
Dirty President Jammeh At It Again?

fatou fattyThey say in the local parlance that droplets of rain should stop with the rain. But that is not true in the case of the Gambia’s naughty leader. With all the mountains of accusations levelled against him for flirting around with light-skinned girls, Yahya Jammeh will always leave his trails opened. Jammeh will hold onto himself and avoid young girls until the dust settled, one former presidential aid confided in Kairo News. Like a wolf, the Kanilai Dictator will scout for girls to prey on. He will then put his pimps to work. “He is our president but his sexual expedition knows no boundary. I think he is a maniac,” the aide said, linking Mr. Jammeh’s flirting with even married women. “This naughty hypocrite will arrest innocent and try to toy with their husbands. That was exactly what he did to his former deputy protocol officer, Mustapha James Kujabi. While this man, a cousin of the president was being detained, Jammeh started playing with his wife. The relationship between Jammeh became so close that Fatou Fatty and Kujabi divorced. This provided more room for Jammeh to move to the next level, which is to bankroll Fatou’s master’s program in the United Kingdom. Jammeh moved her from being internet operator supervisor to a marketing manager upon return from the UK. But Jammeh has gor into the nerve of Gamcel management when he promoted his playmate to a deputy general manager. Fatou has jumped the positions of senior manager and director, ahich is why fury fills air in Gamcel. Of course, the goal is to prepare Fatou Fatty as the general manager.”

Some people might think why Kairo News is going this route. The answer is simple. The office of the president must not continue to be put to disrepute and that the president’s naughty behaviour has given birth to winners and losers. For instance, the promotion of Fatou Fatty, the daughter of the Gambia’s respected late religious leader Alh. Saja Fatty, means firing or jailing of an experienced, competent and qualified officer. Besides, the man who is positioning himself to be an Amir of an Islamic State should be a role model. Nothing should be buried under the carpet when it comes to Yahya Jammeh who hides behind Islam to hoodwink a besieged nation.

Read below a copy of Fatou Fatty’s appointment letter which emanated from an executive order.
fatou fatty

1 Comment

  1. Maxs

    I think kaironews is late to talk about Jammeh’s sexual exploitation . I have written articles and commented on how he used his office to exploit our young vulnerable girls and women . Jammeh is a rapist and sexual pervert . One thing that get into Jammeh’s skin is his sexual and predatory life . Now that you started to expose Jammeh’s lifestyle , you are now a target and any one associated with kaironews is being monitor. Yaya Jammeh’s DNA or sperm is all over the place . I am sure intelligent agencies throughout the world have it in their database . Right now , the only thing that save this dirty dictator from facing the courts is that he is a sitting president and once he is out of power , you will see sexual allegations charges , kidnapping and child molestation file in the court . Please continue to expose his sexual life . Gambian people needs exemplary leader but not a sexual predator. Jammeh has introduced sexual terrorism in The Gambia . He is a sexual terrorist .