
Halifa Scolds State Over Solo’s Case


20th June 2016

Attorney General
and Minister of Justice
Marina Parade

REF: AG(1)/6/2016

Dear Madam,


According to Section 72 of the Constitution you are the principal legal adviser to the government and have right to audience in all courts in the Gambia.

The Constitution, the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code have given you constitutional and statutory powers aimed at preventing miscarriage of justice.

This is why certain charges could not be subjected to hearing before the court unless they receive the fiat of the Attorney General. In the same vein, you have a right to file nolle prosequi to discontinue criminal proceedings and discharge and release accused persons.

Section 85 subsection (1) of the Constitution also adds that “The Director of Public Prosecutions shall have power in any case in which he or she considers it desirable to do so, and subject to the approval of the Attorney-General –
(a) to initiate and undertake criminal proceedings against any person before any court for an offence against the law of The Gambia;
(b) to take over and continue any such criminal proceedings that have been instituted by any other person or authority:
(c) to discontinue at any stage before Judgment is delivered any criminal proceedings instituted or undertaken by himself or herself or any other person or authority”

The only exception is in relation to matters subjected to public prosecutions.

Madam, with a conscience pricked by the wailing of family members, Ousainou Darboe told the journalists that he had every reason to believe that Solo Sandeng is dead under custody. He and elderly members of his executive took to the street in a peaceful march to demand to put their eyes on Ebrima Solo Sandeng, dead or alive.

Two months have elapsed since the arrest of Ebrima Solo Sandeng. He is the principal protagonist in respect to the incidents of 14th April and 16th April.

He is yet to appear in any court proceedings.

The procrastination or hesitation in revealing the truth regarding Sandeng’s whereabouts has unsettling effect on the scale of justice, threatening to tip the balance towards miscarriage.

Every court proceeding is shrouded by the mystery of Sandeng’s unexplained absence.

The mystery was further nurtured to full blown impunity by total silence regarding his whereabouts while conducting diligent prosecution of the UDP executive members who believed that he is dead and buried under suspicious circumstances.
Justice has its technical and substantive components.

Substantive justice must be done and be seen to be done.

If Sandeng were to be brought to court then the belief of the UDP leadership that he is dead would have been proven to be mistaken and the moral weight behind their action would have been lighter.

On the other hand if Sandeng is indeed dead and buried then the state would stand accused.

In short, no one who dies under custody should be buried without a coroner’s inquest to determine cause of death.

Section 6 subsection (1) of the Coroners Act states: “When a person dies while in the custody of the police or of a prison officer or in prison or when detained in any place under the provisions of the Lunatics’ (mentally ill)Detention Act, or of the Criminal Procedure Code, the police officer or prison officer or other person having the custody or charge of the deceased person at the time of his death shall immediately give notice of the death to the nearest Coroner and, except as otherwise provided by section 11, such Coroner shall hold an inquiry into the cause of such death in the manner hereinafter provided.”
A writ of habeas corpus has been filed for the state to bring him to court. It will be heard on 27th June.

If the state is to reveal that he is dead then it would amount to mockery of justice to have failed to take his body to the mortuary and cause a coroner’s inquest to be conducted.

If this is how matters stand miscarriage of justice would be minimised by ensuring that Ousainou Darboe and the UDP executive and members do not stay one more day in prison.

You are therefore being requested to find out the facts before the court sits on 27th June. If the death and burial of Sandeng is admitted you should advise that a coroner be appointed to hold a coroner’s inquest to determine the cause of death. If the body is buried it should be exhumed under the dictate of Section 4 subsection (3) of the Coroners Act.
The state should be advised to ease frustrations by rolling back impunity and discharge and release all those linked to the incidents associated with Sandeng.

The nation should mourn the death and national consultation should begin to avert reoccurrence. Religious and civic leaders should also play their part in addressing the current challenges.

A people whose hearts do not beat in unison with the heartbeat of fellow citizens facing challenges of justice, no matter who, at any given moment will always remain an insensitive, irresponsive and divided, weak and uncaring people.

We should all become concerned and without any desire to play to the gallery, speak and act according to the dictates of conscience and the national interest. This is the way to ensure that we have a state which serves as an instrument of protection instead of an instrument of coercion.

Yours in the Service of the Nation

Halifa Sallah
Secretary General



  1. Maxs

    Truly speaking , Halifa sallah continue to amaze me and I am not sure whether he really understand what is going on . Oh my goodness , can his disciples inform him that the state has already confirmed the death of solo Sanderg . Why is he speaking as if he did not know solo Sanderg was killed and it has been confirmed by Nogoi Njie testimony, interior minister and recent court statement by shaihou Tijan Jeng . Halifa is speaking in conditional term such as using conditional word like “if “. There is no “if ” in what happened . Mr sallah should simply speak the truth and stop beating about the bush. udp leadership action is morally and constitutionally right regardless of whether solo was dead or alive and therefore mr sallah assumption that if solo was not dead then the ” moral weight behind their action would have been lighter ” is simply false assertion . Udp has constitutional right to demand and express grievances about the condition of solo Sanderg and all the peaceful protesters . Categorization of their action as a mistake if solo Sanderg was not dead is indeed a malicious and deviod of truth . What is clear is the constitution provision which allow citizens to express their grievances such as in the form of protest at the excessive abuse of power with total impunity .
    Halifa sallah’s lecture will be graded as D by students of any university worthy of its reputation. His illogical and disjointed ideas with refusal to understand the nature of the regime is complete waste of time and it serve no purpose but to only legitimize the tyrant . At some point , he need to graduate from writing these confuse letters . Oh Gambia we are in deep trouble when a leader of so called opposition party cannot even speak the truth in plain Language .

    • kamalo

      Halifa obviously is aware of the reports made earlier that Sandeng is dead. But the fact of the matter is the State have Sandeng in their custody. And up to the time Halifa writes this letter that state has not made any official pronouncement that Sandeng died while in their custody.

      The official confirmation of his dead came after Halifa has written this letter. Therefore Halifa’s letter should be viewed in that context.

      You are just picking an unnecessary fight. By now everyone should be aware of your “little games.”

  2. Maybe he knows Solo’s true whereabout and what exactly happened to him since. Hah….,this is bloating time for them; Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrch!!

  3. Edi boy

    Max, please don’t waste your energy and time to respond this Halifa Sillah’s letter to Attorney General. Halifa have already know that solo Sandeng is dead based on their minister of interior report and the rest. So why Halifa is using the word “If” after knowing from the clear source that solo Sandeng is dead. Halifa and other opposition parties has to do one single thing which is rise up and organize big nationwide protest for this monster dictator YAHYA AJJ JAMMEH and his administration to go to fucking HELLFIRE not just going to exile. Enough is enough!!! Gambians back home are suffering for 22 years for this idiot monster dictator YAHYA AJJ JAMMEH and his thug’s ruthless administration. His stupid idiot wife first lady zainab Yahya jammeh come up with this idiot stupid initiative program called “End Early marriage” when those vulnerable young girls age ranging from 13 and up are seeing in her husband’s home town having illegal sex with those men of dictator YAHYA AJJ JAMMEH’S inner circle who are old enough to be their fathers. Some of these vulnerable young girls end up being pregnant from his husband’s home town parties or musical jamboree. I am advocate for girls education but not if they will be sexual exploited by our own thugs government of monster dictator YAHYA AJJ JAMMEH and his administration promscious men.

  4. Maxs

    I think most people did not read these endless press release from mr sallah. If his disciples are honest they would admit that his letters are worth like a toilet paper . Where is intellectuals of a party which pride itself as the most political aware

  5. Janjanbureh

    Max, Halifa and his useless disciples are confused people. Most of their recruits end up leaving PDOIS after they are enlighten about the backwardness of the party. They are the most uncompromising and difficult party to deal with even though they have nothing to show for. I would rather we just ignore them and go about our business in liberating The Gambia.

    • Maxs

      Edi boy and janjanbureh, it is indeed sad to see these disciples who pick up crumbs after mr sallah are defending him with complete ignorance. Yero Ba or alpha Ba or whatever he called himself is the errand boy of Halifa . He has access to pdois leadership and he is on the record here when he alleged that he will go to pdois archives to expose that PPP was a Mandinka party . I did my investigation on him and came to conclusion that he is indeed an agent working for pdois leadership as their errand boy . Yero or Alpha Ba is a hopeless individual who is currently used by pdois . This is why he always quote pdois foroyaa whenever there is a debate about pdois. Foroyaa is control by mr sallah and he is the chairman of the board and senior editor of the paper . Bax is an old demented guy who has lost his equilibrium which is why you cannot tell whether he is pdois or Jammeh supporter . He is Jammeh’s supporter but he is afraid to come forward and hiding behind pdois name. They didn’t know when I was in high school I spend a lot of time reading foroyaa and I met Halifa’s dad in The Gambia few times . so I know what is his belief and political philosophy. As for Jammeh’s statehouse and Kanillia, I know it to my fingertips because my sources are right inside his inner circle. Jammeh is worst than Gaddafie and Saddam combined because these dictators at least did not go for people properties and wives . Yaya Jammeh even didn’t spare poor farmers animals or land . Yaya want every thing good and nice in The Gambia .

    • kamalo

      Why then should you not just ignore PDOIS. Max spend ninety percent of the time in this medium writing about PDOIS and Halifa.

      And most, if not all, what he writes is either out of context, wrongly assumed, deliberately misconstrued or outright not truthful.

      You would be doing us a great favor if you just ignore Halifa and PDOIS. You would save us the effort to debunk all your untruthful statements.

      • Maxs

        Kamalo, it is personal responsibility to debunk any misinformation from any politician. So you should expect my scrutiny of Mr Sallah’s statements. I regretted why we have Jammeh who live on deception and lies at statehouse, so I am not going to sit down without scrutinizing another politician who by all standards is not honest in his presentation. I don’t care if people say I hate him. My goal is keep him honest and establish fact-check. This is what we lack in our politics. In this forum, we have to establish fact-check and truth squad to ensure that truth and decency prevail in our politics.

        • kamalo

          Max, I have no problem with your personal responsibility to debunk misinformation from any politician.

          What I have a problem with is your lack of objectivity when it comes to issues about PDOIS and Halifa.

          And when objectivity is negated and what you write has no objective content then it becomes a matter that is purely partisan.

          It is obvious and it is an element that is common in all your postings here that pertains to PDOIS and Halifa.

          There is that desperate attempt to castigate; to find fault; to decry; to show contempt; to malign and to sully Halifa’s character.

          And there is that willful intent to discredit PDOIS, to disparage and to question its integrity and moral standing.

          We know this are all futile attempts. And what is not on your side is that argument has a rational basis. And there are no rational basis for your arguments.

          You just argue for the sake of arguing. There is no consideration in terms of logics, inference, deductive and inductive reasoning that people whom you argue with employ to give an objective and rational approach to the arguments.

          It just has to be your way of thinking or looking at the issues. If not everyone is wrong and you are right.

          Let’s look at Solo Sendeng’s death as an example. The first thing that PDOIS would consider is the Coroner’s report.

          This is a constitutional requirement for anyone who dies under the custody of the state, be it in the prisons or under the police powers of the state: its security apparatus.

          This report is an official confirmation from the state that someone has died while in the custody of the state.

          The state is not producing this report because it wants to be honest that someone died in their custody. The state must produce this report because it is mandated by the constitution to do so.

          Is there a coroner’s report as far as Solo Sendeng’s death is concerned?

          The second thing that PDOIS would consider to affirm Solo Sendeng’s death is the courts.

          A writ of habeas corpus has been filed to produced Solo Sendeng in court. This is a court order and the state has to comply. The court has to determine whether the state has lawful authority to hold him in custody.

          If Solo Sendeng died in the custody of the State then the State must affirm this fact to the court.

          Once this affirmation is accepted by the court, then it has been proven beyond all doubts that Sendeng has died.

          This affirmation is done through an affidavit made with the Commissioner of Oaths or a Notary Public.

          There are now reports that the State has made an affidavit regarding Solo Sendeng death through the Commissioner of Oaths. This is how matters stand.

  6. Deyda Haidara

    My Brother Halifa Sallah, I would encourage you to go further and ACT on your letter.
    The final paragraph of your letter to the INJUSTICE Minister Mama Singnateh speak volumes and I quote: “We should all become concerned and without any desire to play to the gallery, speak and act according to the dictates of conscience and the national interest. This is the way to ensure that we have a state which serves as an instrument of protection instead of an instrument of coercion.”
    It was the above statement of conviction that made you go out and protest to defend the rights of the “Witches” that landed you in Yaya Jammeh’s net.
    The same conviction should again drive you to give an ultimatum to the state that the arrest, remand and sham court case going on against Lawyer Darboe & Co. is illegal and should make you go out and protest to make your love for justice loud and clear. By doing so you will earn the respect of Gambians in general and the UDP in particular.
    Brother Halifa, you are political scientist in your own right, as such, you should take every political situation to score political points, since you are a presidential aspirant. You are one of the oldest politicians in the Gambia; as such no other politician including Yaya Jammeh should beat you in the field. I honestly urge you not to miss this historical chance of showing Gambians that you always care for all and sundry in the name of justice.
    Writing this letter albeit its hesitant content is good but it is better to translate theory into practice.
    Thank you for writing this piece to Mama Singnateh to discontinue the case but also remember that Madam Singnateh has a Boss who decides what she should do even if she against it. You know very well that Jammeh is hell bent on convicting Lawyer Darboe & Co. for fear of having a strong opposition challenging him in the next elections.
    By now we all know that Jammeh shut down all possible exit routes available to him and locked himself in a suicide mode and will not go down without taking with him all his real and perceived enemies both within and outside his government, his party and his political opponents.
    Jammeh has declared war against the Gambians and Gambians must brace up for war against Jammeh. There is no other way out of the clutches of Dictator Jammeh.
    Thank you.

  7. Ignorance has consumed your minds and hatred has overwhelmed your hearts despite your denials. Halifa is not like you but a leader of a political party. He is speaking the language of law and nothing is confirmed yet as far as the proceedings in court are concerned. This is why even the Kaironews is saying “ the information on Solos death is surfacing step by step. Ask your lawyer to tell you at what stage would it be confirmed that Solo has indeed died he will tell you.

  8. Alagie Jallow

    Mba look! What about Saihou Jeng’s confirmation affidavit statement that Solo died in state custody? If this is not a confirmation of death, then what else is it? I’m not convinced that Mr. Sallah and his talibes or Baye Fails know about this fact. They’re at best beating around the bush.

    • Maxs

      Alagie Jallow, these confused people will not accept the truth. It was reported in every newspaper or media that the state has confirmed the death of Solo Sanderg Last week through the affidavit statement of Saihou Jeng. Prior that Jammeh himself stated that “only one person died in custody and people died in custody every where and every time” and he went further to say let UN Secretary General “go to hell “. A month ago, interior minister Ousman Sonko has revealed the death of solo to diplomats in Dakar, and also Nogoi Njie testimony last month also confirmed solo’s death. All these evidence do not educate these confused and dishonest people which is why they are waiting for June 27 as D day in their minds. Solo Sanderg’s dead has been confirmed long time ago and every Gambian knows that but here you have bunch of dishonest politicians and their indocrinated disciples claimed that his death is not official despite court affidavit statement. When Halifa write his garbage letters just like this one above, they expect people not to examine its content but to agree to it.
      Kamalo and Yero, did you not read the above evidence I just stated which confirmed solo Sanderg’s death? I cannot ignore a lie, or dishonest statement which is why I always challenge mr sallah’s statement or press release. Every time he release his statement you will find such vague and untruthfulness. It is time for him to be line with majority. Yero Ba’s claimed that mr sallah is speaking in term of legal basis that claim is false and untrue. The court affidavit is the legal document which was produced prior to mr sallah’s letter, therefore Yero Ba’s statement is misleading, malicious and outright a lie. Pdois failed to realize that Gambian people have long discovered their politics of deception and dishonesty which is why they are not making any inroads in winning the hearts and minds of the people for 40 years in politics. Such a simple and open knowledge about solo Sanderg’s dead has cast doubt on pdois and Halifa’s credibility because this letter above is not credible.

      • Bax


        Do you realise that by taking Yaya Jammeh and Ousman Sonko’s alleged statements and that of NIA Jeng’s affidavit as the gospel truth, you are demonstrating your inconsistency, once again.

        Are you not the same Max that accuse the Jammeh regime of lies, deception and false propaganda…? How do you know that they are not lying again about Solo…? Do you trust the NIA…? Do you think any affidavit from an institution that is known for all the wrong reasons should be relied upon by responsible people to make prouncements …?

        Mr Sallah, unlike you ( without a face and a name) hiding in your closet, is a statesman and must be cautious about the type of information he relies upon to make pronouncements, because not only his credibility but that of the organisation he represents could be in jeopardy, if he were to make pronouncements that later turn out to be false.

        The Constitution has clearly laid down the procedure to follow when death occurs under custody and until that is done, Mr Sallah’s cautious approach is the right one, in my view.

  9. Maxs

    Bax , for the first time , Yaya Jammeh admitted that he killed someone under his watch , his minister and NIA confirmed it through court document, there is no verification which is more important than that . Lawyer Darboe confirmed the same story which was why udp took to the street to demand solo dead or alive . In this case what credibility is Halifa looking when it is common knowledge that solo was killed . Which organization is he reporting to report which is far more important than rights of the citizens who are violated ? Your argument doesn’t make any sense at all. In this case , Jammeh and all his agents all said the same thing and it has been corroborated by Nogoi Njie statement . We all know the constitutional procedures when someone died in custody which has never followed by this regime and that is not what we are talking about here . What we are talking about is Halifa refusal to accept the truth that solo Sanderg was killed and his pointless waiting for justice department or court to announce it again when the same court earlier on in a sworn affidavit has indicated that infact solo was killed . What difference does it make whether another announce the death of solo ? Bax , you see common sense and logical reasoning is not in pdois politics . Jammeh’s statement has further confirmed that solo was killed . Pdois is spinning this case for their selfish interest .

    • Bax

      Max…It doesn’t matter whether it is the first or millionth time, if you accept their statements as the truth, without the coroner’s report, then you are saying that they can be trusted. In that case, you should never, ever open your mouth here again, to question information from the regime, because they can be trusted, according to you.

      With regards to Darboe, what we know from the reports is that he acted on information he received which he believed to be true, but we are not told whether he was able to verify the authenticity of that information. Since he was not the original source of the information, it will be difficult to see how he could have corroborated it without being able to verify its authenticity.

      Nogoi Njie, on the other hand, was being tortured herself and possibly traumatised during that whole period. Evidence from a person under such a condition needs to be handled with care. I am not disputing her narration of events but just pointing out to you that it is not not the type of information one should rely upon to make pronouncements or take irreversible decisions.

      In any case, Mr Sallah has taken concrete steps to advance the cause of justice for the detainees by writing to the Chief Justice who is the chief legal adviser to the government.

      What are you doing to advance the release of people you have influenced into the streets…? You have a moral duty and responsibility to take concrete steps to secure the freedom of these people.. So instead of wasting your time talking about Halifa Sallah, you should tell us what you are doing…?

      • Maxs

        Bax , It is despicable act to suggest that Nogoi Njie testimony should be handled with care . you have no empathy and sympathy in your veins . so you are suggesting nogoi njie was lying about her testimony , therefore her testimony is not true or factual . you are indeed out of your mind . it is so disgraceful to see you go so low life in this manner . shame on you .

    • Bax

      BTW, logic and common sense can only be employed/applied with a person who is constant and stable; not a flip flopper like you, who says “don’t trust Jammeh ” in one instance, but says the complete opposition in another instance.

  10. Max, even if you are employed to fact check someone you should do it with sincerity. All that Halifa stated in his letter are factual and very helpful to the victims and the nation. I think you are simply interested in making a critical point without reading carefully.Halifa is more concerned about substantive justice. This is why he said: “Justice has its technical and substantive components.Substantive justice must be done and be seen to be done.”
    In order for substantive justice to be seen to be done, he is saying
    “If Sandeng were to be brought to court then the belief of the UDP leadership that he is dead would have been proven to be mistaken and the moral weight behind their action would have been lighter.”
    You should know that Halifa like all of us has got the information that you’ve heard but legally speaking he is simply putting it this way until the right steps are taken in court and he is saying if the right steps are taken,it should follow strictly as follows: “Section 6 subsection (1) of the Coroners Act states: “When a person dies while in the custody of the police or of a prison officer or in prison or when detained in any place under the provisions of the Lunatics’ (mentally ill)Detention Act, or of the Criminal Procedure Code, the police officer or prison officer or other person having the custody or charge of the deceased person at the time of his death shall immediately give notice of the death to the nearest Coroner and, except as otherwise provided by section 11, such Coroner shall hold an inquiry into the cause of such death in the manner hereinafter provided.”

    All what he said is to buttress the fact that no one who dies under custody should be buried without a coroner’s inquest to determine cause of death.”
    I cannot understand why you still have a problem with the above. In my view it is only because you are not reading the letter in good faith but only interested in looking for faults which you erroneously described as fact check.
    “A writ of habeas corpus has been filed for the state to bring him to court. It will be heard on 27th June.
    If the state is to reveal that he is dead then it would amount to mockery of justice to have failed to take his body to the mortuary and cause a coroner’s inquest to be conducted.”
    You are certainly aware of Sandeng’s death based on the various information that were circulated which is very likely to be true but as far as the court is concerned his death is to be confirmed by the state in court on June 27th at which time all can confirm that he is indeed dead.
    Halifa is thinking ahead of all of us by reminding the state of its responsibility and requesting it to find out the facts before the court sits on 27th June. “If the death and burial of Sandeng is admitted you should advise that a coroner be appointed to hold a coroner’s inquest to determine the cause of death. If the body is buried it should be exhumed under the dictate of Section 4 subsection (3) of the Coroners Act.”
    Max, not everyone reading this letter is aware of the above paragraph which is still pushing the state to ease frustrations by rolling back impunity and discharge and release all those linked to the incidents associated with Sandeng.
    Max, why is this so difficult for your mind to accept this contribution in good faith if you are indeed sincere in your criticisms of Halifa?
    Thank you Bax.

  11. Janjanbureh

    Yero Bah, please give us a break. Too much lies and round abouts. When are you all going to learn that most Gambians are not impressed with PDOIS and its foolishness. The game is over.

  12. Bajaw

    In effect Halifa is reacting (slowly) to realities; in layman terms ‘if Ousainou & UDP leadership are proven wrong by July 27 that Solo Sandeng is (& produced) alive…..’, then there’s need for Halifa & indeed all the opposition parties & leaderships in particular stand up together in unison (along side UDP leadership) on side of political reforms demonstrators & oppressed peasantry Gambia population as whole for Solo WON’T be produced alive; yaya jammeh is a LIAR but was only admitting in defense trying to limit to “one dead”…..?

    There would (by) now (have) been ENOUGH evidences circumstantially from July 1994 to date in aprc maladministration & miscarriages of justice & judicious dispensations of our collective affairs of State….

    Halifa & the following & the DEVILISH aprc bandits hand in glove with KILLER master yaya DEVIL jammeh & MURDEROUS elements all know that realities in Gambia are now catching up; until something drastic is done immediately as we all admitted already, we are besieged with “civil strife prevention” with yaya jammeh blatant killing of human beings & shut down to all avenues politically available to attain to political franchise judicious dispensations of Gambian affairs which is concern to ALL Gambians (& friends) as collective “stake holders”…..??

    Would be interesting to see Halifa & all other opposition parties leaderships’ reactions geared towards our common good from July 27 stage managed kangaroo courts deliberations onwards; how can anyone from thence on, (be able to) sell to Gambians that sham elections participations without judicious electoral reforms are indeed the only constitutional way to liberation…???

    Otherwise the constitution mandatorily obligated & obliged Halifa & each of these opposition leaderships by virtues of their positions, to individually & collectively stand up for the oppressed peasantry population in this case & instance, just like UDP rightly done & just as Halifa on the “witches hunt” before; in as much as our political leaderships to appear & (being) seen to be genuine, they (must) have to fulfill their constitutional MANDATORY roles in words as deeds in actions; all we asked of our politicians is to serve us as constitutionally incumbent upon them, whether in serving &/ in waiting capacities; we are looking forward to ALL Gambians & opposition leaderships to close ranks with Gambians & UDP & leadership soon, to surmount the total assault necessary to reclaim liberation for all Gambians by any means necessary from the murderous fiefdom we found ourselves in…

    Long live the Gambia…..

  13. Gambia.

    I hope the editor will in good faith publish this from the Foroyaa newspaper in reference to this caricature of Halifa.


  14. Modou

    Max, consider your crusade, if one can call it that, against the hypocrisy of Khalifa and PDOIS as mission accomplished. All there is now are a few indoctrinated diehard Talibes struggling in typical PDOIS fashion, long on words and short on facts, to rebut your facts.

    The majority of Gambians are moving on without PDOIS, and Mr Sallah can send the thousandth “INDIGAL” to his Talibes for all we care. The Gambia will continue to be better off without his never ending letters, which cause more confusion than clarity of PDOIS stand on critical issues currently facing our country.

    • Maxs

      Modou, thank you for your compliment. It is my personal responsibility to ensure that pdois and its disciples are honest in their presentation. They have distracted me from my main target Yaya Jammeh. They have been misinforming citizens for the past 21 years without any accountability or honesty. I know they are desperate to silence me but these disciples are not smart people after all. They simply follow their political talking points and they do not have independent thinking. They are more of a problem than APRC supporters.
      I will continue to use “appeal to emotion” and “personalification” by asking personal questions to these dishonest disciples. Though it is my desire to win their minds and put them in line with the truth and decency which our country need so that we can all live in peace, harmony and justice. This crusade as you called it, is not going to be easy fight but it is going to be long, sustain, nasty and brutal fight because dealing with sycophants and dishonest individuals require not just education but to tell them who they are and what they represent. Therefore I am in for proxy war with pdois and its disciples until the truth finally prevail. I will use my F-16 to destroy their capabilities while I reserve tomahawks cruise missile with nuclear warheads and its bunker buster effects for the Dictator and his immediate inner circles. I have already send my surveillance drones to gather vital data about pdois leadership and its disciples. I have reliably located Yero Ba or Alpha Ba as an agent of pdois and its propaganda machine. Further investigation continue. We must continue to fight.

  15. Julaba

    Empty barrel making noise here whilst UDP Leader and entire leadership are treated as CRIMINALS and court proceedings progressing!

    PDOIS is addressing the state, has a political platform and on course as a political party.

  16. ”One very well remembers the vibrancy of Gambian politics before July 1994. At the local markets,……………………………………………………………………………………………..” parag. cont.to unquote: Baba Galleh.(art. Jammeh Jippo)
    As others may perceive too from the latter, a humane and a civil society process has been hijacked in the Gambia since, aggressed, and its human rights values violated and mocked at. This must be a good reason in my presumption why Hon. Ousainou Darboe, leader of the UDP party and his executive have seen it constitutionally necessary to act in a peaceful protest as rights entrenched in our constitutional stipulations. I thank the whole UDP executive and all supporters on the ground for responsibly and constitutionally exercising their rights and evidently representing a million or more in an atmosphere of no fear or favor had it been the case, in a peaceful protest to bring about electoral reforms/re-amendments in the dilapidated state of condition of the Gambia’s proud constitution of the republic.
    ..Or maybe someone really wants Gambian now as real crabs in a the barrel..