The Gambia’s Departing Dictator
Yahya Jammeh having emptied the Gambia’s Treasury of $11 MILLION, the new Government must issue an arrest warrant for him NOW – and get the UN Security Council to FREEZE Jammeh’s ASSETS WORLD-WIDE.
In addition the UN-Security council must impose a TRAVEL BAN on Jammeh – and the Presidents of Mauretania and Guinea who knew what was happening because they tried to get immunity for this daylight robbery in that “Draft Agreement” – until the money is returned to The Gambia. I have no doubt that some of the money went to the Presidents of Mauretania and Guinea – absolutely certain.
No Need for a Commission of Inquiry
All we need is a statement of complaint from the Central Bank Governor – and the Managing Directors of the other Gambian banks whose money was looted. Under the Rule of Law in The Gambia and everywhere else all one needs to do is make a report/complaint of a crime for the police to act. A crime has been committed, and we do not need to wait for a Commission of Inquiry.
Other Looters
Again these do no need to wait for a Commission of Inquiry. If they walked into Gamtel, GPA or Trust Bank on a regular basis and collected millions for Jammeh unlawfully, then a COMPLAINT TO POLICE SHOULD BE MADE NOW and the LOOTERS ARRESTED (I was arrested for questioning why 50,000 Dalasis was collected from the Observer UNLAWFULLY by Amadou Samba. The Chairman, Neneh MacDoual Gaye is ON TAPE telling me that is normal!). Once proper statements of a crime being made in The Gambia has been filed with the Gambian Police, the Looters must be arrested at once (They can if need be bailed to their Gambian homes – once their properties and assets in The Gambia have been frozen).
President Barrow’s Government needs to act with absolute urgency. Jammeh’s people have began to take their loot and run away from The Gambia, and many more will do so in the current power-vacuum in Banjul.
God-Bless The Gambia. At least we avoided a war and bloodshed – and yes, the world will already be thinking of putting Gambia back on its feet by releasing millions of dollars. But looters must be pursued vehemently – even if to ensure that those who think of looting in the future will know that they will lose everything.
Dida Halake
Notting Hill
London UK
My in-law….
I think when we look back into history, even into a period in Africa when mass communication was almost non existent to allow the sort of noise we can make today, and reflect on the effects, at the time, of concerted global campaigns on the final days of Africa’s worst dictators in exile, we can be comforted by the knowledge that Jammeh has a long, hard and isolated life before him.
The Gambia Government will most definitely pursue Jammeh, through the proper National and International channels, once they have thoroughly investigated and conclusively established his alleged crimes, and with the noise that we can make today, thanks to the global network and networking, it will not take long before the “long arm of the law” catches up with Yaya Jammeh.
We should note that already, the International Community, through the EU, has set the ball rolling by passing Resolutions that demand/ recommend sanctions against Yaya Jammeh.
I have a feeling that Yaya Jammeh will suffer the fate of Bokassa. He will eventually be so isolated, so broke, so abandoned (even by the 50 or so people he had fled with), that he will have no choice, but come back to The Gambia and face the consequences of his 22 years of impunity and misrule.
Time will tell and I hope we are around when it does…
Luntango Suun Gann Gi
Look out for the web-site SAMBAGATE.COM to be launched by yours truly soon … the name is in honour of the gang that looted The Gambia.