By Max
It is my conviction that Mr Gano is continuously looking for cheap popularity and recognition among Gambians in the Diaspora. His continuous writing about current political situation and democracy is an indication to position himself as an expert while failing to take a position to fight for democracy and rule of law. Mr Gano’s refused to denounce human rights violations in The Gambia but continues to preach us about democracy and how the diaspora should put its house in order in removing the Dictator he helped to entrench in power. He failed to realize that the diaspora has political maturity, which is why majority of us do not support Jammeh’s regime for 21 years. When Mr Gano was the Public Relations officer of Jammeh’s military, the Diaspora was still engaged in the struggle to ensure that there is democracy and rule of law in the country we all love.
Diaspora Diversity in political beliefs and various methods to remove dictatorship is an indication of political maturity and sense of patriotism. While I agree with Mr Gano on the need to have Diaspora unity, Diaspora is on the record in galvanising various groups into single entity to ensure that there is effective electoral victory in The Gambia. This was evidenced by The Gambia Conference for Democracy and Good Governance held in Raleigh in North Carolina and the Diaspora’s continuous calls for oppositions leaders to unite and take on Jammeh. Therefore, it is not right to think that the Diaspora is an obstacle to regime change in Banjul. The Diaspora has been using every kind of tactic to ensure that there is regime change. The tactics include both constitutional and extra-constitutional means. The Diaspora went extra mile to try the use of force but this wasn’t successful because of the betrayal of Mr Gano’s like-minded individuals within Jammeh’s security apparatus. We have supported and sponsored Gambian opposition and called for coalition, organized symposia, seminars, demonstrations and even lobbied at various international organizations or countries to ensure the regime’s human rights violations and corruptions are exposed.
The Gambia’s diaspora has recognized that fighting for political change needs every Gambian on board. We in the Diaspora understood our country’s political predicament and military dictatorship well before Mr. Gano steps in with his message. Our Disapora is not a homogeneous entity; rather it composes of different groups with different political beliefs which is totally in line with the true meaning of democracy in any advanced democracy. Mr. Gano should have informed the Gambian people about various human rights violations he had witnessed while he was at the helm in the military. If he wants to be taken seriously by honest and fair-minded Gambian, he should declare his complete loyalty to the constitution of The Gambia. We expect Gano to start exposing his Godfather’s human rights violations and lecture top military officers on how to get rid of military dictatorship in his various articles.
As former military spokesman, we believe Gano has knowledge of the inner workings of this regime which is vital to our efforts to disintegrate the regime. I challenge Mr Gano to with information on how Jammeh has succeeded in using the military to entrench himself in power for so long. Without the military’s backing, Jammeh would never have been in power in the first place.
I therefore urge Gano to focus on exposing human rights violations within the military and general population as well as educating us on the military’s role in our current predicament. He should also challenge his military colleagues to disown Dictator Jammeh. I think this is an area Mr Gano can be of immense help to the Diaspora and Gambians in general. I expect Mr Gano to take up my challenge if he wants to be taken seriously. His failure to respond to the challenge means he is scouting for cheap popularity.
In fact, i think Gano and his likes should directly report themselves to the Hague to be first hand withnesses in the Gambia’s state of crimes against innocent citizens for a bit over two decades of Jammeh’s military regime in civilian clothes. It is not appropriate to brand one of my brothers criminal but in Gano case I think he owes the Gambia more than exchanging ideas of the status quo in Banjul.
A good insight indeed, Mr. Max.
The Hammer
Some one need to write an account of his tenure in office. Gambians do not fail to amaze me, it is the same tactic that Dr. Janneh used. I am so glad Dr. Saine called him out when he reviewed his book.
I do not trust flip floppers/turn coats, Fatou Camara, Dr Sedat Jobe and Seedy Sanneh to name a few. Those who accept these high positions to me lack moral conviction and they are self serving. How can one justify using his/her talents to sustain such a man to further his goals of staying in power indefinitely?
All these turn coats and hypocrites would still be serving Jammeh if he didn’t fall out with them. When he is done wiping his behind with them that’s when they turn to be liberators.
Chem lakat.
You guys are forgetting that Gano’s Masters was sponsored by Babili Mansa
Thank you Ggapm