
Samba Tells Jammeh To Blink; What More Capital Does He Have?

It is now crystally clear that the Gambia’s defeated President has lost significant amount of political, social or religious capital in the country. Besides, fringe support from the military whose high command has been bribed with looted money and impromptu promotion, Yahya Jammeh has nothing to hinge on. His support is rapidly dwindling among the pillars that hold his presidency. One of these pillars is lawyer turned business tycoon Amadou Samba who joins voices of reason, pleading to Jammeh to accept defeat, step down and hand over power to President-elect Adama Barrow.

In a letter, the outgoing leader’s strong economic pillar has the audacity to advise him to make transition process smooth. Mr. Samba is a strong member of Jammeh’s Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction party.

Find below Amadou Samba’s letter to Yahya Jammeh.

His Excellency Sheikh Doctor Professor Alhaji Yahya AJJ Jammeh Babil Mansa

C/o Secretary General

Office of President  

State House 

The Gambia  

Friday 16th day of December 2016

Your Excellency, 


Peace and Stability in The Gambia 


I am writing to reiterate my thoughts and advice as a Gambian citizen and a private businessman who has been participating in national development over the past 35 years.


On December 2nd 2016, Your Excellency graciously conceded defeat in a televised conversation to your opponent President-elect Adama Barrow. This noble gesture of yours was applauded around the world. It generated many positive references from newspapers and statesmen around the world including President Barack Obama and Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.


Since your statement of December 9th, many organisations including the UN Security Council, the USA, the EU, the African Union, ECOWAS, the Gambia Bar Association, the Gambia Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Gambia Teachers Union, the Muslim and Christian Religious Leaders and others have all asked that you respect the choice  that the Gambian people made on the December 1st 2016 elections. Given the strong global reaction, it is important to reflect on the fact that the Gambian people have made their choice and the world community is strongly supporting this choice.


I write to affirm to you my conviction that the wisest course of action today is to undertake a process of respecting the commitment Your Excellency made on national television on December 2nd 2016 of cooperating with President-elect Adama Barrow for a smooth transition.


During my 35-year carer as a private businessman, I have achieved many success and endured many setbacks. I have been a supporter of the APRC from its earliest days.  I have freely contributed to many projects undertaken by the APRC Administration out of my own pocket. I did all these things because of my love for my country and wanting to work hard so that my children and grandchildren can grow up in freedom and prosperity for all Gambians.


It is out of this same sentiment that I implore Your Excellency to cooperate with President-elect Adama Barrow for a smooth transition. I also urge you to cooperate your fellow ECOWAS presidents and members to ensure that peace and stability shall forever reign in our motherland.


For The Gambia our Homeland, I remain,


Yours Sincerely,


Amadou Samba



  1. Kanja Sanneh

    Very good Mr. Samba. Well written and said. Kanja Sanneh

  2. Maxs

    Dictator jammeh is bluffing or should I say he is looking for amnesty which he is never going to have even when the president-elect Barrow and his team say they are not going to prosecute him . Mr outgoing and defeated president , please vacate the office so that even animals such as cows , goats , sheep and camels in The Gambia can have peace of mind . You have slaughtered hundred of thousands of these animals as a sacrifice but that did not stop you being the most hateful person and the worst person in the world. Gambian people know you have nowhere to go since the world has considered you as an evil soul . Please leave our country in peace so that we can happily continue our celebrations throughout the country. As Bakawsu Fofana said everyone is happy except the Dictator jammeh who is so scare and feeling sad . I suspect the evil woman Vice President is also contemplating to leave but you have held her hostage and she will die with you in your misery . Next person to ask the Dictator to step down might be Muhammmed Jah , he need to do what everyone is doing to ask jammeh to step down . Your tribal militia forces will soon abandon you just the elderly Jola people all have indicated to you to step down. Old napoleon , It is time to go with your deadly jugulars.

  3. Lamin

    Mr. Samba is not giving up on Jammeh because he loves Gambia or dislikes Jammeh’s wickedness. Mr. Samba is leaving Jammeh for self preservation. He knows that when Jammeh and his known associates are sanctioned by the UN he will be number two on the list. This will seriously affect his global businesses.

    Gambians should stop being gullible and clapping for Mr. Samba. This man has consistently being indifferent to the plight of ordinary Gambians. He is abandoning Jammeh to preserve his wealth and neck.