
Why Gambia Can’t Thrive Without Disapora

Image result for Gambia diasporaIn August 2015, I passionately predicted that the Diaspora held the key to ending dictatorship in the Gambia. This prediction turns out to be a reality. Even the ousted Yahya Jammeh agreed that without the Diaspora concerted efforts, he would still be lording over Gambians.
I still believe the Gambia cannot thrive without the Diaspora. The country needs to tap into the skills and talents of its Diaspora to service its economy, bring sustainable development, and map out brighter future. This will in turn ease the burden of dependency syndrome on the Diaspora. The economic, financial and political influence of the Gambian Diaspora will for a long time be needed in anything Gambian.
With this in mind, I wish to refer readers to my August 2015 article on this link: and see how I laid out my prediction. This might interest the keen followers of intellectual and substantive debates on Kairo News pages before or after December Presidential historic elections.