sanneh has to carry a weapon at national disaster management agency Which is non military agency where he was not supposed to carry weapon? If he truly carried weapon to National disaster management agency as indicated by the author then the author was very right to indicate that he threatened and intimidated his colleagues or co-workers at work . In Kentucky where you are , have you seen your co-workers carrying weapons to work despite USA has gun culture and second amendment rights to bear arms for self defense? Use your brain to connect the dots. I do not know the author but I believe his article makes more sense than yours in every aspect. Stop swearing to God about things that you are not aware or you do not know . Alhagie Sanneh had a great relationship with you did not mean that he had a great relationship with everyone, therefore if I were you , I will express my personal relationship with him but not try to generalize that ” he got along with everyone at work “. Let your heart not be troubled my independent view .
    Happy Ramadan to all Muslims.

  2. Banora

    Come on Max, Jawara didn’t write that Sanneh carries gun to work. He only writes that Col. Sanneh carries gun for hunting. Let’s give people the benefit of the doubt before we judge them outright.

  3. Maxs

    Banora , I think you missed the context in which the insider complained about the Col sanneh . The complaint has to do with work and how he used gun to threaten people and it has nothing to do with hunting. The question is why he carried gun to work ? why he went to work with hunting gun? Come on , lets us be truthful , the insider complained about mr sanneh threatened co-workers with gun then why mr jawara talked about mr sanneh carries gun for hunting ? If he is a hunter , he should be in the bush hunting rather than terrorizing his coworkers. Now that the Dictator is gone , if he carries weapon at work to threaten people , they should call police on him and get him arrested. By carrying weapon at work and threatened them ,he put fear in the civilians who worked with him. That was an act of terror because he put fear , discomfort and insecurity in the people who he should have been leading with full trust and confidence.
    Another question is , was Mr jawara at National disaster management Agency at the time the alleged incident happened? if the answer is no then i would say Mr jawara was a defense character witness. The evidence of his character witness is ” I have known and worked with Alhajie at the Defense Headquarters in Banjul. He has throughout proven to be a very accommodating and kind boss” . Here Mr Jawara came to defend his boss who was very kind and good to him but his boss was unkind and cruel to other people who worked with him at national disaster management agency as indicated by an insider. Mr Jawara went further to state that ” Itโ€™s not about defending Alhajie but telling the truth” , which is a lie because Mr jawara never indicated he was present or worked at National Disaster Management agency , therefore he has no knowledge whether this incident took place. He talked about Defense headquarters where he used to worked with col sanneh which is completely different from National disaster management agency. I hope you see what i can trying indicate here , Mr Jawara was simply a defense character witness in this case .
    Any good lawyer would not consider his statements as good evidence because he was not present at the time of incident . His statements was just a character witness which can be used by defense lawyer during sentencing to have mercy on col Sanneh if he is convicted of crime.
    I hope Col sanneh will speak for himself but so far we have not seen any evidence to exonerate his name for threatening his work with weapon . He needs to come forward to clear the air .

  4. Salieu

    Max is very right with Sanneh issue. The Sanneh I know even to punish he feel sympathetic, but saying he wantsโ€‹ to kill u with gun am not sure. Let the prove the case with a witness.