
Let’s Help Little Oumie Reach Old Age

For the sake of God, family and this poor suffering young girl, please do help.

Because they are innocent and naive, children are always adventurous. Always want to try and learn new things. Sometimes, in doing that, it doesn’t end well for some of them. We were all once young and do know how it is with children.

This little girl in this photo is suffering from pain. Pain, according to family sources, derived from accidentally drinking poisonous local soap called ‘soda.’ The results of which destroyed her throat and her gullet.

She can’t take anything orally. She can’t swallow food or water either. Presently, she can only feed and drink through a tube inserted in her stomach. Doctors who attended to her have advised the family that the girl needs overseas surgery that cannot be done within The Gambia.

The little girl’s young mother who is 21 was newly married to a young man who took the back way of the cruel Mediterranean Sea, in the hope of reaching the shores of Italy in the quest for greener pastures to maintain his young family. Unfortunately, the young man, this little girl’s father lost his life along that route.

The family is from a very poor background and cannot support themselves financially, let alone pay for the treatment of this young girl.

Please help Oumie survive whose only crime was mistakenly drinking poisonous soap.

The girl’s mother hasn’t got a phone, but, anyone interested in helping and wants to verify story before doing so, can reach the little girl’s uncle, Ebrima on telephoneย 00220 7327315.

You can also do so byย clicking this Go Fund Me link below:

Every little help counts.



1 Comment

  1. I pray that beautiful little Oumie will get help soon.