
UDP Starts Nationwide Tour

pixlr_20161002190407982The United Democratic Party (UDP) left yesterday for a Nationwide Caravan Tour with a high power delegation. The delegation crosses from Banjul to Barra ferry terminal at around 3:00pm. There was an unprecedented reception at the Barra ferry terminal as party supporters animated the terminal with yellow. The delegation had a successful spell at Essau and later proceeds to Mbamkam. The welcoming at Mbamkam and other villages was even more overwhelming. The reception in Sitanunku, Aljamdu, Nuimi Lamin was by extension a huge success by definition and standard. The delegation reaches Kerewan at 2:00am where people were patient to wait for the entourage and a successful meeting was carried out. The convoy reaches at Baddibu Saba at around 3:00am, and during the meeting, the former National Assembly member disclosed that about 400 youths have switch allegiance from the APRC to the UDP. The night stop was at Salikenni and a meeting will take place there this morning. The following villages will be visited today in sequence: Minteh Kunda, No Kunda, Konteh Kunda Sukoto, Jajari, Illiasa, Jimansariba, Katchang, Maka Farafenni, Farafenni, Kataba, Dibba Kunda Fula, Dibba Kunda Wolof, Sara Kunda, Njaine Sanjal, Balangarr Kerr Nderr, Jawurr, Kuar, Njaw, Fass, Buduck, Sare Seedy, Chamen, Kass Wolof, Kuntaur Wassu (Night Stop).
