Pa Nderry Mbai needs to cool down!
I think the allegation that the APRC loyalists are out to sabotage the new government is 100% true. We have people in the system who make it their duty to undermine the Barrow government without any reasonable justification.
These government officials have their collaborators outside the system. One of them is the Freedom Newspaper whose editor started calling this government “illegitimate or tribal” club. This should give any genuine Gambian the zeal to take on Pa Nderry Mbai head on. We must put sense into him to stop his ignorant, senseless journalism aimed at destroying what had taken our forefathers centuries to build. Pa must not be watched using his media as a platform to incite tribalism.
From every indication, it is clear that Pa Nderry has proven to be a hater who quickly changes colours. Today, he is in the same political camp with people like OJ, Baba Leigh and Halifa Sallah. Are these not the same people he had previously lampooned and insulted many times? Just few months ago, Pa castigated Mr Sallah for his “lack of honesty, clarity and unelectability.” Mr. Sallah is Pa’s new hero. What a hypocrisy! Pa did the same to Imam Leigh as soon as he arrived in the USA. He didn’t allow the tortured cleric to recover from his bambadinka nightmares either.
The same attacking dog took a swipe on OJ for failing to join the UDP to honour his (OJ’s) past promise to lead peaceful protest in the country. Top on Pa’s new heroes are OJ, PDOIS and Jammeh supporters.
Gambians must wake up and halt nincompoop haters from deciding our future. We will be doomed if we allow haters like Pa Nderry Mbai to shape public opinion or direct our future.
I am not the least surprised because I have known Pa to be the double edged sword who wines and dines with Yahya Jammeh and his opponents. In fact, in one of my articles I have indicated that Jammeh used pseudonyms to pass sensational information to Pa. Those who are closed to the dictator can attest to this fact. His shift to tear down the Struggle to Liberate the Gambia and threw venom on Faces of the Strugglers all provided us the clue that Pa had hidden a skeleton in his cupboard. Billahi, Pa Nderry hated seeing Yahya Jammeh go. He jumped ship when GDC was formed, becoming the party’s Goodwill Ambassador.
One thing that Pa is very skillful at is the ability to create breaking news where none exists. It is all part of his negative propaganda to satisfy his pay master’s heart desire to control the narrative, which distracts us from concentrating on real issues. Today, Freedom Newspaper’s stupid breaking news is all about “failed government or tribal politics.” Anything that pleases the APRC, divides or lampoons President Barrow or Ousainou Darboe fits in the agenda of Pa Nderry and his criminal APRC haters in the USA and Europe.
Should we all fold our hands and allow these nimcoomps to control the narrative? No! I will sharpen my pen and get dirty on haters. I will not hasten to expose their incompetence, inconsistencies and dishonest political journalism. And I hope the Hater-in-Chief will muster the courage to publish my articles if he truly upholds his “fair and balance” mantra. The fight must be taken to the doorstep of Freedom Newspaper. We are assured of a conflict-free, democractic and development driven country when we put this man in his rightful place. Pa has deviated from his journalustic principles to criticise the government or public officials constructively. No one can censor him to criticize the new government but he does not have the license to sow seeds of tribal discord, fear and hatred in a country whose people are struggling to heal from 22 years of brutal dictatorship. Pa Nderry needs to understand that fighting against dictatorship is over, for we have a new political leadership that is voted by the people and recognize by the world. The government must be held accountable based on rule of law and democratic values but calling the new government “illegitimate” is an insult to Gambian citizens and international community who stood firm until Yahya Jammeh was flushed out.
Pa Nderry Mbai must be oriented, cultured and harassed for us to live in peace and tranquility. Enough of his not needed torture lessons!
But what was a caption and bluff’s-face picture like “Honor Belongs To Pa Nderry Mbai For Being Jammeh’s Number One Enemy” to mean.…The guy has all the characteristics of FOLSORO/FOLSORR and hypocrite. He looks like one that could inspire a whole nation to be sycophants and praise singers. He hasn’t crap bit of an idea his rubbish headlines tells of himself.
Followers of all the Gambian online media should be cautious of lots of cocky-headed vipers like him.
Love For Gambia
You have hit the nail on the head. Pa Nderry careless what happens to anyone, so long he is getting the money. Pa is bias and a liar. He has no interest in nation development. The “So-Called Soldier”, fed Pa with information is no other than Yaya Jammeh and gangs. Pa contributed to so many people`s sackings, alleged tortured, bitter divorced stories.
Now we have a democratically elected president in office and Pa is at it again. Preaching tribalism sentiments and bias reporting. This idiot has no love for the Gambia, Our homeland. All he cares about is money he gets when people phone his radio and/or his online paper. The truth shall be told and everyone shall come to know, Pa Nderry Mbai, is a FAKE and contributed to some tortures and alleged killings in the Gambia.
Kemo Touray
Pa Nderry Mbai wants Yaya to stay in power, he is an enemy of peace. You are an anti-mandinka but remember is you Pa who killed the two US citizens. You and Fatou Camara are like 6 and 9. You were saying nonsense in your radios but you people totally failed. God bless the New Gambia, no more dictatorship.
Frankly, i cannot see any difference between Pa’s negativity and Maxs’s irrationality. They are a “sixer” and a “niner”.
Samba, you have hatred and bigotry in your soul. You are the worst liar I have ever come across in all my online debates . The reason why I said that to you is that you can lie with a pride on your Face instead of being shameful about it . Your main contribution is all about stirring tribalism. You lied about your identity, you lied about your pen name and you changed your pen name and blame it on a mistake . It wasn’t a mistake it was your intention to deceive people. Samba p jallow , stop your lies. As far as being rational is concerned, I am sure even my opponents will agree that I am more intelligent and rational than you. The mere fact that you cannot differentiate between racism and tribalism tell me your level of ignorance and education. You don’t even know what is a king maker because of your ignorance. My contributions in this forum speak for itself and those who are affiliated with the forum will attest to my ability and constructive contributions. I understand that you are one of the haters who joined this forum to throw your hateful venom but you failed in your efforts . I will continue to educate you here so that you will become a responsible and better person. This forum is designed for educational purposes so that we can intellectually brainstorm issues of national importance. If you disagree with anyone , try to bring convincing evidence to prove your points. My biggest opponents here are PDOIS disciples but I engaged them constructively and rationally to make my case . If you make your nonsensical claims, prove them with rational evidence. Example when you lied about your identity and asked how I know you are a fula , I quickly brought your own statements to indicate that you have said that you are a fula . You disowned your own statements. I am sure everyone here knew you are lying . If Morro is reading this comments, he can attest to this fact because he responded to you when you attacked me on my comments on the article ” why UDP prefers different route “. From that point onward , I consider you as a tribalist pathological liar who will say anything and do anything. I will never be bothered by your lies and hatred .
Gee! @Samba you noted it. You know, they say-(self promotion gives know recommendation).
@Max, you are in very difficult moments of your self-proclaimed intelligentsia and constructivism within these forums of evidently abundant intelligent and constructive citizens. Certain articles or comments that attract a lot of debate doesn’t necessarily indicate intelligentsia or constructivism in them if not a need to address the misinformation or dangerous incitements they contain. You seem incapable to see for yourself that lots of your comments or even articles are usually long and irrelevant to serve any good purpose to even a layman like myself.
Amazingly, you are either quoting to criticize unnecessarily or twisting around and muddying facts to put a blame on others where you yourself ought to be a culprit.
By the way how did you learn about the secret tunnels in the kitchen of Jammeh’s Kaninlai mansion? Did you recruit spies on a payroll of yours? How did you manage to get the telephone numbers of Jammeh’s cabinet ministers? Muchmore having tried to convince them to dessert the ousted dictator’s then weakened government…
@Max, how can you be talking about Oprah Winfrey being dubbed “king maker” and hope I should learn from that in a Gambian situation, where tribalism and disunity is being dangerously incited…
Please stay away far from a Jammeh-styled meddling or be seen as the ugly beasts himself.
To write;……….no recommendation.
Baboucarr Gaye
I don’t expect this media and it’s readers to be positive about Pa Ndare Mbye. But do remember that when he was fighting Jammeh all these years you were hiding behind him. We all wanted Jammeh to go but on the other hand lot of us are disappointed with this government and Pa is not affraid to highlight the truth. Pa keep the good work
Point of correction. It’s far from the truth to say that we were behind Pa Nderry. Most of us have been in the struggle to dislodge Yahya Jammeh since in the Gambia. It will be better to ask or verify issues before you jump to conclusions. You can defend anyone but it is not appropriate to lie in the process.
Baboucarr Samba
It’s not a question of telling truth to power. Nobody cares about that in a New Gambia. What we care about is the hypocrisy, the fanning of tribalism and inconsistencies. Let him keep away from these and see whether anyone will have any qualms with Pa Nderry Mbai. You can criticise but you don’t have to bring unnecessary issues into it. Anyone who fans seeds of discord and tribalism is public enemy number one.
What a toxic rubbish. Pa the bluff, has been as usual biting on his MacDonald’s in the U.S.a fanning Jammeh’s ……. when the real fighters were on the ground taking the hell of his 5* hotel and Banbadinka. Jammeh victims with regards to journalists is withnessed and documented. It is nothing to brag about but another hard facts is, only selfish hypocrites will want to pickpocket the good names of others.
Pure petty bourgeoisie is what defines Pa Nderry and clique.
Just note the twitch of his wicked smile!
Pa nderry is a Lunatic! And an enemy to Gambia’s national security. Case close