
NIA Blew Fan To Save Solo’s Life

SoloThe murder story of Gambian opposition activist continues to peel off in bits and pieces.

Solo Sandeng was beaten to death at the headquarters of the National Intelligence Agency on April 15th. The government has confirmed that the man who led over two dozens of protesters demanding for electoral reforms ahead of December general elections, died in state custody. The Jammeh regime quickly buried Solo like “a dog” without explaining how he had died, forcing journalists to embark on truth searching mission.

All our sources confirmed that Solo died of brutal and inhumane torture. “He was tortured until he had passed out,” one NIA operative said. “Solo was unresponsive and was then taken to Saihou Jengโ€™s office where a fan was blown on him for sometime because torturing agents thought he needed air to start breeding.”

After seeing no signs of breeding, the agents became so concerned that they called Lamin Sanyang, the agency’s doctor to examine Solo. Dr. Sanyang told the agents that he had died earlier on.

Under the command of Director Jeng, the man who coordinated the brutal torture sessions, Solo’s lifeless, naked body was thrown into a vehicle and ferried to Tanji for secret burial.

Like all other torture sessions, that of Solo was also video recorded, burnt on CDs and sent to President Yahya Jammeh to satisfy his bruised ego.



  1. Modou Lamin

    Allahu Akbar. Very very Sad. May Allah the merciful creator have mercy on his soul and all those who pass away before him. Glory be to Allah,the all seeing all knowing

  2. Al amin

    No doubt they toutured a lot to death b4 Solo n after Solo n they enjoyed it as their hobies, let they think of the punishment awaiting for them perhaps in this world and surely in the hearafter. No one is immune of death n anyone who died has nothing to rely on but ur deeds. Victoroous is the one who has faith in Allah n did well in this world shall not fear nor shall they be grieved. But those who sold their souls for the price of this world ( worldly position) are those who shall earn severe punishment from Allah which is not comparable to the punishment or toture they are unleasing to our peoples. May the soul of Solo n all those who passed away b4 n after him rest in perfect peace…Ameen….. wether they like it or not Inn’Sha’Allah, Gambia will soon be free from the clutches of the Vampires and Dog meat eaters who are behaving like Dogs themselves. Long live the Gambia.

  3. Manjou

    May his gentle souls rest in peace but let’s see the end of all those who killed him. But yaya will be more tortured than solo insallah.