The ongoing debate and discussion in relation to the approach of the coalition to the incoming parliament is skewed towards depicting the coalition as a single entity with uniform intention of contesting the elections separately. Thus, many holes are left unfilled in the debate as many legitimate questions are not adequately addressed.
To this end, I maintain that we will not serve justice to individual political parties in the coalition if we continue to state that the coalition wants to set apart in the upcoming parliamentary elections. It will be unbiased if we specifically pinpoint parties and their stand on the issue in order to serve objectivity. The coalition consists of 7 parties plus an independent. Therefore, it will be an injustice to reduce the coalition to only two parties or to assume that they are developing tendency to stand separately in the upcoming legislative elections without fleshing out which party wants to set themselves aside and their arguments.
The logic is that whenever an issue is tabled before the group of divergent interest, the cleavage between certain groups will be narrower relative to the other. This is normally reflected in having majority who are in favor or against the motion.
As such, I am with the conviction that the stand of each party with regard to the coalition’s approach to the upcoming elections and the argument of each party should be deliberated rather than colouring the debate as if all party components of the coalition are blind to the national interest in their perceived inclination to contest the elections separately. In order to establish a constructive debate in a quest to enlighten and inform our readers and audiences, it will be of important to debate and discuss issues and foundations of those issues (what is said and why it is being said) rather those who are behind the issues (who said).
The prevailing assumption that for example, the United Democratic Party is keen to contest alone is not telling if we don’t put forward the argument of the party and interplay of factors that led them to take this assumed stand. Equally it is incomplete to assume that the coalition is not pursuing the national interest in their current perceived “division” over the issue at hand if we don’t present the degree of division in relation to how many parties are in favor of contesting the elections as coalition and their rationales.
Taking this approach could reveal that there is party one out of seven parties circumventing the idea of contesting the elections as coalition while the remaining parties take their positions in response to the individualistic approach of the first party. In either cases, serving national interest should be the reference point to qualify the approach of each party or group of parties as a legitimate option in our quest to salvage the country and heal the social, political and economic wounds of Jammehism.
Overall, while we have developed the courage to embark on discussing issues at length, we should equally develop the patience to feed our readers and audience with complete information that will answer the questions of who said what and why. This will not only help us to avoid engaging in character assassination and unnecessary argument over unsettled issues, but it equips us to debate based on the reality rather than on assumptions.
Alieu SK Manjang
Edi Boy
Halifa Sallah is the main reason of all this political problem. He is nothing but hypicrite.
I for one, I’m flabbergasted by what’s manifesting before our eyes; this “inconvertible” political issues is the very reason (stumbling block) why the opposition couldn’t “unify” in the past for so long; & the main facilitator for the entrenched murders, torture, maim, oppressions & looting & desecration of our meagre economic resources by the kanilai IBLIZ(A) Lucifer…
Why can’t the political parties see to eyes for our collective sustenance & work together for the transitional period & go in their various desired ways by the end as they so wish rather than undermining each other as being the case…???
Gambia is bigger than & more important than any & all the political parties collectively together…
Nobody will be allowed a ride on our collective communal back anymore for any manipulative tendencies whatsoever…
I have been saying this for years that Mr Sallah is not a good politician despite the fact that he might have best intentions for our country. He always proposed dumb proposals /ideas in every election season. In every political season , we will continue to see silly political propaganda, proposals and strategy to confuse people. Before the presidential election , his dumb proposal was a primary election which could have easily divided the opposition parties and give victory to expelled evil son of a gun in Equatorial Guinnea. Another dumb proposal of Halifa Sallah was to meet evil dictator at statehouse so that they would start formal discussion about incoming government but thanks to brilliant thinking of some coalition members , his dumb idea was rejected and today president Barrow is alive . Jammeh would have killed president-elect if he had opportunity to meet him but patriotic citizens who are security conscious and are good political strategists intervened . Mr Sallah’s another dumb ideas was to condemn both Mr Fatty and Mrs Tambajang during the so called transition period.
His latest dumb political strategy or idea for coalition independent candidates is designed to enhance his political leadership or influence during the transition period. Here is a man who refused to work with any geniune citizens both in the country and diaspora for 21 years of military dictatorship until the last minute when he knew the entire leadership of UDP was illegally kidnapped and inprisoned . He refused every single invitation to attend meetings in diaspora. His his acceptance of convention was a good idea but he was defeated .
Halifa needs to understand that coalition is not a political party but it was designed with an objective to remove the tyrant from power. We have achieved our objective . So let the political parties decide what is good for them and the country.
The alliance is made up of 7 political parties, one independent and several non partisan stakeholders, but even if we restrict ourselves to only the political parties and the independent aspirant, we can see that the majority (5: 4 parties + 1 independent) prefer independent alliance supported candidates. Max, if you have any democratic credentials, you will go with the majority, as you always advocated. Why single out only Halifa for blame ? Surely, you will not say that he is manipulating the others ?