The 2016 election affair is now getting messy. Our beloved Gambia is fast becoming a business enterprise, Turn-by-Turn Gambia Limited, with every Tom, Dick and Harry wanting to become the country’s Number One citizen. Why did I say so?
It has been 22 years since God put The Gambia under the biggest trial in the history of our existence, by giving us none other than Yahya Jammeh as our Head of State. In these 22 years, Gambians have put up with a Head of State who is second to none in mendacity, hypocrisy, in torture and in everything evil. For 22 years, Gambians have endured the kind of dictatorship that the rest of Africa has not witnessed since the demise of Idi Amin Dada, Emperor Bukassa and Sergeant Samuel Doe. For 22 years, President Yahya Jammeh has been aided and abetted, in his crime against The Gambia and her people, by elements of our armed & security forces and by the APRC-elected Parliamentarians, the latter, from the vantage point of their dominance in the National Assembly. For 22 years, one group ensured the enforcement of Jammeh’s mostly illegal orders whilst the other legitimised his illegalities by supporting and passing laws that provided the legal framework to validate his actions. In other words, these two groups, plus some selected selfish Gambians, collaborated in an unholy Trinity Alliance to mortgage our beloved country to Yahya Jammeh in return for transient economic cum political fringe benefits. So, if there is one lesson Gambians should learn from our experience of the last 22 years, that lesson should be: to, henceforth, develop a critical mind that would carefully evaluate any person who wants to run for the highest office on the land.
Given the above, when one of those who had been an integral part of the unholy alliance that destroyed our country beyond compare, decided to re-brand himself as a political born-again wanting to “salvage” the country, we should question his sincerity, evaluate his intentions and commitment to the welfare of our people. I must admit that the move itself is not so surprising in the new Gambia where most of us now appear to have been morally “re-orientated” under the Sheikh’s APRC influence. However, what is most surprising is to see Gambians falling head over heels in love with such a man and his party. Is it a dream? I ask myself. I truly cannot get my head around this obvious folly. It is either we, as a people, have exceptionally very short memories or we are nothing but a nation of hypocrites; and I am inclined to believe that the latter is the case – a nation of hypocrites. It sounds harsh but that is the reality. In a normal setting, all the APRC Parliamentarians, should have been busy defending their integrity in constituted competent courts of law for their crime(s) against the Gambian state, and not have the audacity that they now display as contender(s) for the highest office on the land. But like I said earlier, after APRC’s “Re-orientation” of the Gambian people, foul has suddenly become fair and fair has become foul. That is why even the Sheikh’s queer comportment appears normal and acceptable to Gambians; one gets flabbergasted that there are some over-zealous supporters who are willing to commit any atrocity on the orders and in defense of the Sheikh.
So, in view of Mr. Kandeh’s desire to seek Public Office, I think it is very important, at this juncture, to thoroughly scrutinize him to avoid any semblance of a Yahya Jammeh-reincarnation. Given this premise, let us take a look at this re-branded politician to unmask him, because as far as I am concerned, this man is wearing a mask that needs to be pulled off for our people to see who he really is.
As a premise, Mamma Kandeh is (and should be seen and regarded as) an excommunicated member of the ruling APRC party, a fact confirmed by Mr. Kandeh himself in an interview with the Standard Newspaper (29 June 2016 edition), where he was quoted saying “I was expelled from APRC on 3 April 2013”. Therefore, to me, until his dismissal, he was an integral part of the system that has mortgaged (and continues to mortgage) our country to Africa’s latest dictator. In fact, until the emergence of the GDC, Mamma Kandeh, to some of his APRC colleagues, was still an APRC member, never mind his dismissal three years prior. To corroborate this statement, Mayor Yankuba Colley, in a news article captioned MAMMA KANDEH BETRAYED PRESIDENT JAMMEH (The Standard, 1st July 2016), had this to say about his former APRC colleague:
“Yes, he was expelled from the APRC but after that, he asked me to facilitate for him to meet with the president. But to remind him, after meeting the president along Bertil Harding Highway, where the president was on a spot visit—if he could fully remember—he said to the president that he would never betray him and that he would be his number one supporter and the last person to betray him. That was the last [time] we met. This is why when I saw his letter from the IEC saying Mamma Kandeh has registered a party, I could not believe that it is the same Mamma Kandeh”. Continuing further the Mayor Colley nailed the coffin with the following statements: “I was not sure it is the same Mamma Kandeh I sat together with the president who promised never to betray the president. It looks like a dream to me that the same Mamma Kandeh betrayed the cause”.
The above statements say a lot about Mr. Kandeh. First, the above statements imply that Mr. Kandeh, at the time, did not mind a reinstatement into the ruling party. Otherwise what was the point in meeting the president to show his loyalty promising to be his supporter Numero Uno? It also implies that Mr. Kandeh would not have left the APRC party on his own volition if he was not dismissed, and that, to me and any other critical observer, is an indication of Kandeh’s continued endorsement of President Jammeh’s stewardship of the Gambian ship for the past 22 years and beyond, hence his pledge to be his “Number One supporter”, as alleged by the KMC Mayor. But of utmost significance is the Mayor’s implicit depiction of Mr. Kandeh as a two-faced man: – one face is a Mamma Kandeh who promised to be the “Number One supporter” of Yahya Jammeh thus implicitly endorsing all of the APRC Government’s policies. The other face is a Mamma Kandeh who now heads GDC, a supposed Opposition party that opposes Yahya Jammeh (and the APRC Government’s policies) and is working to replace him as president of The Gambia. So I ask: How does Mr. Kandeh himself reconcile these two mutually exclusive positions? Secondly, which one of the two Mamma Kandehs is being presented to the unsuspecting Gambian voter?
Mayor Yankuba Colley’s view of Mr. Kandeh was corroborated in another article in The Standard Newspaper (14 July 2016 edition) captioned “Mamma Kandeh is dodgy”. In this article, one Facuru Sillah (supposedly Number 2 man in GDC, at the time) was quoted saying that GDC’s “intentions are shrouded in doubts, and their ways are wayward” and that Mamma Kandeh has a “….dodgy behaviour” which made him (Facuru) to part ways with him. If this two-faced portrait of our presidential aspirant was expressed by his former APRC colleagues only, we might have some doubt in the veracity of the claim. However, if the same sentiment is echoed by a non-APRC member and a one-time close ally of the man, then every right-thinking person should be concerned. This is a RED FLAG.
As if the above contradictions were not enough, Kandeh himself dropped the bombshell in a news article authored by one Sheriff Phatey dated 26th May 2016 captioned “Presidential term limits not in Kandeh’s plans, to stay in power as long as Gambians want”. In this article, Kandeh was alleged to have said that two five-year term limits was not enough to solve the country’s “teething troubles” caused by Jammeh and the APRC party. What an irony! You worked and endorsed the party that created all the mess, now you turn around asking people to entrust you to clean the mess but then this cannot be done in 10 years! How audacious can one be? Nowhere in the article was it mentioned that Mr. Kandeh had accepted responsibility (either fully or partially) for the “teething troubles”, given that he was, at some point, part of the team that caused the “teething troubles”.
To me, the above is enough warning to be truly wary of our new man in town. Yet when you ask people what is it that attracts them to a man with such a baggage around him?, the answers that have become a constant are: he “looks presidential”; he “attracts a lot of followers” and he has a winning formula. For God’s sake, I can understand when such answers come from a barely literate person. However, when such statements come from supposedly educated fellows, it is a grave cause for concern especially when these are the so-called future hopes of our dear motherland. Do we mean a man’s mere “looks” are enough to entrust him with the life of a whole nation? One thing I have learnt and validated from my very early age is William Shakespeare’s famous quote in Macbeth “there is no art to find the mind’s construction on the face”. Yahya Jammeh was seemingly a “freedom fighter” to his comrades in arms until he assumed the mantle of leadership. Now the rest is History. In fact, what does the phrase “looks presidential” mean? What looks must one possess to “look presidential”? I asked because I am very curious.
I read one piece on Mamma Kandeh which, among other things, states “The new leader of the GDC is indeed a very attractive candidate, a fresh face, youth and the fact that he is not one of the old opposition leaders that people see as part of the problem, gives him that edge. Politics is about timing, and time investment does not necessarily guarantee an advantage”.
In all honesty, I want to ask the author following questions:
- How “attractive” is a man who has supported all the terrible laws that the APRC Government enacted since coming to power? Was it not by virtue of their majority that the APRC party, of which Mr. Kandeh was an integral part, decided to bastardise the Second Republican constitution with all the alterations and amendments which rendered it totally useless? I ask: How attractive can Mr. Kandeh be to those parents whose innocent children were mowed down with guns on that fateful day in April of 2000 but the culprits of which crime were indemnified by laws passed by the APRC parliamentarians by virtue of their majority, never mind Mr. Kandeh was in that parliament or not? How attractive can such a man be to any conscious citizen with a bias-free mind? How attractive can a man be when they associate themselves with the bitter legacy of the APRC?
Deep down, do we truly believe in the statement that Mr. Kandeh is a “fresh face”? What is “fresh” about the “face” of a candidate who has been on the wrong side of the political spectrum and who partook in enacting and legitimising all the Draconian laws of our land? Can we call an old wine “fresh” simply because it is now put in a new bottle? How serious are we about the future of our country? What lessons have we learnt in the past 22 years of Yahya Jammeh’s stewardship? I weep for that beautiful country called The Gambia, if this is how her sons and daughters rationalize matters of life and death.
How can any genuine person implicitly absolve any APRC parliamentarian from responsibility for our current predicament and refer to our Opposition leaders as “part of the problem”? Are we day-dreaming? Or is this Philosophy walking on its head? Granted, we have a rotten system in The Gambia that everybody acknowledges. For ages, we have been trying to bring our Opposition parties together to form a united front to fight the common enemy instead of fighting themselves. However, it is also not Rocket Science to understand that the lack of unity is mainly an outcome of the hypocrisy and the self-centeredness of some members of the political class as well as some of the so-called Diasporan “Strugglers” “fighting to liberate” The Gambia. Otherwise, truth should be (and as a matter of fact) visible to all. At this juncture, I am very convinced that you can only wake a man up if he is sleeping. However, if he pretends to be sleeping, there is no amount of noise that can wake him up. Instead of realizing that this is the wrong time to have more parties in the Opposition, nay we see the new party as “fresh” and not a part of the problem. In fact, as far as I am concerned, the new party is not only a “part of the problem”, they in fact constitute the new problem at a time when we have almost found a solution to our perennial challenge, given that Gambians have now obviously started to turn their back against the Sheikh as exemplified by the formation of the G7 Plus 1 Coalition. This is certainly not the time for a proliferation of parties, instead this is time for a consolidation of the already existing parties. And to talk about politics being “about timing, and time investment does not necessarily guarantee an advantage” is the worst (and most dishonest) intellectual judgment anybody can make. So do we mean the emergence of the GDC at this juncture is timely? Do we sincerely believe that this is the time to have more new faces in the Opposition to alienate “old opposition leaders that people see as part of the problem”? It is either we do not understand the basics of party politics or we are being intellectually dishonest. What message are we trying to convey?
How about other crucial matters like governance? How much effort have we put in to fathom what a GDC government is going to look like? I have come across what appears to me like a mumbo jumbo document, referred to by GDC as a Manifesto. To be frank, my worry about our two-faced new man in town was completely dwarfed by what I read on that document. Are we being taking for a political ride by the GDC? Is that the best that GDC can produce? Apart from the incoherence which was the hallmark of that document, its opacity left me wondering whether that was a deliberate action on the part of the drafters to shroud their intentions or it was an unwitting display of lack of capacity. Again, how attractive can such a mediocre work be to any genuine and patriotic Gambian? Are we just concerned with the flashy things (superstructure) or the actual substance (substructure)? I see a group basking in absolute Utopian fantasy like a headless chicken, yet some of our “educated folks” say this the “attractive” group because the man in charge “looks presidential”. Truly some people are jokers and they want to extend this joke to rest of the sane world. I refuse to be a part of the tasteless joke.
The last seven months have been quite eventful in the political life of our country. As sad as this period had been, it also provided sober, honest and genuine Gambians the opportunity to assess the level of commitment of the politicians to our cause, as a people held in bondage against our will. If there was anybody with a cobweb around their head regarding who to cast their vote for, it is now crystal clear as to which party (or group of parties) truly has the people’s interest at heart and thus well deserving of our votes. While acknowledging the right of everyone to vote for their choice of party, how can any genuine and well-informed Gambian vote for any political movement other than the Coalition 2016, if we truly want change?
As I pen this piece, all kinds of allegations are flying around, linking GDC to APRC and the GDC leader as a political surrogate of the leader of the APRC. Mr. Kandeh needs to clear the air regarding this and other baggage around him. A number of pundits have even started labeling his party as APRC 2. The burden of proof lies with Mr. Kandeh to convince Gambians that he is not a cat’s paw used to cause havoc to the political dreams of the majority of Gambians.
In concluding this piece of opinion, I would like to state the following:
- Mamma Kandeh is a bonafide Gambian and has all the right to vote and be voted into any political office in The Gambia (provided he qualifies), in accordance with the existing laws of The Gambia and our electoral by-laws. He is at full liberty to exercise his democratic rights. However, it is important for him to know that just as he is at liberty to exercise his democratic rights, we the masses too have the inalienable right to evaluate the actions and utterances of our politicians to decide who truly is deserving of our votes. It is such inalienable right that I have exercised here by bringing him (Kandeh) under the surgeon’s knife in this article.
In my view, Mamma Kandeh has a lot to answer regarding his role in mortgaging the future of this country to President Jammeh. We must not forget that the A(F)PRC suspended certain people from holding public office when they took over. What was their crime – association with the then PPP regime. We now know, the PPP is a party of saints, when compared with the A(F)PRC. Therefore, until Kandeh does that, I, and many others like me, cannot and will never take him serious for he is no different from the Sheikh. The only variation is that the Sheikh, apart from being the most ignorant professor in the world of academia, has an added Military and an exceptionally queer tinge which makes him more interesting to political analysts, and perhaps to the entire world.
Gambians should cast away hypocrisy and focus on the real issues that confront us as a nation. This is not a Bandiraabe/Mboka/Mbaading business. This is about our country, our future and the future of our children and grandchildren. It is not a person’s “fresh face” or his/her “presidential looks” that makes him a great leader. In Elizabethan English, it is said that once beaten twice shy. In my native Manding language, it is said the eye does not carry load but it recognises the load that the head can carry. If we repeat the same mistake we made in the case of the Sheikh, we will live to regret more than we are regretting today. That is why the December 2016 election is an election like no other.
I have said my bit and, as my Fula/Fufulbe in-laws say, “Anndudé fof ne wēbi kono haldé fof mojjāni. Hiiri Leloyoden” or as said in Mandinka, “Bey Long Yēdì Bari Bey Fõ Mēdì. Suwõ Kõuta Aling ngallaa.
By Janko Camara
Mr Camara , you have spoken my mind . Gambia has become ” a nation of hypocrites ” and “nation of cowards ” because majority refuse to accept and speak the truth . Mama Kandeh is not different from Jammeh . He has contributed to Gambia’s political oppression. As you rightly indicated, mama Kandeh and APRC members should have been explaining their past roles but they are given free ride by bunch of dishonest citizens. I feel very sad for our beautiful country. After 22 years of Jammeh’s regime , deception, lies and dishonesty has become part of our national psyche . Some Diaspora strugglars with their own selfish agenda are part of the problem. Looking at the background of most of GDC supporters, they lack moral decency and principle. Even in this forum , we have people like D. hydara suddenly switched side because of lack of moral principle , values, honesty . Diaspora struggle is fill with such dishonest citizens who have no moral compass. If we let dishonest and ignorant citizens lead us , we will be destroying our own future.
Ebrima, fact is always same ANYWHERE whenever, wherever & however said &/ spoken; there are ONLY two sides in the Gambian struggle which is EITHER with & for the people OR against the people & in for SELFISH ENDEAVOURS hands in glove with the MURDEROUS kanilai KILLER DEVIL…
If Mama Kandeh & ANY OTHER person TRUTHFULLY have the country’s BEST INTEREST AT HEART they would’ve joined the Noble Coalition efforts of selfless Gambians to rescue the country FIRST at all costs; & think of PERSONAL individualistic aspirations after which is ONLY possible in a civic levelled Gambia after MURDERER yaya KILLER DEVIL jammeh & mercenaries aid abetters are uprooted…
It’s Kandeh & ANYBODY else’s constitutional rights to do what one wants; BUT ANY irresponsible careless actions (conscious & unconsciously) CONTRIBUTING to the collective PREDICAMENTS & INHUMANITIES have consequences in life; history continues to record indelibly…
Long live the Gambia…
Deyda Haidara
Mr. Author, if the so-called Jammeh enablers are to be disqualified to hold office then our country is heading for more trouble greater than the one we have now.
For the records Mama Kandeh never endorsed any law that is not in favor of the people of the Gambia. Hon Mama Kandeh voted against all bad laws tabled in the House. Secondly Hon. Mama Kandeh never bent his back to till a farm belonging to Babilimansa. It is in fact for the above reasons that Hon. Mama Kandeh was expelled from the APRC. Also do always remember that the people of Jimara are free people and were never forced to vote for Mama Kandeh, it was their choice and twice he beat the flag Coalition bearer Adama Barrow in the polls.
Now back to history. In 1995 it was Dembo Satang Bojang and some Mandinka Elders who ask Yaya Jammeh the soldier to drop his military uniform and put on a civilian dress so they can campaign for him to be the next elected president of the 2nd republic. Captain Kanteh now residing in Switzerland confirmed this truth in one of his interviews at Freedom Newspaper. He said in fact none of the then Council members were aware of the scheme and conspiracy. When this group of Mandinka elders started crisscrossing the country selling the conspiracy to Gambians was when the AFPRC council members knew about the plot Jammeh concocted in their back with these Mandinka Elders. All the council members were truly surprised as they were of the notion that they will hand over power to the next Civilian winner of the 1996 elections. The majority of Gambians who approved the coup d’état got pissed off as well but had no choice because they did not like the PPP metamorphosed into UDP party. PDOIS was not much appealing to voters alas! They are still not even 22 years of appeal despite the high quality of their leadership. Under the newly conducted Convention they even lost five delegates of theirs much to many observers chagrin. NRP was branded an APRC implant.
So, to refresh on the history of the formation of the APRC, Gambians were in front of a “fait Accompli’ whiles many had their eyes glittering on the new developments such as the television station (GRTS) which was a pride to all Gambian watching RTS TV of Senegal, the news schools, the two hospitals, the Arch 22 all of which finance by switching the Gambia from China to Taiwan’s cash dollar diplomacy.
By this time Late Baba Jobe and Yankuba Touray the two biggest loud mouths started calling Jammeh Mr. President and dropped the name Chairman of the AFPRC. Again two mandinkas forcing our Mandinka parents to vote for Jammeh or else…? Mandinkas being the largest ethnic group in the country made Jammeh what he is until now.
Here again Janko, besides the Legislature that you threw heavy stones at and rightly so, you failed the readership by including Honorable Mama Kandeh name who GDC knew he was a Rebel in their midst and the Black sheep who towed their lines on all unpopular laws thus earning him an Red card from the APRC in 2013.
Also remember that Mama Kandeh was the campaign manager for Hon Amath Bah’s NRP in 1996. Now that Hamath Bah is part of the Coalition, Mama is now the new Jammeh boy. Loll, history repeats itself. At this juncture brother Janko Camara let me reiterate here that hate and haste are the two biggest enemies of man. It clouds sound and transparent judgment. Take time and research on who Mama Kandeh really is, instead of depending on lies from KMC Major Yankuba Colley. The picture you painted on Mama Kandeh is far from the truth as it come from an opponent of GDC in the person of Mayor Kolley an APRC National mobiliser who in their narrow mind thought Mama Kandeh was a small insignificant person disgruntled and left the house. They were taken aback when they saw that Mama Kandeh inflicted a big damage within their ranks and pull away a huge number amongst them and transformed them into a happy, hopeful, youthful, motivated and energetic movement that took the Gambia by storm. Such is the reality on the ground today thus earning Mayor Kolley the red card for failing to tell the truth to Jammeh who now realized Mama Kandeh is no small boy in Gambia’s body politics.
I will not conclude this post without reminding you that you omitted to throw stones of our Judiciary. The judiciary and the Bar Association are as guilty as the other two branches of government. Would they look at a Free Oussainou Mandela Darboe in the eye and say we were with you 100%? Did they issue the smallest press statement to condemn his jailing? Did they protest or stand down the whole court system throughout the country to render and bring the judiciary to its knees? All answers to the above questions are a blatant No. I will never stop throwing hard rocks on them. It’s the biggest shame in Gambia’s judicial history. Oussainou Darboe & Co will soon be free whether under an Adama Barrow government or a Mama Kandeh government in Dec/Jan Inshallah.
Finally I will quote your own statement to reflect on a GOD given right on all human being regardless of the type governance system they live in: “Mamma Kandeh is a bona-fide Gambian and has all the right to vote and be voted into any political office in The Gambia (provided he qualifies), in accordance with the existing laws of The Gambia and our electoral by-laws. He is at full liberty to exercise his democratic rights. However, it is important for him to know that just as he is at liberty to exercise his democratic rights, we the masses too have the inalienable right to evaluate the actions and utterances of our politicians to decide who truly is deserving of our votes. It is such inalienable right that I have exercised here by bringing him (Kandeh) under the surgeon’s knife in this article.” Unquote.
Thus GOD gave us this liberty to choose and will also judge us here and the hereafter.
Personally, I will always encourage Mama Kandeh that in the absence to obtain the approval to lead a GDC/ Coalition ticket a week before the elections, to enter into an MOU with the UDP/ Coalition for the way forward.
Thank you.
Haidara , you are the biggest liar and hypocrite this forum have ever seen . You have no moral values, no principle, no shame , and you continue to lie in front everyone . Your claim that Mama Kandeh is the black sheep of APRC is the biggest lie ever stated in this forum . If Mama was not expelled from APRC , he would have still been in APRC . Mama supported every evil laws Jammeh has put in place . Mama Kandeh never go against Jammeh . He is an opportunist and selfish individual just like you , a liar who pretentiously offer to sponsor coalition candidate when in fact you are just a hypocrite and despicable human soul . I hate people who fucking lie and try to deceive people for their selfish end . You are the despicable soul who castigated Mr Sallah for his proposal of primary election. Your stupid blamed of those elderly mandinkas who geniunely asked Jammeh to contest for election is an indication of your bigotry mindset and idiotic tribal agenda . If mandinkas were having such a despicable and bigotry mindset , Jammeh would never be in the military in the first place much more to be given leadership position by mandinkas soldiers who were part of the coup . If mandinkas have the bigotry mindset like you and fellow tribalist bigot , Jammeh would never be president. For you to single out mandinkas as the main problem of The Gambia is lowest point you have gone down with your indecency and lack of moral values. Mandinkas are very tolerance tribe who give respect and consideration to every tribe in The Gambia. This has been demonstrated even by those elders you foolishly blamed for our current predicament. Those mandinkas elders did not have bigotry mindset like you because they know Yaya Jammeh is a Gambian first before he became a jola man , therefore they did not put his tribe into consideration when they asked him to contest for presidency . You commentary is just nonsense and such comments are from illegitimate son who is brought up with such a mindset. Gambia belongs to all irrespective of tribe . In fact our first president, sir Dawda has not killed a single soul during his 30 years in power and this is why he is living peacefully in The Gambia. Mandinkas are very democratic and tolerant people which is why The Gambia continue to be conflict free despite dictatorship which has no boundaries. Your despicable tribal hateful statements is the reflection of who you are , a hypocrite and a bigot. What a despicable human soul you are . It is great that you have finally come out in plain sight to show your true character .
Deyda Haidara
Lol! Here comes the new future dictators of the Gambia. People who cannot accommodate divergent views. Where is the tolerance you invoke from Sir Dawda Jawara. Seating by your computer and dishing out insults and accusations will not advance the fight to remove Jammeh from office democratically speaking.
Peace to you Brother but be mindful of your heart bits, you might develop hypertension even before the opposition is declared winner.
Modou #2
DH, Hamdullilah you have been forced to expose your true colours, dishonest, demagogic, and tribalist. You did expose this tendency in earlier contributions, but everyone wanted to give you the benefit of doubt because of what you appeared to stand for.
Every time you want to re-enforce your arguements, you must bring in something about what a particular Manadinka did or did not do. Just go back to Jammeh with your candidate and leave people alone. Your tireless online campaign with all sorts of false claims and data, using multiple aliases is only making you notorious.
You are a disgrace to whatever tribe you claim to belong to and probably worse than Jammeh. Gambians just want to end dictatorship and move on in unity, irrespective of ethnicity.
Deyda Haidara
Modou I am born a freeman and will die a freeman Inshallah.
Mind you Hon. Mama Kandeh will win this elections GOD Willing.
Your insults are useless in a democratic process whiles earning you blaspheme.
May Allah forgive you.
Janko Camara
Oh, my good old pal Deyda Hydara again. I did not know you have become the Personal Assistant to Mr. Mamma Kandeh of the GDC. Hearty Congratulations!!! Do you remember Chief Zebrudaya of those days??? He used to have a Personal Assistant – very effective one.
Deyda, I find it difficult to believe that you and I belong to the same generation that danced our hearts out to the soothing lyrics and rhythms of the Super Eagles. That generation that also danced to other High Life music from our brothers on the West African Coast. Do you remember that famous song – “Freetown Titi Collection”? Or Prince Nico Mbarga’s “Sweet Mother”? These were masterpieces at the time and any nightclub that did not play these songs was not fit to be called one. Also, if you did not have a well sewn “Get-down” with a matching pair of dancing shoes, you did not exist. It meant “ANDULOO JAMANO”.
One thing my friends of that generation and I used to do, after enjoying ourselves, was to go for this timeless course called CONSISTENCY 101. We used to attend the lectures during the day and at night, we danced our hearts out, until we graduated. I believe you are a very suitable candidate for that course although I am not entirely sure if you will be lucky to find the sort of well-grounded tutors we had those days. Today, when I sit back to relax, I can luckily say I did not spend my entire life only dancing to the lyrics and rhythms of our national and West African High Life music, but also, I have spent well my time in those learning sessions on Consistency 101. It has paid off and also rubbing off on my offsprings.
Deyda, that was how peaceful life was for my generation, if you were indeed part of it. So if you see me “whining” on Kaironews today, it is because that sort of peaceful life, which my friends and I cherished, is what is missing in today’s Gambia. So we need to restore it without being conservative about it. You can become very effective on this project only if you enroll for the CONSISTENCY 101 course.
Let me hear from you my good Old Pal – Deyda Hydara.
Deyda Haidara
Thank you brother Janko. I am proud of you and wish to meet you in the future in a democratic and peaceful Gambia that we all knew in those good old days.
Consciencism is my philosophy which I studied in the US to rise to cadre level.
I have only ONE enemy and he is called Yaya Jammeh.
Mama Kandeh appeal to me and after scrutiny and research and third party consultations, I decided to put my weight on him.
Bottom line is Yaya Jammeh will be history come 2nd December Inshallah.
Mr Camara , your good old pal lack consistency in his life and I am sure that lack of consistency has led him to live a life of deception, lies , hypocrisy, dishonesty and bigotry. The reason why we do not succeed is because of people like him .
Deyda Haidara
I forgive you Marx for you know not. I understand your frustrations and I sympathize with you.
However you will soon be happy man come December 2nd Inshallah.
What are the good buys in your ‘hide and SICK’ in the forums. What is it meant for. Unpredictability is not a sound political behaviour at all.
Deyda Haidara
Here and now, I really want to thank Kaironews for their independence in accepting divergent views in the forum. This is journalism par excellence. This is exactly what we are all yearning for in the 3rd Republic.
We have taken note of it and wish to extend our heartfelt appreciation.
Thank you the editors and management.
Haidara , I have no problem with your choice but I have a problem with your despicable and bigotry comments. Your deception and hypocrisy is a cause for concern. It is your choice to join whoever you want but we also have right to point your dishonesty, hypocrisy and deception. We must hold each other accountable for our actions and words . you do not believe in accountability which is why you are supporting Mama Kandeh who has supported Jammeh in everything he did /do. If you have sense of accountability in you , you would have questioned why mama Kandeh joined APRC in the first place , why he supported Jammeh and why he was expelled when he has never publicly criticized or go against in anything Jammeh did /do . You as a citizen, it is your responsibility to scrutinize political leaders but you cannot continue to behave like a prostitute who is constantly looking for customers. It is this simple reason , I and many find your inconsistencies very troubling. Your lies will continue to catch up with you . I truly hate telling lies and deceiving people for one’s selfish interest. You lied to everyone here and betrayed your own conscience. You have the right to support anyone but you shouldn’t lie to us again in changing your position. This is my problem with you . If you denounce and indicate that you lied to us about your efforts, then I will be fine with that .
Deyda Haidara
Marx, NEVER feel ashame to say am sorry when you are wrong, it makes you a bigger person, instead of continuing to hail insults on me simply because of my freedom of choice.
It makes you a small person and will not earn you any respect from the readership.
Mama Kandeh never killed or stole a butut from the state You are also free to choose the Coalition candidate but that does make me or Mama Kandeh bad people.
May Allah forgive and guide you.
Keep focus. Adama Barrow sending strong message in the Niumi’s and Badibu’s. I think we don’t have to quarrel here about the right candidate. What Mr. Barrow is doing is the right strategy. Send home the unmistakable message that the time of the incumbent is due. Let the voters decide who they trust among the 2 opposition candidates. Help convince people to go and vote out tyranny !!
Deyda Haidara
Kinteh I for one will never sacrifice my choice simply because the majority of people look the other way. I will respect the verdict of democratic elections but will not compromise my choice.
What Marx fail to understand in my position is that, I was never and am still not a member of any political party in Gambia. I have also never worked for any government and I do not wish to do so. I do support candidates depending on the situation of the day hence my voting of Lawyer Darboe in 2011. I voted for Jammeh in 1996 and did not vote for any candidate in 2001and 2006 because essentially the two term clause was removed from our 1997 constitution. The UDP and PDOIS were not appealing to me and by this time Jammeh exposed himself as brutal killer, a man who has no respect for rule of law and an executive thief.
Marxs should refrain from the use of foul words in debating with people. As the saying goes: words are bullets, once released, will generate appreciation or disgust” One can effectively argue one’s position without insulting and shouting, that is what we call maturity in a civilized world specially when one is debating on a virtual forum where people are generally unidentified readers and writers. Anyone can be civil or disrespectful to readers. In this case Marx is not doing any good in promoting his candidate, he is rather putting off people like me and many others. However he is our brother and should be helped to see the light of peace, civility, democracy and rule of law.
Let @Kinteh listen to you with special interest! I hope you’ll never have a place to be responsible of in the country’s public environ if you are aspiring one. @Haidara, I am very much troubled by your acting the ghost of a national hero and statesman from scratch.
In some occasion here in the forums when you were all over everywhere and everything, when you were worried about an infiltrators intrusion of the Udp too, I asked you, if yourself could be that infiltrator…, and this was your reply; ”What made you mad so”.
I think that basically, you are all the creeper that people in these forums talk of. You are a perfect example of the public space hypocrites of the Gambia. You studied in the U.s.a but I bet you need a refresher. Many fields of studies got their updates over the years you may not be aware.
Babu Soli
It’s laughable to see two comrades-in-arms;Maxs vs Haidara at bitter loggeraheads because of their simplicity in learning democratic divergency. Figures like Maxs would never lead a herd of sheep much more human beings. S/He lacks the essence of democratic teachings and doctrines.
This has been the bond of contention in our Gambian society which as I learn “you are trying to erradicate”
Since the campaign began yesterday 16th Nov. I follow the rallies and political addresses of the APRC by Fabakary Tombong Jatta and Action Man Balla Garba Jahumpa respectively; the Coalition by Halifa Sallah and the GDC by Mr Fatty. This is the democratic feat that His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhagie Dr Yahya AJJ Jammeh Babili Mansa has all along been working to establish.
If Maxs so harshly addresses Haidara on the latter’s views, I wonder how far we can go to accept the nomenclature of the democratic system. Is it so difficult to say I have heard and respect you but I don’t share the views?
It’s about time that Max learns. Don’t misjudge me either. I have never shared the views of Haidara. I know s/he is anti-Yahya Jammeh. And anybody anti-Yahya will NEVER be my bed fellow.
Babu soli ,Haidara and I used to be good ally in this forum . He has said so many things which is totally different from what he is doing today . He is very inconsistent and lied to me and everyone. He even promised to give one million dalasis to opposition coalition if they select single candidate, but he lied to me just like you are lying every second of your life about Jammeh . Haidara is part of you group of dishonest citizens who are destroying our country. Mama Kandeh supported Jammeh to oppress our people. He helped Jammeh to be rich by supporting the law which enable Jammeh to do all kind of business in our country. He supported evil laws which suppresses freedom of assembly, speech and association. He supported law which inprison Gambians up to 15 years for just criticizing the president on internet . Mama Kandeh supported Jammeh to kill Gambians because he never speak against illegal killings, torture, rape and exiled of his fellow citizens. Left to mama Kandeh, you Haidara will die in Senegal. Mama Kandeh did not care about human rights and rule of law .
Deyda Haidara
Marx you will never know where I live, STOP you speculations and be civil.
Mama Kandeh will win the elections. What will you do if that happens? I hope you will not commit suicide? By the way my money does not belong to you and I give it to whom I please.
Have a nice weekend.
Deyda Haidara
Ousttt! go away Babu Soli aka what ever you are. Your candidate is a killer, a good for nothing. He betrayed us when he removed the two term limit from our 1997 constitution. I did say I will not respond to any your post and hopefully this will be the last one. Now we are too smart to fall on your age old divide and rule tactics that your boss thought you so well. Marx is my brother and we belong to the same opposition camps. There is noway, that I allow a none family member to interfere in my family disputes specially if it comes from my enemy.
You better back off before i unload my venum on your ugly face. Lol!
I learn you are about about to subdue to GDC. One thing you can rest assured is that we will never interfere with the judiciary and each citizen right will be respected to the fullest according to law.
The National Anthem is our mantra and our life.
This is a very thought provoking write-up and a well presented one too. Unfortunately, I am not sure about its timing, as it is evidently generating “ally warfare” (Max v DH) at the most inappropriate time. In my view, our undivided focus, at this point in time, should be on Yaya Jammeh and his APRC party.
Nonetheless, the discussion about the current political situation in the country, especially concerning the issues you raised, is one that needs to be had . Personally, I honestly think that Mama Kandeh and his GDC are an unwanted and unnecessary distraction in this fight for electoral victory against the regime, but one that may be a blessing in disguise.
And I pray and hope that his candidature adds to the strength of the alliance by weakening the regime, rather than a source of anger and vitriol against him and his supporters for betraying our hard earned efforts and well deserved achievement to present a single challenger against Jammeh this year.
No doubt, questions will be raised and asked about our sanity as a nation, in relation to what seems to be a massive endorsement of Mr Mama Kandeh (for obvious reasons; some of which you have mentioned), but whatever answers we may provide, the inescapable fact is that there is something fundamentally wrong with our politics.
I may be wrong but I don’t think that we are a Nation of hypocrites. That is not just harsh but it is way over the top, in my view. Certainly, there are hypocrites amongst us, and we have seen a lot of that during the alliance building fiasco from NADD, but as a nation, I don’t think such a generalised categorization is justified.
Our problem or part of our problem is the adoption and nurturing of a political system that thrives on all the things you don’t want to see in an electoral system in a modern democracy. What this has resulted to can best be described as the case of a “fool, who remains thirsty in the abundance of water.” Gambians, rather than being a nation of hypocrites, are a Nation of politically ignorant people, despite our vast uninterrupted experience in the practice of democracy, under the PPP for 3 decades.
Hence in our democracy, the vast majority of candidates don’t even know what they are standing for, except that to seek elective office, whilst the vast majority of voters don’t care about anything except the party, the personality, the personal relationships, connections or anticipated benefits to self and even the looks of candidates and how they dress. I am not surprised therefore, to read that some people even view Mr Kandeh as “Presidential”, perhaps implying that he is more handsome than the others. This is crazy but that is Gambian politics from as far back as I can remember..Jammeh aggravated the situation by adding a heavy dose of aggressive and sometimes, fatalistic hostility against opponents, as well as, a total disregard/disrespect for rules and civilised norms.
Until we have politicians in office who genuinely want to change this politically ignorant culture and a society that is receptive to the idea of genuine democracy and willing to change, we will not be free from poor quality candidates for electoral office, winning against higher qualified and far more suitable candidates for the job being sought.
Or worse, another idiot in uniform imposing himself on us for as long as his luck holds..May Allah (SWT) protect us from such an eventuality. Aamin.
1. Bax said “personally, I honestly think that Mama Kandeh and his GDC are an unwanted and unnecessary distraction in this fight for electoral victory against the regime , but one that may be a blessing in disguise ” November 17, 2016.
Here is what you said on November 11, 2016 on my article ” constitution disqualifies Mama Kandeh ” .
Bax said ” max, lets embrace mama Kandeh with openness . He can only add to the woes of APRC . I can’t see him taking votes from the alliance in any significant numbers, nor do I think he can out perform the alliance amongst the undecided voters , though nothing is certain in politics and anything is possible “.
On different posting on the same topic ,
Bax said ” personally, I cannot see how mama Kandeh is there to help Jammeh win( when I told you mama was there to help Jammeh win ) . Maybe you should show me how . As far as I can see , his candidature ( as I always indicate) is a win-win situation for the opposition “.
Bax , today you have stated that Mama Kandeh and his GDC are unwanted and unnecessary distraction but few days ago you said his candidature is win win Situation for the opposition. Are you confuse ? How can you stated two different positions in just five days apart . You can’t say he is welcome but at the same he is a distraction. Stop sitting on fence . Take a position. Mama Kandeh is the Least qualified to be president and he is jammeh’s enabler .
As I always tell you , you never have a position and you tend to easily forget about what you wrote . I think I am dealing with very old man here with memory problem. Lol
Deyda Haidara
Bax you made a brilliant post and please permit me to add my 2 bututs here.
Up to 2013 Mama Kandeh was not a known member of the traditional opposition since leaving the NRP in 1996. Logically then, Mama Kandeh was a natural opponent of the opposition. “ By the way I know and heard of Mama only four months ago”. Why he was given the red card in 2013 is now irrelevant in our reality of the day.
When Mama decided to form his party, he was not thinking of joining any opposition party much less a coalition. He felt he could draw his support from his former party, which he brilliantly did. Mama emerged from a different environment and mindset and will not therefore reason and think the same way the traditional opposition does. When the many coalition attempts failed in the past from 2001 to 2011, of course naturally Mama was not responsible for it but was an astute observer of the political landscape. Now that he is vying for the presidency and has engaged in the Coalition talks, all his proposals were out-rightly rejected hence his leaving the Coalition camp and on time. Then the Mama bla-bla started whiles he concentrates on bringing more APRC followers onboard the GDC. GDC is not banking on the traditional opposition camp and does not wish to draw any voter from them. He made it very clear in all his meetings. The APRC militants alone are sufficient enough to earn him the presidency and no one can deny this fact.
Bax you also made mention of the above fact and I quote:” Nonetheless, the discussion about the current political situation in the country, especially concerning the issues you raised, is one that needs to be heard. Personally, I honestly think that Mama Kandeh and his GDC are an unwanted and unnecessary distraction in this fight for electoral victory against the regime, but one that may be a blessing in disguise.” Unquote.
Inshallah Mama Kandeh will be the blessing in disguise you mention. Jammeh will be history come December 2nd 2016.
As for my brother Marx, I extend a “rendez-vous” at State House.
Have a nice weekend.
Haidara, I cannot express how much I am disappointed in you . How can you support a man who has been supporting the dictator for ten years? I think you must agree that Mama Kandeh contributed to our predicament. When he was in National Assembly, he supported every evil law Jammeh has put in place and he has never criticized Jammeh either in the National Assembly or publicly. Again I have a problem for your comment about blaming mandinkas for our political oppression. It is very offensive and despicable comments. majority of mandinkas who supported Jammeh geniunely love him and the country , they did not have tribalist mindset in them . If you truly believe in democracy and rule of law, how can you support mama Kandeh who has never advocated for democracy and rule of law . You once again claimed that you had advised dictator Jammeh before but now you claimed again that you never work for the government. How can you irreconcile the two positions .
Haidara, here is the truth you have spoken without knowing it .
Haidara said ” mama Kandeh is a natural opponent of the opposition “. This is the fact which came from your mouth without knowing it . You see if you want to lie and deceive people, God will make you speak the truth without knowing it . Should quit the deception and speak the truth your subconscious mind is telling you . Go back and read your own writing. Thank you
Janko Camara
Thank you Bax for stepping in. As usual, your perspectives are always refreshing.
Having said that, I would like to address two points you raised: Timing of the article and the hypocrisy of our people which you see as a sweeping generalisation and way over the top.
On timing, I have this to say: I was quite cognisant of the timing of my write-up and, believe me, it took me sometime to convince myself that I should release it at this stage. However, I eventually did from the vantage point of my knowledge of the GDC and the current behind-the-scenes political horse-trading that is going on. I know some of the people inside the GDC’s “Inner Caucus” and if the vibes from these people represent that of the party, then there is very little hope of reigning in party into any coalition because their position is not only ridiculously arrogant but also very selfish. To go into negotiations with the position that you either become the leader of the Coalition or you are out is, in my opinion, madness of the highest order especially when such position is based on the utopian fantasy that the GDC is the strongest Opposition party that can unseat the incumbent. What is the basis of such wild fantasy? What political barometer have they used to arrive at such a conclusion? This tells me that the GDC boss is a political simpleton. The UDP would have clinched the previous elections if the party was judged purely by the size of the crowds they were able to pull in those electioneering campaigns. Bax, you will agree with me that some of our politicians in the Coalition are veterans. They have been at it even before Kandeh finished school. Bakau’s Dembo By-Force (since the 1970s), PDOIS’ Halifa Sallah and Seedia Jarta have been in this game since 1986 when the name PDOIS first emerged on our national political terrain. Halifa was one of the three candidates that contested alongside Adama Barrow. When Barrow won, Halifa graciously accepted and pledged to throw his weight behind Barrow. There’s no shadow of doubt that Halifa is not only an intellectual of very high standing, but also, he is more experienced in the game of politics than Mr. Barrow. He was never a part of the A(F)PRC even when he was offered a Ministerial post back then in 1994. Yet, with all these positives on his political belt, he saw nothing but The Gambia and decided to follow the choice of the people. Therefore, on what moral (or political) high ground is Kandeh standing to want to subvert the verdict of the majority? How audacious can any former Jammeh enabler be? You see, most people were once Jammeh admirers and, to some extent, enablers. However, when they realised that they were backing the wrong horse, they back-tracked. However, to be an excommunicated enabler and still continuing to enable the same guy willingly is an affront to our sensibility. Those who have argued that Mr. Kandeh was the “rebel” within the A(F)PRC and had never supported any of those illegal constitutional amendments perhaps need to read the article with the caption ” Mama Kandeh supported Jammeh’s illegal business deals while in Parliament” on Gainakonews. This is one instance of our new man in town, the new Political Born-again, supporting an illegality. Yet people argue, he was the “rebel” within. A rebel indeed! How rebellious was he, after vigorously defending this stupid bill?
It has been argued that the GDC’s majority is coming from the ruling A(F)PRC, thus GDC posed no threat to the Coalition and they can, therefore, go ahead to win on their own account. This argument is not entirely accurate. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, the GDC is also riding on tribal sentiments to win people on their side. This means whilst a number of A(F)PRC supporters are flocking to GDC, there is also a good number of other supporters who have not been A(F)PRC but have joined the GDC on the basis of their common tribal affinity with Mr. Kandeh. It is human nature and we have to accept that especially in a country where the majority of voters still vote for other considerations than issues that affect them. In any case, let us agree, for a while, that this faulty logic is tenable. However, is it not wiser that such GDC majority be added to that of the Coalition to make assurances double sure? In other words, the probability of winning is much higher if we all come together under one banner rather than fragmented. Nay, from what I know, this is no longer going to happen as one man’s vaulting ambition stands between him and the country’s liberation. The GDC appears to be more preoccupied with occupying No. 1 Marina Parade than freeing The Gambia from the obvious bondage we are in. Mr. Kandeh, in particular, needs to know that History will judge him accordingly and it will be interesting to see his children relate (and react) to a sordid historical judgment on their father in the future Gambia.
On the sweeping generalisation (nation of hypocrites), I do entirely agree with you Bax, that that was over the top and I would tone it down by agreeing with your assertion that we are a nation of politically ignorant people. However, this does not diminish the fact that a number of us, especially the so-called educated people, are equivocal and very self-centred. Most of us have that I-Me-and-Myself tendency even when it comes to matters of national import. It is such selfish interplay of some of our educated folks that is unravelling before our very won eyes. Education is supposed to turn us into enlightened people who strive for and accept the truth, no matter where it comes from. Both Islam and Christianity (two religions we all claim to belong) preach the adherence to truth at all times. Our cousins in Senegal did not wait for outsiders to preach them on the wisdom and virtues of unity when the national interest was at stake. They rallied behind one candidate and alas! Abdoulaye Wade became history in the 2012 elections. Can we not learn from them? Yahya’s tribalism is only relevant in so far as he sees a threat to his throne. A Yahya Jammeh, post December 2016, will be brutal to all, irrespective of our tribal affiliations. This is what people should understand and thus unite for the benefit of country and not tribes or transient vested interests.
There is no confusion, if you understand my position on Mr Mama Kandeh’s candidature.
In summary, this is what my position is:-
1. Our objective, or the most desired scenario for this election, is to have a single opposition challenger to Yaya Jammeh and anything else is unwanted and unnecessary;
2. The reality though, is that another contestant, in the person of Mr Mama Kandeh, has emerged and is unwilling to relinquish his quest to be president…
What do you do.. ? Accommodate or Reject…? I say “accommodate” for the reasons I have already given..
You seem to think that by saying that Mama Kandeh is an unwanted and unnecessary distraction in this fight for electoral victory, I am confused or contradicting my earlier view that he presents a Win-Win situation for the opposition. Not at all, if you follow my view points…
In fact, I have reiterated that, notwithstanding this unwanted and unnecessary distraction, Mr Kandeh’s candidature can be “a blessing in disguise” : Meaning it can be a good thing for the opposition…So no confusion here…
On the contrary, the truth of this distraction can quite clearly be seen in you. You have completely been distracted from the main issue and are now fixated with Mama Kandeh and his followers. You need to change course, accommodate Mama Kandeh and redirect your energy towards the main target: Yaya Jammeh and APRC..
The reality, at the end of the day, and from the perspective of the unified opposition camp, is that we have a scenario which we could have done without but the sensible strategy, given the facts already available, is to make the best out of an unwanted and unnecessary situation; not to aggravate and worsen an already “bad” situation for opposition unity.
Finally Max, you need to grow up and stop throwing tantrums like a spoilt child anytime you don’t get what you want. Politics is carried out in the world of adults, who reason and agree to disagree on issues; not the world of kids who can’t reason with one another and too young to understand politics and “compromise”. Change gear please and be relevant to this course.
Bax , you are right that mama Kandeh is a huge distraction and unnecessary, therefore his candidature is not win win situation. You have stated that Mama Kandeh and GDC distracted me , therefore based on that reason , his candidacy is not win win situation because it cause distractions and unnecessary actions. It doesn’t make any sense to state that on one hand , mama Kandeh is huge distraction and unnecessary and on other hand his candidacy is win win situation. That is very confusing and contradictory statements. Mama Kandeh candidacy is not helping the coalition in any way. I do not see any difference between mama Kandeh and Yaya Jammeh , they are both common enemy as far as I am concerned. Yaya Jammeh is evil dictator while mama Kandeh is an agent of dictatorship. In the normal democracy, mama Kandeh would have been defending his past role as a supporter of human right abuser but it is unfortunate that people like you are calling on others to embrace a supporter of human right abuser . A true pdois supporters have joined the coalition and they have not called on others to support a man who supported human right abuser . It is better to make your position clear because you seem to be advocating and supporting Mr Kandeh even though you failed to clearly state your position. I am fighting two wars , I am fighting direct war with the dictator while I engage his proxy to destroy him . Mama Kandeh is a supporter of Yaya Jammeh . They are in bed .
Bax , one thing about kids is that they don’t lie , therefore if you are not truthful to kids , the kids will know you are lying . So let’s all try to be consistent and truthful in what we said or belief in. You can’t have it both ways , you are either with the coalition of willing or you are with axil of evil . Make a choice .
Deyda Haidara
Marx for 22 years UDP and PDOIS never saw eye to eye. In my moments of relaxations, I ask myself how would the UDP folks behave if Halifa Sallah was selected the flag bearer???. Now that the UDP candidate was selected Halifa Sallah is now an ANGEL. Marx what have you not hailed insults at Halifa pre-convention? Today you make a complete U-Turn and want to deny others the same right to change. Should I call you an inconsistent and untruthful person? Today you are in bed with your arch rival enemy of yesterday. Marx you made what we know in politics as politics of circumstances i.e the ORDER of the day. Look at the mirror and see if this is the same Marx that used to go WILD like a.. lol.. at Halifa and helped in this process by Deyda Haydara who espouse party lead method v primary led method. Now Bax and Deyda Haidara are the ones to engage in mortal combat simply because we share a different view of the day. This is why Bax told you to grow up from sentimental kids world to wisdom and maturity.
Now you see how political dynamics can change even in the las minute, hence a piece I wrote that politics is not a STATIC process. Who knows if tomorrow Mama Kandeh will be your BEST friend?
Have a nice weekend.
Deyda Haidara
Marx here is my answer to your last posting.
Marx with the experience I have, I will not just jump unto some one’s hand I did not do enough research on specially one vying for the presidency. I will never joke with that. Firstly you must understand that people are free to make a choice as enjoined by Allah The Almighty. Once you accept these fundamental rights then you can argue consciously and calmly and maybe in the long run you will be able to convince that person. But if you keep insulting and castigating the person, you will never get that person on your side. It is for the above reasons that Yaya Jammeh lost all support from Gambians including the APRC and the rest of the world. Do you remember Yaya Jammeh telling the Secretary General of the UN to go to hell? Do you remember when Yaya Jammeh insulted the diaspora and call us dogs? Etc etc…as a result Yaya Jammeh became virtual prisoner who cannot travel for the past two years. Even our next door neighbor, President Macky Sall do not want to see his shade. So please avoid Jammeh’s arrogance and behavior, it doesn’t tell well and will always alienate the person.
Over the years many Gambians have grown extremely mad and frustrated and in a haste to see him go by December 2nd. Also remember GOD ordained a time for everything.
Despite the harsh conditions we live in, our parents had always inculcated discipline and respect on us and these values should always take precedence over our anger.
Now you ask me how can I support a politician who worked with Jammeh? Specially a politician who approved all bad laws passed in the national assembly? Well Mama Kandeh never voted yes for any bad law. However this morning I read on Gainako an unsigned article claiming that Mama Kandeh supported the bill to allowed Jammeh to engage into business. Here is the bill in question. Quote:“The salary and allowances, and pension and retirement benefits, as prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly, shall be exempted from taxation, but the President shall be subject to taxation on all other chargeable income.
(4) The President shall not-
(a) while he or she continues in office as President, hold any other office of profit or emolument whether public or private, occupy any other position carrying the right to remuneration for the rendering of services, or directly or indirectly carry on any
trade, business or other undertaking; Provided that the President may undertake and carry on any agricultural business including farming, horticulture, livestock
rearing and artisanal fishing;
(b) undertake any activity inconsistent with his or her official position or expose himself or herself to any situation which carries with it the risk of a conflict
developing between his or her official concerns and his or her private interests;
(c) use him or her position as such or use information entrusted to received by him or her in an official position directly or indirectly to enrich himself or
herself or any other person.” Unquote.
Now if you read the bill in full, you will realize Yaya Jammeh flouted the law big time to engage in Real estate, trade, etc. to enrich himself. More over I doubt if Jammeh’s companies are paying state taxes.
You should also remember Mama Kandeh was in Europe from 1996 to 2002. Take your time and reaserch on Mama Kandeh , you will discover a very patriotic Gambian who believe in Justice, rule of law and in particular, peace and democracy.
Marx it took me ten years to accept and support Lawyer Oussainou Darboe and now he is my hero. In fact one of the conditions that made me support Mama Kandeh is that if he wins, immediately after his swearing ceremony he will drive straight to Miles 2 prisons and take Darboe in his official vehicle to State House to deliver the State’s apology to him and company. And to this end he even agreed and promised that Darboe can join his government as he pleases.
Now Marx, me advising a president does not mean working for government. I have never earned a renumeration from government.
Finally what I said about some Mandinkas is equally applicable to some Wollofs and some Jolas and some Fulas. So don’t take it personally lest you ignore the circumstances leading to the statement. There are no perfect human beings otherwise they will compete GOD our Creator. Accept my apology if you feel offended.
Have a nice weekend.
Haidara, I recognized and respect your choice . It is your choice to support whoever you want. But I have every rights to point out your inconsistency, deception and hypocrisy. I am trying to hold you accountable for your own words and actions. In other words to make you accountable and responsible which are vital pillars of democracy and rule of law . In the normal democracy, I will running political advertisements to showcase your inconsistency, hypocrisy and dishonesty so that citizens will know you are not worth listening to . If you consider that Is an insult then You do not understand politics . You have forgotten that you insulted 42 % of the population without realizing it when you singled out mandinkas as the main problem of Gambia’s predicament.
In politics, being trustworthy and honesty are important issues which is why in USA , Hillary Clinton did not win presidency. Many Americans thought that she is not honest and trustworthy. This is one the biggest problem she has . Mr Trump despite his rhetoric, they found him be truthful and honest because he speak from his heart . I despise Yaya Jammeh since day one because I knew he is despicable human being who has been lying to Gambian people since day one .
Please your preaching of civility is usually some Gambian tactic to showcase your deviation from taking personal responsibility for lies you have stated in this forum and many places. Take personal responsibility for the reason why you insulted mandinkas for our collective predicament. After all you said here , I do not believe in one second that you believe in democracy and rule of law. Your defense of mama Kandeh is simply fabrication and baseless propaganda. Honest and decent opposition has never joined APRC or supported jammeh’s policy or regime . These are people who believe in rule of law , constitutionalism and democracy and they have been fighting since day one . Many have lost their lives , tortured and illegally inprisoned or exiled. You as a former adviser to the tyrant has played a role in our political oppression just like mama Kandeh did. So please spare us and go join him .
Deyda Haidara
Marx, you are waisting your time because I will never be a presidential candidate. So your future political advertisements on me will not serve you or your audience a thing and you will look STUPID.
For the records my family supported DK Jawara against PS Njie. I was young then. Then as a grown boy, I grew up weary on the Kairaba’s longitivity in power and specially got pissed off after the Mansakonko Declarations.
I was first an PCY Secka supporter until 1977 and then BB Darboe was appealing to my liking from the Mansakonko comedy to July 22nd 1994. But alas, Saihou Sabally and Jammeh& Co. alledgetly conspired to toppled DK and as stated by the AFPRC to put an undemocratic stop to his 30 years rule and laissez- faire attitude towards power and Gambians. It took me 3 months to accept reality of the coup but then I saw my favorite candidate BB Darboe coming to serve. But alas! again BB’s stint did not last a month and the rest is history. I started distancing myself from Jammeh as soon as he decided to remove the two terms presidency limit from our constitution hence the LIAR made a complete U-turn from his reasons of toppling DK Jawara. The reason why I made this overview is to give the readership the opportunity to have a glance of who I am, politically speaking.
Now SM Dibba, PDOIS and UDP did meet my taste at the time hence my staying out of political discuss until Jammeh revealed his true EVIL nature on my people. Jammeh subsequently reveal his killer nature, his power hungry nature, his lust for wealth nature and finally his undemocratic and disrespect of the laws of land. ALL of these actions earned him the stature of a very CRIMINAL president aided by a corrupt and unpatriotic Military.
Back to my political beliefs. As far I am concern my choice of the presidency is TOTALLY based on the individual candidate and not the party or coalition of parties he or she represents.
MPs elections are generally based on Party line but a President is elected by the will of the people whose majority have no party affliations. Since I have no party affliations I never voted for an MP period. This is to demonstrate to you and the readership that my supporting of Mama Kandeh is based exclusively on his personality and not his former party or his present party. Just like I espoused BB Darboe in the 1st republic and OMN Barboe in 2011 so do I for Mama Kandeh.
I deliberately left Jammeh out but voted for him in 1996 and no more.
Therefore you should now realize that neither a Coalition of parties nor a single Party does not mean or influence a thing to me, I put my faith on individual presidential candidate I feel comfortable with ONLY, period.
I had to say all the above to show the readership my political philosophy whiles leaving STUPID people like you in the dark. Until you stop using foul words in your arguments, I see you as very STUPID person. More over your arrogance will not earn you respect.
NB: I am not mad at all, I only realize am dealing with a very slow minded and egocentric person as far as intelligence is concern that is why I called you a STUPID and arrogant person.
Haidara,you claimed that saihou sabally and Jammeh allegedly connived to topple sir Dawda’s regime ,if that is the case , why Saihou sabally has never been in jammeh’s regime and he is still living in Senegal with you ? Please stop conspiracy theory here . The more you write , the less intelligent you writing becomes.
Your another claim is that , you support mama Kandeh because of his personality. Is that not the dumbness idea Mr Camara was talking about . Supporting mama Kandeh because of his look , personality or age or whatever in relation to his person is not a smart decision an intelligent and mature citizen will make . You need to know what mama Kandeh really stood for the past 22 years . Tell us a single bill in the National Assembly which mama Kandeh opposed that was in the interest of Gambian people, to promote democracy and economic development. Every time you post your reason why you support him , the last reason look stupid and dumber than the previous one you have given . First your reason was , mama Kandeh was the black sheep of APRC , second it was because of lawyer Darboe and co inprisonment that is why you are supporting him and thirdly because of his personality. My old ally , please be serious and be rational in your thinking . If you have a low intellectual ability, you will not be able to give good advice to any leader . No wonder we have a tyrant because he has surrounded himself with people like you who do not care about what is morally and constitutionally right .
By the way , can you please help me the contact email for freedomnewspaper because whenever I send my articles , it is not delivered. I just want to counter your false propaganda.
Haidara,you claimed that saihou sabally and Jammeh allegedly connived to topple sir Dawda’s regime ,if that is the case , why Saihou sabally has never been in jammeh’s regime and he is still living in Senegal with you ? Please stop conspiracy theory here . The more you write , the less intelligent you writing becomes.
Your another claim is that , you support mama Kandeh because of his personality. Is that not the dumbness idea Mr Camara was talking about . Supporting mama Kandeh because of his look , personality or age or whatever in relation to his person is not a smart decision an intelligent and mature citizen will make . You need to know what mama Kandeh really stood for the past 22 years . Tell us a single bill in the National Assembly which mama Kandeh opposed that was in the interest of Gambian people, to promote democracy and economic development. Every time you post your reason why you support him , the last reason look stupid and dumber the previous one you have given . First your reason was , mama Kandeh was the black sheep of APRC , second it was because of lawyer Darboe and co inprisonment that is why you are supporting him and thirdly because of his personality. My old ally , please be serious and be rational in your thinking . If you have a low intellectual ability, you will not be able to give good advice to any leader . No wonder we have a tyrant because he has surrounded himself with people like you who do not care about what is morally and constitutionally right .
If the coalition or a political party does not have any influence on you then why you foolishly claimed that you will be willing to give one million dalasis to coalition leader to contest against Jammeh in one of your article. That means you lied to us . Please Haidara, go back and read your own postings . You are demented.
By the way , can you please help me the contact email for freedomnewspaper because whenever I send my articles , it is not delivered. I just want to counter your false propaganda.
Deyda Haidara
A personality of a person emboldens every aspect of a person and has nothing to do with his looks, color or gender. You see how stupid you are. Fust open your dictionary and read.
Secondly if the Coalition selected Halifa Sallah who is the most qualified amongst all the candidates I would have considered giving them my promise but alas! and because bigotry mindsets and I don’t what else blinded the delegates to choose a lesser qualified person like Adama Barrow?? I just don’t get it.
Here is the email you ask for
Deyda Haidara
Creepy and ethnocentric guy you are Haidara. I want to accuse and insult you this way as you will exactly claim it to be. You are dangerous to the cause of uniting the people of the Gambia for a properous future. I doubt if you have not spewed venom and pointed guns on Gambians other than Jammeh. Hypocrisy must be prevented because it is almost an uncurable disease as well.
Deyda Haidara
If your statement makes you happy, then it comes from you and belong to your character. I do not like Adama Barrow, is it a crime? if it is then I do not like you either LOL.
Mind you an Adama Barrow a pure businessman becoming a president might turn to be a worst financial and economic THIEF than Yaya Jammeh.
Once elected a president, no past AGREEMENT is biding on him period. So brace up for the unknown and do not come back here to cry foul. You see when you are a hater, your mind does not travel far.
My statement makes me happy because its just a bit of insolence to counterpoise the hateful and toxic character of yours. One must be misoriented in not noting the odiousness of your writings.
God bless the youth of the Gambia. Let their hearts not be attacked but pump with life, to serve, talk and live for the better of the Gambia’s future generations.
I have a moderate mindset in national affairs. I don’t know what hate means in it if someone is not messing up somewhere in it. You have accused, speculated, derogated and disrespected equally like those you pointing fingers at just to turn around to victimise yourself of certain folks conducts in the debates. Isn’t this hideous hypocrisy at its best. You can see that words like ERRADICATE are not favorites of mine when it comes to reacting to others’ expression of their mindsets. I believe conscience of others can sharpen and mature from heights to heights but the concept of erradicating human conscience is borne by nothing but hateful dictatorship. I think @Soli in his Babu capacity makes no worse president than Kandeh.
I said, YOU @Haidara should to be a concern to every conscious citizen of the Gambia.
Deyda Haidara
You want to be a president, see my post address to you below.
Mama Kandeh is distracting you because you have shown that you are incapable of accepting political difference and accommodating your opponents..Worse, you can’t even view scenarios from a variety of angles, to assess their impact on situations. You are a ONE narrative, ONE perspective analyst..You see it in ONE way, so there can be NO other way…Drop this rigid, uninformed attitude and adopt a flexible one.
Look, Mama Kandeh is an unwanted and unnecessary distraction for the alliance, but at the same time, he is a welcome distraction for the APRC, from our perspective, because they (APRC) don’t only have to divide their attention between two opponents now, instead of one, but they are most likely to suffer the most loss of votes to Mama Kandeh…
These APRC voters are people who would probably never have voted for the alliance and may even have voted for Jammeh, despite being disillusioned and dissatisfied with his administration…Is it not a good thing for the alliance that the GDC can snatch these votes from Jammeh..?
I am very much aware of the distraction Mr Kandeh’s candidature can cause within our ranks, affecting both voting and non voting members, but I have also indicated that this impact is not very significant. In other words, non voting members like you and I have very little influence on the votes, whilst voting members who may switch loyalty to GDC, would be less than those who would switch from APRC to GDC…So from that angle too, GDC could be a blessing in disguise. That’s my view but you may disagree and you are entitled to.
Finally, I kind of suspected that as this engage unfolds, you will very likely add your own words into my view and claim them to be mine…Here is an example. Talking about PDOIS supporters, you wrote this:
“….they have not called on others to support a man who supported human right abuser .”
This seems to imply that I, being a PDOIS supporter, is calling on others to support Mama Kandeh. I have not called on anyone to support Mama Kandeh…All I said is for the ALLIANCE to embrace/accommodate Mama Kandeh and his GDC, because they could be a blessing in disguise. So please, let’s stick with the facts and not distort each other’s positions.
Bax , if Mama Kandeh can get votes from APRC supporters, that doesn’t equate to the strength he and his party will give to coalition if he join them . I think you will agree that unity is strength and based on this simple idea , it is in the best of our country for all the opposition parties to come together to salvage the country. Example, if Jammeh rig the election and then we have divided opposition parties, for anyone party to challenge him will be difficult but when we have United opposition coalition, they can put up effective challenge and counter any plan he may have . I am looking at the broad picture instead of small votes Mama Kandeh may get from APRC or other opposition supporters. I can’t understand why you never follow simple practical solution . You are always following solutions that did not make any sense . You need to do reflective listening to your own writing before you post . To be honest with you , I don’t understand if you truly care for regime change. Mama Kandeh is not helping our country to get rid of Jammeh .
Haidara , I have been calling for unity and coalition for a long time . My goal has always been to see the opposition leaders come together. This is why I congratulated and commended them for their patriotism in this efforts. All my criticism for Mr Sallah has been my frustration of not seeing any teamwork at the time as far as coalition and unity is concerned. Indigenous Gambian people have spoken and have United the majority including opposition leaders, so I am very happy to see . I believe in my people and I believe this election will send the tyrant to where he came from . He has overstayed his welcome and it is past time for him to leave our people and country alone . We must take back our country. I am indeed very proud of our indigenous people who refused to show up at his meetings which has led the tyrant to fire the governor and the chief in baddibu in his early days of campaign. As he move into interior of the country where native and indigenous citizens lives , you will know that the tyrant can’t insult our indigenous people and expect them to vote for him . Not this time . We have declared a war on him . He knows it which is why he told our indigenous people of baddibu that “any mistake they will find themselves in hell ” . What this bastard failed to understand is that our people did not depend on his stupid regime to make a decent living . Our people have patriotic sons and daughters who take care of our people. Our people are decent people who never look for crumbs after anyone . They have refused to show up at his meetings . The indigenous people are ready to take back our country. This is the main reason our opposition leaders came together to salvage our country. I see this election as indigenous people effort to take back our country. Indigenous mandinkas, fulas, Wolof , jolas and other tribes are all ready to take back our country as it was demonstrated in USA and British elections. Jammeh is with foreigners in his campaign, his ” anchor babies ” , Nigerian scavengers , imported killers from cassamance will not spare him from defeat this year . It is better you join now . Please please please .
Deyda Haidara
Jammeh and Adama Barrow will loose the elections to Mama Kandeh.
You can take it to the bank.
Bax ,
As a strategist I must stick with my talking points in order to be successful. I can’t have endless debate with you or anyone if you are not ready to accept the truth. By now you should know that I only care to see the tyrant gone by any means . I 100 % support any means which will result to jammeh’s removal , death or capture . I am very consistent in my belief. Please stop sitting on the fence . Be a Change agent in this election. We must try to spread the message of change rather than the endless debate. We must try to totally destroy those who refused to accept the truth . Please listen to interview. Hopefully you will get basic idea what we are dealing with . I am sure you are living in U.K. With not much understanding of the situation in our country.
Deyda Haidara
Marx, verily you are not a strategist, you are a bulldozer lol!
Unbiased Prince GB
@Janko Camara
Your creek of relishing political castigation on Mr Kandeh’s rather diligence and not sloppiness of truly having Gambia and her people at heart but not at their mimicking of entirety not obligatory to him, while you are indeed muffing the real directive as why we are in this chance of trying to escape Yaya Jammeh’s brutality, is totally unstuffed with pragmatism of expected and you know it well.
I seriously don’t have the time to lean for Mr Mama Kandeh either and no that I could be ask in this crossfire between Hydara, Bax, Max or etcetera of which could have been avoided if you Janko Camara didn’t let fury overwhelmed your judgement of others while you are utterly exposed to fundamental fallibility. But I would like to say, too much wilfulness or wilful thinking without letting utter consideration leading the effects of how our consciences and minds operates would always cast a man to intolerance, fanaticism and xenophobia.
I have long fed up with people trying to shine with the pen but have so little to offer in terms of fundamental wisdom doing the job of social concords that are long needed whereas also desperately waited for.
Please don’t get me wrong my dear fellows of including Babu Soli as I seriously like the vocabularies and all those unique styles of expression you could only get from a few Afros, but I was looking for more than just that and you have drastically failed to empress all those students who could depend on forums like this to do away with tuition fees.
Please stop foaming for the detriment of what we have long been awaiting in hardship and patient.
Deyda Haidara
You and Marx are toothless dictators and Thank God for that. You are so much in haste to pounce on someone heee! May you remain powerless so the world advances towards PEACE and LOVE. Ameen. Live and let live is a GOD pronouncement enjoined in the Holy Coran.
If you really care to see honorable Darboe and other legitimate and patriotic sons and daughters from prison , you should have joined and support the coalition. That is what patriotic citizens are doing . Any time you come up with your flimsy excuses, You exposes your dishonesty and inconsistencies. mama Kandeh been in Europe , what has that to do with our fight to restore democracy and rule of law . Do you know how many selfish and self hating Gambians in USA and Europe who refused to participate in this fight just because they want to go to Gambia for vacation or they careless about their own parents or relatives who live under terrorism and state of oppression? You have thousands of them. So please , spare me with mama Kandeh’s time he spend in Europe . If he had spend his time well , he would have learned that the cultural values of democracy and rule of law that are entrenched in European society. Any Gambian who live in the west without having the basic understanding of western values of democracy, individual rights and pursuit of happiness did not learn anything in his stay . These values are god given rights which are not respected in many cultures including our own because of despicable leadership we have in the past 22 years. Yaya Jammeh has done total transformation of our culture which used to be based on love , family and respect for each other . These values are more pronounce in western cultures than our own cultures. This is why leaderships in many of African cultures continue to terrorize their own citizens. Why do we have thousands of Gambians in Europe or USA ? It is simple because of lack of political freedom and outright lack of human rights. You are a supporter of human right abuser because mama is human rights abuser . For god sake , spare me with your illogical and defensive explanation. Your defense is irrational in my view . Please try to rejoin the right side of history before it is too late . Please go back to your previous articles and comments you made here . In mandinka, they said having a ” foroyaa ” is important part of being good human being who is consistent, truthful and honest. I will encourage you to learn that foroyaa so that you will be respected with your choice.
Deyda Haidara
For GOD sake I do not like Adama Barrow. Is it a crime?
Your views are yours and you are entitled to them but mind you once Adama Barrow is elected president none of you neither us will have control over the will of HE the Excellency the Commander of the Armed Forces and Chief Guardian of the constitution.
Since this coalition thing is all over your small heads, you cannot think beyond that.
A rude AWAKENING awaits you and Marx, don’t come back crying foul OK…lol!
Ain’t no problem in all what’s unfolding. We are just learning the realties of the contents of the books of the Gambia’s resolve.
I haven’t acquired an academic certificate whatsoever so I am therefore literally illiterate but I have started to aspire for the 2021 presidential candidacy! I have never had an experience of any kind of a job or business. I have very little idea what the grassroot society of the country looks like.
Despite the above facts, please don’t ask too many questions about my evident incompetency. Just read my lips fellow citizens and trust me. Switch over to a new direction in opposition party politics of the Gambia. The future party’s name will be- No Talk Peoples’ Party. How do you like this. Please think about it guys.
Deyda Haidara
Ggapm, if you continue to have an open mind and the capacity to accommodate divergent opinions, then you are half way towards being a president.
The other half depends on your personality and organizational skills.
Just put an ‘I’ in the place of YOUs in your comment. That way your comment will serve a good advice to Mr. Mama. If you just try intruding and setting my house on fire…I will set yours on fire and that’s for definite. Keep up on your ethnic group enumeration program in the Gambia of united ethnicities…..
You sound the most boring tellig people about ‘open minds’ and ‘divergent opinions’. You are one of the most outdated and narrow minded participant of these forums at Kairo news. You have the guts to say all that about hypocrisy to be this sameless proving to be worst of its kinds.
It is good to be open minded thats why I want to be frank with my background with regards to my political aspirations.
“Deyda Haidara”
The REAL struggle for liberation of Gambia TRUTHFULLY exceeds PERSONIFICATIONS which can ONLY exhibit anything but selfishness & direct &/ indirect, conscious &/ unconsciously, deliberately &/ naively aid abetting, advancing dictatorship entrenchments; if our debates to better Innocent Gambia is to be meaningful…???
Your once said here sometime back (or something like this) “…the Gambian struggle is two faced, with those (realists) who are in for liberation of Gambia regardless of whoever takes after &/ those (selfish) who are in for liberation subjective to exploitation or nothing…” ??
“…for God sake I don’t like Adama Barrow…” ?
No this is not a crime at all BUT you & I accused others, PDOIS in particular in the past for arguments in their protest for their primary mode of selection for coalition flag bearer; YET you advance the very same for “mama kandeh’s” manoeuvres to highjack the collective efforts at this precarious (delicate) stage & expect Gambians to believe the double standards we all “pretend” to stand to change…?
You expose yourself more & more & questioned Adama’s integral credibility for your decision which truly is yours personally but must be utilized outwardly for communal salvations; at least Adama was & still on the amiable side of history, fighting the MURDEROUS DICTATORSHIP from onset…
You now side with Mama & vigorously defend invoking your “constitutional rights”; at least Kandeh at some point was “part & parcel” of the MURDEROUS oppressive enslavement & KILLINGS that he now exploits based on fallout with the kanilai Slave Master, as dictatorships are always architects of own downfalls…
“…only God can choose a president…”
Why can’t Mama Kandeh honestly join the COLLECTIVE Coalition efforts UNCONDITIONALLY & GENUINELY for Gambia FIRST above anything else; is it because mama “won” against Adama in the kangaroo parliamentary elections in slavery days & feel superior to swallow a pride even for moment for BEDEVILLED Gambia…?
What made Halifa Sallah & PDOIS for example to be “wrong” in your accusations in the past that mama kandeh is Saintly of now at this moment…?
You want anyone to believe you are interested in the welfare of Ousainou Darboe & ALL Political Prisoners of conscience or by tyrannical framings…?
You “…advised mama kandeh to drive to mile 2 to free & apologise to Ousainou…”
How can you honestly claim to be for Gambia first above anything else, through & through…
Deyda Haidara
Bajaw your style of writing the english language gives me headache to dissect what you want to say. Lol!
Please let the Coalition rally behind Mama Kandeh, for Mama will win this election.
Bajaw , Haidara lack consistency in his belief. All the reasons he gave to support Mama Kandeh were silly and unintelligent ones. He is a political prostitute who is constantly looking for customers. He voted for Jammeh and advised him to oppress our people and then he came here to act as if he was genuinely interested to salvage our country. He offered one million dalasis if the opposition leaders agree on selection of single leader as a coalition presidential candidate. He took a U turn and now claimed to be supporting mama Kandeh because of his personality. Haidara is a really life political prostitute who is very inconsistent, inconsiderate, hypocritical , lying , deception , falsehood, disingenuous, corrupt , dishonest, shameless, opportunist, and dangerous. When a Man has no principle, no shame and no moral value to regret he becomes a dangerous human being who can do anything on this planet. Supporting mama Kandeh is his constitutional right but we also have right to hold him accountable for his lies and deception.
Deyda Haidara
Marx, all your insults because I refuse to give 1million dalasi to Adama Barrow…huumm!
If you are a hungry pennyless man let me know so I send you some dollars.
If not accepting your candidate is wrong then I don’t want to be right.
You become more and more desperate, watch your heart bit body.
You seem to be a bloodthirsty man but mine will never be drunken, get that.
By the way the coalition campaign is a big FLOP. They employed the Jammeh style campaign by going around with over 100 geleles X40 = 4000 people. With this huge crowd in a village of 300 people or a town of 3000 people you will not know if you have supporters in these localities.
GDC went with a small convoy and all the meetings were graced by people in the localities, this way you can gauge your popularity.
The above lesson is for my body Ggpm who wants to be president in 2012. Lol!
Marx, GDC will even beat you in your own home town in Gambia.
I am not really sure the guy @Haidara is a Gambian….He seems to know the country very well but I doubt he has any strong hereditary ties to the people of the country.
Damn! It’s like the devil broke loose at one 0’clock noon…tsheeeew tsheeeew, he dash here and there with trailing red lava behind him. His types are the typical and symbolic adversity towards restoring democracy and the rule of law in the Gambia.
God guide and protect Gambia and its people.
Deyda Haidara
LOL! Bourne, I laughed so much, I couldn’t hold myself for 15mn. Damn!
You so right as the internet keep roaring, ants will not live in front of elephants.
By Dec 3rd you will know who I am as I reveal my identity and you will say waw! with happy feelings. I am not sure if Marx will honor my invitation to State House but he will surely receive a card. Inshallah.
”Ants will not live in front of elephants” the political criminal and long- nosed intruder, @Haidara.
If you closely followed what I stated about Mama Kandeh’s candidature, you would not have asked me about opposition unity being our strength. I have already stated that this was our aim or the desired scenario for this presidential election : a single opposition candidate against Jammeh. So, I have no disagreement with you on the strength of the alliance, if Mama Kandeh had joined.
Unfortunately, the reality is different and we have to react to it, in one of two ways :
(1) either we make the best out of a bad situation, in my view, by embracing and accommodating Mama Kandeh as a strategic partner ; or…
(2) make a bad situation even worse by villyfying and attacking Mama Kandeh as an enemy of the alliance, as you seem to be suggesting, which may be counterproductive for the alliance, in my view..
Thank God, the alliance campaign team and leadership on the ground are not doing anything from your book. I think they already regard GDC as a strategic partner. Therefore, to continue advocating and demanding a single candidate, at this point, is to live in cuckoo land, because it will not happen. Let’s accept that.
As for your concerns about responding to Jammeh if he decides to play a dirty hand, I believe the parties in the alliance have got the strength to respond adequately, if such a scenario was to arise, with or without Mama Kandeh on board…and it wouldn’t make any difference.
Lastly, I’m a bit unclear about the point of your insistence on Mama Kandeh joining the alliance, if you believe that he is going to get small votes from APRC & opposition. In.other words, he is insignificant..? If so, why the insistence..? Is it just unity for the sake of unity ? Surely, that cannot be any sensible person’s position, never mind a political analysts…
My position is based on a simple and logical reasoning that should not be complicated at all.
All I am saying is that if Mama Kandeh can get 20, 30, 40 or 50% of his votes from the APRC, then mathematically, that represents a corresponding rise to either alliance votes, (if he had joined) or for himself…
What is without doubt is that it is less (percentage) votes for Jammeh, whether the alliance gets it or Mama keeps it. And that can only be good for the opposition, which is why I consider Mama’s candidature as a win-win situation for the opposition. Mama Kandeh is not my candidate and I would have preferred that he did not contest, but I am a realist..
I can assure you that I am more serious about genuine and meaningful change in The Gambia than you.
You aren’t obliged at all to respond to my opinion; it’s only optional (if you like to)…
That’s “Deyda Haidara” for us all; certainly not even the shadow of the SELFLESS Martyr Veteran Journalist Namesake but in name only…
May God bless & guide us all to salvage reclaim the Gambia come December 1st; Insha Allah; Ameen.
Long live the Gambia…
Deyda Haidara
Long live the Gambia.
Long live President Mama Kandeh.
Bajaw , it is very sad to see him shamelessly defending himself. After 22 years of deception, dishonesty and lies , this is kind of behavior some citizens continue to manifest. Some of the people in the struggle exhibit this troubling political behavior and it is one of reasons we haven’t make any progress. Instead of him to speak truthfully, he is here to mock at us thinking that our current situation is a child play.
Deyda Haidara
Marx, it is sad to have discovered that the UDP used bribery methods with the GMC and GPDP delegates during the convention to vote for Adama Barrow. Why are Hamath Bah and Dr. Bojang not part of your campaign trail??? We got the facts but prefer to stay mute simply because we want to see Jammeh GO GO GO.
If there is any one honorable person amongst the coalition it is Halifa Sallah. Am sure he is aware of the scheme but because he is a TRUE patriot he preferred to stay the course as he was the architect of the convention.
You see Marx we are no small boys to be pocketed by political crocodiles.
All that we wish in the bottom of our heart is to see Jammeh GO GO GO, but the truth about the convention corruption scandal will come to light in due course Inshallah.
Marx, you know why Yaya Jammeh will never be a happy man, because he knows he uses CORRUPTION to bribe the IEC and the Military to stay in power.
Am not mocking you am simply telling the hard TRUTH that some of you do not want to hear. Period.
I will NEVER depend on government to earn a decent living, before, now and tomorrow, I am a free man and will remain a free man until I return to Allah. Inshallah.
Haidara, I do not trust or believe anything that comes from your mouth . I am done with you . Continue your deception, hypocrisy and dishonesty . Enjoy your campaign with your human right abuser. Thank you
Deyda Haidara
Ouff! Thanks Marx, am certainly enjoying my campaign both on the ground and on the net.
Bye, Chao!
He is a very very dangerous person! There are no doubts that you’ve the contemptious behind-the-scence characters in the country’s resolve of its grubby political posture like @Haidara.
You are joking that you will prove to people your true indentity in an apparent post-dictatorship Gambia. You will not be that shameless; will you? Gambians I guess are here with online names for a totally different reason from yours.
Deyda Haidara
Ask a Senegalese what bourne means in wollof, it means a person’s behind LOL! Am really having fun.
These are the real “Wolfs in sheep clothing”; every struggle including our very own are plagued by such characters & will continue to unearth some of them along; meanwhile we must continue to close ranks further as have done already & continue to engage our families, friends & love ones to vote for the Coalition to catalyse the peaceful change at the ballots on December 1st…
Whatsoever happens the Gambia will be liberated come December 2nd or there about (from there inwards); let’s all brace ourselves both physically & mentally for the crucial final remaining days ahead; our MURDEROUS kanilai KILLER DEVIL & Cabal Mercenaries are on their last legs; Insha Allah…
Long live the Gambia…
@Brother DH…
“Mind you an Adama Barrow a pure businessman becoming a president might turn to be a worst financial and economic THIEF than Yaya Jammeh.
Once elected a president, no past AGREEMENT is biding on him period.”
I have a problem with this criticism of Mr Adama Barrow because I think it is unfair, unnecessary, baseless and quite frankly, simply misleading…Where is the indication or signs (past or now) that can give us an idea, even the faintest, that Mr Barrow can become what you are insinuating here. Come on, being a businessman alone does not warrant such accusations.
Moreover, Mr Barrow, as an alliance candidate, unlike Mr Kandeh, has committed himself to a 3 year transition programme when elected. You may say that he can change, like Jammeh, but so too can anyone, including Mr Kandeh.
Such an approach would be a non starter, for that cap can fit every single one of us, but those who commit themselves to agreed protocols are less likely to change than those who haven’t. Mr Barrow has committed himself to an agreed transition programme; Mr Kandeh hasn’t. We should be more worried about him than Mr Barrow..
Furthermore Mr Kandeh, on the other hand, doesn’t have to change much, because if statements attributed to him are true, then he has not only refused to commit himself to a term limit, he has actually indicated that he may be a potential self perpetuating president in waiting, by allegedly claiming that ten years is not enough to undo the APRC damage; a damage he is very much part of, as rightly pointed out by Janko. Can I ask you how long it will take Mr Kandeh to fix this problem, in your own estimation..?
Finally, I do not appreciate the tone of my old foe/new ally, Max and I do not know whether he has evidence of how Mr Kandeh has voted in the Assembly during his period as an APRC NAM, but your attempt to exonerate him (Kandeh) from any responsibility in legitimising Jammeh’s theft of public resources, by allowing him to engage in business, in the amendment legislation you posted earlier, is very weak and simply laughable.
Your motive, I guess, was to create the impression that Jammeh was abusing the law, because it did not allow him to engage in business, as he is doing. I think your defense of Mr Kandeh would have been more seriously taken, if he had resigned from the APRC and informed the nation that his decision was in protest against the abuse of the legislation by the president. He did not resign; he was expelled from the APRC…
Moreover, Max has a legitimate right to question the role of Mr Kandeh in the APRC maladministration because he (Kandeh) has held public office, as a people’s representative. Mr Barrow is not known to have held any such offices in the past. So there’s a huge difference between the two, in terms of holding them to account.
I would urge you to concentrate on exercising your right to support your candidate of choice and desist from unnecessary insinuations…Defend your chosen candidate, as much as you can, but remember that he is being scrutinised by people here for his past records in public office.
Before you jump up and accuse me of inconsistency, let me remind you that my position on Mama Kandeh’s candidature is just a STRATEGIC ONE, for the purpose of this election ONLY…I have my own views on Mama Kandeh’s suitability as our leader and I will not vote for him if I had the vote..
You have yourself hinted at the strategic alliance of America, Britain and Russia (global opponents) to defeat NAZI Germany and even today, there are partnerships and alliances in many areas between these arch rivals. So, it should not be difficult or strange for the national alliance to have a strategic partnership with the GDC..It doesn’t mean that they endorse him or agree with his positions, but he is a candidate that will weaken the incumbent.. So why not accommodate him..? That’s my point…
I suggest a cease fire between you and your former ally..You have both made your points now. Allow him to respond to my queries..
Deyda Haidara
Marx only GOD knows what’s in a man future plan. So I agree with you that any one of us can change when real power is vested in our person. We have seen it with Macky Sall signing an agreement with opposition to shorthen the presidential term from 7 years back to the original 5 years during the second round of voting only to turn around and clinch around the constitution to enjoy his full 7 years constitutional rights. Power is so sweet and can corrupt a president very easily.
This is the reason why GDC stick to the 5 years mandate whiles introducing two terms limit in the constitution when voted into office. Your insinuation that GDC is not for term limit is false you should review our manifesto and Mama’s speeches in our rallies.
Now I attack Adama Barrow simply because they attack Mama Kandeh, if they stop the attacks I will also ceasefire and you can take my word for it. I will never shy away from criticism as it is everyone’s right, but no one has the right to insult others. I can return fire without smoke. LOL.
Thanks for brokering peace.
So are languages. Hence the Senegalese say WAW to impress a Malian. I wonder what makes you self-contradictory so. I bet just a handful of your type might be living in Senegal, especially Dakar. You are a mere LOL suff in the Gambia’s national debate. You are the most hypocrite and demonious energy incarnate of these forums and this shouldn’t cost folks a dime to note from when..
Yes the country needs human species like you for samples to teach to our future generations for them to understand the castatrophic nature of the illful art of hypocrisy saturating the country’s public space.
“Deyda Haidara”
IF AT ALL your alleged “UDP bribery scheme” is to go-by why can’t you & gdc & the SELFISH hand in glove ENABLERS be “TRUE PATRIOTIC” ENOUGH jus like Halifa Sallah & the rest of Decent SELFLESS Gambians for the SAKE of Gambia above anything else first if you are Truthful Selfless Citizens…???
The same manipulative manoeuvres have been utilized by the mama kandeh camp during the GOFER coalition negotiations; at LEAST from your Phoney Shabby constant change of characters you “Deyda Haidara” exhibited all along, shifting grounds about, you for one CAN’T vouch for NCP & Dr Bojang NOR NRP & Amat Bah or ANYONE for that matter…
You are INDEED a yaya KILLER DEVIL MERCENARY ELEMENT for REAL from your endeavoured manifestations you so-called “Deyda Haidara” but this time posing (masquerading) as mama kandeh element…
You first, just like any other Devilish Element played the Tribal Animosity Card, to ENTICE STRIFE on Gambia, by accusing Mandinkas for endorsing KILLER yaya DEVIL from day one; Maxs took the wind out of your sail; you dived into conciliatory apology PRETENTIOUSLY; ONLY to concoct another “primary bribery” FABRICATION again…??
Mama kandeh, for one, IF he’s PATRIOTIC ENOUGH should join the collective Gambian fraternity for Gambia first above anything else just like Halifa Sallah as you “Deyda” have stated…
Mama kandeh & you the sinister characters are just taking advantage based on the DEVILISH aprc-Connection, exploiting the precarious chaotic State of our political affairs plagued by 22 years of bloodshed, women rape, inhuman molestations insanities amongst many more other injustices…
Otherwise mama kandeh doesn’t stand to win in a CREDIBLE politically levelled election contest in a democratic Gambia; WHATSOEVER happens from now on, the Gambia ISN’T faraway from liberation soon; Insha Allah…
If you “Deyda Haidara” is TRUE “Believer” remember the Day of Reckoning with your CREATOR; may God bless us all; Ameen.
Long live the Gambia…
Janko Camara
Thank you Bax for stepping in. As usual, your perspectives are always refreshing.
Having said that, I would like to address two points you raised: Timing of the article and the hypocrisy of our people which you see as a sweeping generalisation and way over the top.
On timing, I have this to say: I was quite cognisant of the timing of my write-up and, believe me, it took me sometime to convince myself that I should release it at this stage. However, I eventually did from the vantage point of my knowledge of the GDC and the current behind-the-scenes political horse-trading that is going on. I know some of the people inside the GDC’s “Inner Caucus” and if the vibes from these people represent that of the party, then there is very little hope of reigning in party into any coalition because their position is not only ridiculously arrogant but also very selfish. To go into negotiations with the position that you either become the leader of the Coalition or you are out is, in my opinion, madness of the highest order especially when such position is based on the utopian fantasy that the GDC is the strongest Opposition party that can unseat the incumbent. What is the basis of such wild fantasy? What political barometer have they used to arrive at such a conclusion? This tells me that the GDC boss is a political simpleton. The UDP would have clinched the previous elections if the party was judged purely by the size of the crowds they were able to pull in those electioneering campaigns. Bax, you will agree with me that some of our politicians in the Coalition are veterans. They have been at it even before Kandeh finished school. Bakau’s Dembo By-Force (since the 1970s), PDOIS’ Halifa Sallah and Seedia Jarta have been in this game since 1986 when the name PDOIS first emerged on our national political terrain. Halifa was one of the three candidates that contested alongside Adama Barrow. When Barrow won, Halifa graciously accepted and pledged to throw his weight behind Barrow. There’s no shadow of doubt that Halifa is not only an intellectual of very high standing, but also, he is more experienced in the game of politics than Mr. Barrow. He was never a part of the A(F)PRC even when he was offered a Ministerial post back then in 1994. Yet, with all these positives on his political belt, he saw nothing but The Gambia and decided to follow the choice of the people. Therefore, on what moral (or political) high ground is Kandeh standing to want to subvert the verdict of the majority? How audacious can any former Jammeh enabler be? You see, most people were once Jammeh admirers and, to some extent, enablers. However, when they realised that they were backing the wrong horse, they back-tracked. However, to be an excommunicated enabler and still continuing to enable the same guy willingly is an affront to our sensibility. Those who have argued that Mr. Kandeh was the “rebel” within the A(F)PRC and had never supported any of those illegal constitutional amendments perhaps need to read the article captioned ” Mama Kandeh supported Jammeh’s illegal business deals while in Parliament” on Gainakonews. This is one instance of our new man in town, the new Political Born-again, supporting an illegality. This singular bill (which became law) killed employment creation by the Private Sector and our SMEs. The law gave Yahya the powers to engage in Sand mining (depriving the country the revenue that was coming from the export of zircon and similar minerals by the Carnegie Minerals), selling meat (thereby forcing butchers out of the trade). A visit to the abattoir in Abuko, will provide one a first hand understanding of what I am talking about. Whilst he imposed heavy taxes or levies on the poor butchers, his own business was not paying tax); he got involved in bakery and thus rendered all traditional bakeries redundant as they could not cope with the deliberately imposed levies. So instead of creating employment for the teeming population, the law eventually stripped the country of its job-creation capabilities. May be we need to see the government figures on unemployment for people to truly appreciate the destruction caused by the passing of this bill, not to talk of the potential revenue that we lost as a country. Yet people argue, Kandeh was the “rebel” within. A rebel indeed! How rebellious was he, after vigorously supporting this destructive bill?
It has been argued that the GDC’s majority is coming from the ruling A(F)PRC, thus GDC posed no threat to the Coalition and they can, therefore, go ahead to win on their own account. This argument is not entirely accurate. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, the GDC is also riding on tribal sentiments to win people on their side. This means whilst a number of A(F)PRC supporters are flocking to GDC, there is also a good number of other supporters who have not been A(F)PRC but have joined the GDC on the basis of their common tribal affinity with Mr. Kandeh. It is human nature and we have to accept that especially in a country where the majority of voters still vote for other considerations than issues that affect them. In any case, let us agree, for a while, that this faulty logic is tenable. However, is it not wiser that such GDC majority be added to that of the Coalition to make assurances double sure? In other words, the probability of winning is much higher if we all come together under one banner rather than fragmented. Nay, from what I know, this is no longer going to happen as one man’s vaulting ambition stands between him and the country’s liberation. The GDC appears to be more preoccupied with occupying No. 1 Marina Parade than freeing The Gambia from the obvious bondage we are in. Mr. Kandeh, in particular, needs to know that History will judge him accordingly and it will be interesting to see his children relate (and react) to a sordid historical judgment on their father in the future Gambia.
On the sweeping generalisation (nation of hypocrites), I do entirely agree with you Bax, that that was over the top and I would tone it down by agreeing with your assertion that we are a nation of politically ignorant people. However, this does not diminish the fact that a number of us, especially the so-called educated people, are equivocal and very self-centred. Most of us have that I-Me-and-Myself tendency even when it comes to matters of national import. It is such selfish interplay of some of our educated folks that is unravelling before our very won eyes. Education is supposed to turn us into enlightened people who strive for and accept the truth, no matter where it comes from. Both Islam and Christianity (two religions we all claim to belong) preach the adherence to truth at all times. Our cousins in Senegal did not wait for outsiders to preach them on the wisdom and virtues of unity when the national interest was at stake. They rallied behind one candidate and alas! Abdoulaye Wade became history in the 2012 elections. Can we not learn from them? Yahya’s tribalism is only relevant in so far as he sees a threat to his throne. A Yahya Jammeh, post December 2016, will be brutal to all, irrespective of our tribal affiliations. This is what people should understand and thus unite for the benefit of country and not tribes or transient vested interests.
Deyda Haidara
Brother Janko. I know you are going through some hot pressure to come back with your present controversial post. First and foremost you should accept that Yaya Jammeh do not care about our constitution, he does not care about Gambians and more over he does not care about the International community. Yaya Jammeh killed, tortured and jailed people without the slightest regards of the laws of land. What the constitution says is none of Jammeh’s business, he has his Junglers, his NIA, his mercenary judges and his prisons at his order and whims and caprices.
This is Yaya Jammeh the criminal president of the Gambia. What can any Gambian in or out of the country do about it? What can Mama Kandeh do about it? Is Mama responsible for our predicaments? Is Mama Kandeh not entitled to pursue the highest office of the country? Are Mama Kandeh’s kids responsible for their father’s vying for the office of the president? Where are the children of Jammeh’s enablers today? They are right here under your eyes in Gambia, in Europe, USA and elsewhere. Where are Mohamed and Mariam Jammeh? What have you done to them? Nothing. Even some of the killers are living under your nose what have you done to them? Nothing whatsoever. Gambians are very good at virtual menace but never at physical affront. Where is Lawyer Darboe today? Oh I forget it’s Mama Kandeh’s fault. Really!
Does Jammeh cares about who is happy or not in this world? Does he care about what is right or wrong? Does he care about the constitution? Brother Janko please let us stop the petty squabbles, the blame game and the pointing fingers at each other. Mama Kandeh not joining the Coalition does not make him or his family the people to hunt. We are a nation of cowards except the few that tried their best on our behalf and we know them. We shall cherish them and sing songs of freedom for them until the end of time. Hopefully their families will be adequately financially compensated in the 3rd republic and the perpetrators of the crimes brought to book. However GDC will respect the law and shall not interfere with courts.
Brother Janko, until we are brave enough and man enough to take up arms and engage in a guerilla warfare with Jammeh, every other method including elections and all the virtual utterances in this forum are relative and can be rendered null and void.
That is why we at GDC advocate for peace and rule of law.
In the meantime please let us accept the ceasefire brokered by Bax and redirect our collective campaign slogan to “Vote for the Opposition”. I am fully confident that either Barrow or Mama will win the elections. The only point of contention is, will Jammeh relinquish power peacefully? In this scenario Jammeh is more likely to hand over to Mama Kandeh than to Adama Barrow for obvious reasons that you and us know. So let us pray for that to happen peacefully. Let us now work for an MOU between the Coalition and GDC, it makes more sense today. We are one week away from the elections.
I will leave Bax to answer the points of concern to him and bring this unnecessary debate to rest and focus and redirect our energies on the way forward.
Deyda Haidara
Hate it love it, Mama Kandeh will win and the loyal security personnel will make sure Jammeh hand over the seat to him.
Allah is with us for We are only full of LOVE and PEACE and He Knows it.
It is high time our country returns to peace and All patriotic Gambians are praying and will vote for that.
Just keep on your SUSPICIOUS focus on human body parts. My arguments, if you can observe, abstains from all forms of vulgarity if not to react to them. You haven’t studied in the U.s.a,!, liar. People who studied extensively in the U.s.a won’t skylark with your type of vibes showing off how dumb and inept you are. This may sound an insult to you but don’t take it vulgar; I am assaulting your stupid hollow coconut shell because I don’t think you have a conscience that a human skull houses.
Janko Camara
My good Old Pal Deyda Haidara, without being disrespectful or sounding elitist, let me say this: I have decided to disengage with you in this forum until you rise above inconsistency and puerile intellectualism by arguing your case on the basis of consistency, facts and logic. Your arguments are woefully puerile. Let me demonstrate how you come across to most of us on this forum:
Janko: Deyda, you did not go to school today. Your class teacher called me this afternoon to complain about your absence.
Deyda: Well, Marx did not go to school either.
Janko: I am talking about you, not Marx.
Dayda: In fact, Bajaw has not been attending classes for two weeks now. So why are you picking on me?
This is how you come across to most of us on this forum and it does not help continuing to debate with you. You should be able to support your position with relevant facts and argue your case logically. However, the above in a typical case of a red-herring. If you were a parliamentarian, I would have said you always engage in a pure parliamentary filibustering, but you are not. I like engaging people who are reasonable and not those that indulge in wild gossips that do not add any value to our conversations. I do not have the stamina and zeal that Marx and Bajaw possess to continue engaging you because people might not see the difference. So I will not proceed any further on this business with you. Please enjoy your freedom of expression in the wildest manner. I will conclude by drawing your attention to the following quotation by a French surgeon cum Philosopher – Maurice Bucaille, in his celebrated book – The Qur’an and Modern Science:
“There is no compulsion for man to accept the truth. But it is certainly a shame upon the human intellect when man is not even interested in finding out as to what is the truth! Islam teaches that God has given man the faculty of reason and therefore expects man to reason things out objectively and systematically for himself. To reflect and to question and to reflect.”
Deyda Haidara
As a Nkrumahist and a firm believer in Islam, am totally satisfied with my philosophy and ideology and religion I don’t need a Frenchman surgeon cum philosopher to guide my conscience.
Ebrima Janko Solo Camara
Err you’ve been told to change this Camara name…😎
Your sister Fatu Camara never conclude a day on the air without mentioning food without noticing it…😎
To be candid my fraternity cousin Solo, I’m already done with this ENABLER MERCENARY AGENT hiding behind “Deyda (Haiadra) Hydara” name to murder fellow innocent human beings & destroying the only home to his or her own offsprings, siblings & compatriots…
Whatsoever can warrant a human such bedevilling goes beyond my apprehension…
Your namesake late Ebrima Solo Krummah may God bless him & us all & his distant cousin late Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana are the same family Not by any default but in REALITY…
History teaching that humans have a responsibility to oneself & others too for one’s own very survival…
As Believers our conscience teaches that one will always account for one’s own deliberations….
Janko be on the watch, I have posted you a loaf of bread on the way; I’m sorry, I know this will keep Camara kunda restless; always checking the post/mailbox ….😎
May God bless us in this our benevolent God-given birthright struggle to completion; along the way we must switch on our sixth-senses; & always brace ourselves to encounter & circumnavigate such Devilish Elements within along the way which have always plague all other struggles before; Ameen
Long live the Gambia…
Janko Camara
Bajaw, Camara Kundangkolu survive on the Kalimah, food is just needed to strengthen us. We can do away with it. We know what your needs are, so when we usher in the Coalition, God willing, we shall buy a lot of Taapa Laapa for the Touray kundangkolu and the Ceesay kundangkolu, because we know that is what they are missing most about The Gambia – I’m sure you remember that early morning hot Taapa Laapa (Brikama Mbuuro) with butter – that is what you’re missing.
This is really funny man. But whatever ‘Taapa Laapa (Brikama Mbuuro) without butter’ means to anyone… Yeah, I think the answers is; kind of one of the most expensive bread you can buy in New York. It’s called ARTISAN. Whilst artisan agric-implements are slow and poor, artisan food products remain the best once hygienically produced.
Come on bro……,you can’t say you have not reminisced its crunchy out-cover savor…When fresh…..
There you are; all (everyone) heard it together; the hot Taapa Laapa (Brikama Mburo) is Janko’s candid confession; Camara kunda-nkolu do keep dreaming of the hot crisps Knox… 😎
Yes Ebrima, Genuine Gambians are in this our Noble Birthright Struggle together as LONG as it TAKES to successful COMPLETION; it’s Incumbent Responsibility OWED to our offsprings & humanity at large, for (future) generations unborn into posterity…
Solo, I actually do travel to Gambia now & then; last time I’ve been to visit my Oldpa (equivalent of father) Camara in Kang Manka village in Foni; come see the eyes of the small Camaras when the Taapa Laapa emerged amongst the few souvenirs taken…😎
I’m sure you should (must) know my other motive to visit the area, if not just for visit to country & only home…
That’s why IF this Infesting Devil MERCENARY inhabiting a VERY Decent, Sacred & Noble (Deyda Haidara (Hydara) name PRETENTIOUSLY, thinking can engage in sowing division & discord within the Struggle is “having a laugh” for REAL, kidding NONE but OWN-SELF ONLY; Decent Gambians have EXPECTED & are BRACED to do WHATSOEVER it takes to reclaim the Gambia by ALL & ANY means NECESSARY; whosoever can stop that MUST be IMMORTAL…
Pharaoh JILAU’TADD did the same enslavement to the Egyptians & the persecution of the Israelites; the same scenario repeating under BLOODTHIRSTY IDOL WORSHIPPER kanilai KILLER yaya DEVIL in Gambia in this twenty-first century…
IF anyone is in doubt, this election ISN’T the only target; THE STRUGGLE IS REAL & CONTINUES UNABATED TO COMPLETION; Insha Allah…
Long live the Gambia…