
Is GRTS DG Overstepping His Mandate?

          Ebrima Sillah GRTS DG/The Point

I am writing to express my sincere support and appreciation to Mr. Ebrima Sillah, the Director General of Gambia Radio and Television Services (GRTS) for the job well done. I also want to pass judgment on the writer who loaded baloney on Mr. Sillah. The said writer’s​ article is on the wrong side of history. The writer must recognize that Mr. Ebrima Sillah is ready for business and that the new Information Minister is a democrat who believes in the power of decentralization. Mr. D.A Jawo wouldn’t mind about Mr. Ebrima Sillah inviting even Keith Rupert Murdoch, an Australian-born American media mogul to GRTS without informing him. All Jawo wants is to see that all departments under his purview are functioning both effectively and resourcefully without his full intervention. In short, he wants his staff to exercise full control over their respective departments.

Minister Jawo will laugh off the suggestion that he should have been invited when foreign ambassadors were visiting GRTS facilities. Hey, this is not the lenses Mr. Jawo and Mr. Sillah see the world. I have a strong feeling that they will brand you as an out of touch person. Remember, by nature Mr. Jawo is not a person who has an obsessive need to exert control over people and situations. By the way, he isn’t a control freak; he will come to GRTS only on occasions when he is needed. Probably, the writer still thinks we are in the Jammeh dictatorship.

Finally, the recent television footage showing the new Justice Minister and his staff appearing before journalists reminds me of the type of democracy we have here in the United Kingdom. I have never seen that on GRTS during Jammeh’s era. I hope other departments will do the same thing so that we can see their staff. Mr. Abubacarr Tambedou’s action tells everybody that there is collective responsibility in his department. Well done Justice Department!

Lamin Ceesay
