
Let’s Heal Our Financial Wounds

Kemo BarrowSmart Money Week Offers Unique Opportunities

By Kemo Barrow

Financial Empowerment Center is honoured and humbled to bring you week three financial tips or message of the week April 23 – 30th.

Join us as we seek knowledge and wisdom to better our selves, families and communities financially, to comemmorate and celebrate the Financial Literacy Month of April and especially the Smart Money Week which runs from April 23rd through 30th.

We cannot overemphasized the significance of this Smart Money Week. Those who want more information on the program can visit This National Program – mounted throughout United States – reminds people to evaluate their financial positions so as to take care of short falls. This revolution was pioneered by the Federal Bank of Chicago iPioneered this revolution in 2002. Its an eye opner, for consumers to embark on one week of financial education or literacy.

Banks, credit unions Insurance companies, employers and brokerage housed as well as financial Advisors have teamed up with the communities to comemortae this beautiful and wonderful Money Smart week. Please take advantage and visit your local financial Institutions, Libraries, employers for financial information that you can use.

Kairo Radio has a comprehensive coverage on Money Smart Week and hope our listeners will tune in and remind families, friends and associates to go out and be financially informd.

We thank and appreciate all the feed backs and questions the Financial Empowerment Center has been receiving from the listeners. Please keep us on your calendars every Sunday 6:00 pm to the following Monday 5:00 pm.
