
African Women On The Frontline Of Liberation Struggle


  1. Janjanbureh

    Thank you very much koto Sainey Faye for this enlighten article about our African women. They are our mothers, sisters, aunts and wives whose potentials are underrated. Africa must utilize and groom our capable women to lead us from the disaster we are in to prosperity. God bless Africa.

    • Sainey Faye

      Thanks for your nice comments.I’m glad you find something of value in the article.I agree with you that their potentials are underated, and that Africa must utilize their potentials.I may add that since our struggle started, their role and participation has always been constructive.If you take Gambia’s political Independence struggle for example, you would find that they contributed immensely – morally, economically, and politicall.They helped all the parties to become strong in areas of mobilization fhroughout the entire country, for the attainment of political independence,From Banjul to Koina., and from Barra to Wulli and Sandu.

      Janjanbureh (your namesake), has been an important wharf town and hub for all the parties, because of its location on the river Gambia.It was a center of colonial administration, and island, the most electrified town in the country prior to self-government of the 1960’s. It was where Armitage school was located, making it the only secondary or high school in the entire protectorate (later called provinces). The country’s first educated elites and sons of chiefs and traditional rulers were educated there, it was later opened up to all students who could pass the entrance exams, just like the other two in the capital Banjul – St. Augustines and Gambia High School.

      However prior to 1961, no women were allowed to go to Armitage, it was strictly for boys only. In 1961, the first batch of girls were admitted, along with boys and they were also the batch; that changed the school – making it a co-ed school.Many of the girls then are now mothers and grand mothers e.g. Fatuomatta Jallow (also called Fatoumatta Tambajang), also a political activist in the struggle today.She also became the first head girl, just like a seyfo in the boarding school.Others, to name a few were Mrs. Elizabeth Cole, Mrs. Fatou Sonko, Mrs. Huja Jeng, etc. etc.This same batch were with the late Mr. Musa Sey of Basse, and had as seyfo Mr. Lamin Juwara, and Kemeseng Jammeh (alkalo), late Landing Jallow Sonko (alkalo) and late Foday Manka (alkalo). This is only a short list of students you may or may not know, but the point here is show how women transitioned before and after the first republic.

      Janjanbureh was a rallying point for the parties, because Fulladu and Sami were areas with lots of votes; and to capture the votes and momentum many women mobilizers rendered their assistance.Because it is an island, most people had to walk and cross with canoe,’Bara’ or ferry, during the day. Women came in numbers, on foot for political rallies – ‘kangkurang’ ceremonies etc. and return late at night on foot to their respective villages and towns.In short their role and contributions must not be forgotten, they indeed helped and played a major in our liberation –knowingly or unknowingly.