
Don’t Compare PDOIS With Others

Former WUlli MP Sedia Jatta

Former WUlli MP Sedia Jatta is one of the founding fathers of PDOIS

By Yerro Ba

What Maxs fail to understand is that PDOIS emerged as an independent entity not supported by the down fall of any party or organization. Secondly, PDOIS’ politics is completely a liberation message to help the people to understand their power as sovereign citizens who will shun bribes and be pulled by others to serve their selffish gains. If PDOIS were to adopt the traditional mediocre politics of promoting inducement tribalism and nepotism and all the other vices, it would have earned it a lot of votes like other parties. What Maxs did not realize is that such votes no matter how much does not help a party to grow in strength. It is just numbers to be quoted by people like him who do not have a clue of how politics works in the Gambia.

You cannot compare PDOIS to NCP which had benefitted from the withdrawal of the UP at the same time it emerged and whose leader was a member of the ruling party and had been followed by his constituency to his new party. You cannot compare PDOIS with the PDP who has been financed by a diamond businessman who had been dishing money across the country and using every means just to get votes for the sake of it. You cannot compare PDOIS to the GPP whose leader has used the tribal card and made a tribal slogan of JAWARA JIPPO throughout the country and also moved out from the ruling PPP with his influence and constituency. You cannot compare PDOIS to the PPP whose leaders had initially named their party PROTECTORATE PEOPLE’S PARTY” meaning party for the people in the provinces or better still the Mandinkas who mainly inhabited the rural areas at the time as a stepping stone to win votes from them. Nor can you compare PDOIS to UDP whose leaders had come from the banned parties; namely; PPP, NCP and GPP to form a united front as a protest movement to dislodge the ruling party.

Maxs, we have to accept that the PDOIS is different from the UDP in every respect and different from all other parties as well. Its emergence is different and therefore its method of operation must also be different if it is to achieve its objectives which is not simply to grab power for its sake but for the sake of uplifting the people from the age old backwardness that they found themselves for centuries. We have all witnessed the ‘punting pantang’ culture of wasting the scarce resources during the PPP era and now and the people are helpless in stopping it. Without systematic education and persistent awareness raising, our people whom we love so much will continue to wallow in abject poverty and misery and politicians of the statusguo will continue to use them as things for their selfish and hidden agendas/objectives. This is why PDOIS’ method as opposed to your cherished method cannot fundamentally be the same. And therefore, PDOIS’ votes will have to develop from a small quality to a bigger quantity and that is what is happening. Bax told you the increment in PDOIS votes in 1996 and 2001 and Halifa’s votes under the NADD ticket in 2006 at 6% of the votes. These quality votes are on the rise in quantity and so on at all times which will eventually lead to a leap. Once it reaches the leap, it must certainly take over power but it must not engage in any adventurous route to reach power, but must certainly address issues as our times and circumstances permit until the people take charge of their destiny. So this is why the PDOIS is always emphasizing that we allow the people to decide the flagbearer of the coalition so that if the person selected by them did not measure up, they would not be a hindrance to the party from going back to them and appeal for support.

Max, PDOIS came into being in 1986 and that is 30 years this year and not 40 years as you always exaggerate. You remind me of Jammeh’s history of 400 years of colonialism.’ And in the 30 years of its existence, it has certainly done its duty as expected of a political party and its genuine support base is not dwindling but growing and growing fast by my observation. Never has a political party stood its ground of zero tolerance to bribing the voters, zero tolerance to fooling the voters, zero tolerance to misinforming the voters as PDOIS in the political history of the Gambia. This is why the people have always ascribed the word TRUTH to the PDOIS. It did not earn that out of the blue but it was real. No one ever doubts the sincerity of the party among the people So do not bother yourself too much regarding PDOIS votes, PDOIS knows what it is doing and what it is doing is making the party the biggest party in the country. Ask genuine Observers of the scene, you will be told the truth.

Why are the people not voting for it? The answer is simple. The people are becoming politically mature but they have not yet collectively reached that stage. So we must work with them side by side, day in day out until we reach there collectively. This is why the PDOIS does not accept the phrase “N be ali kooma” They say Nga tembe Nga taa nyoo la”‘ PDOIS’ low votes has helped the party to prepare their minds for a long battle to win the hearts and minds of the people. The 1987 results had shown how much work is necessary and how much time is needed to bring about the transformation of the society.

So Mr Maxs, it is not like your party which is out for a short fight to come back to privileges lost. PDOIS is out for a genuine cause to liberate a people who would stand against injustice wherever it raises its ugly head. We are ashamed of slavery and we are looking for allies that hate it too and want to eradicate it but not at the expense of the people on whose behalf we are sacrificing. Dont you see how respectful and unfair it would be for me to tell to also tell the UDP to adopt the same message as PDOIS when they have not agreed to any formal alliance.




  1. Lamin Jobe

    Go go go 3 percent party it is your 30th birthday let us party because it is your birthday.

    PDOIS is fighting a war and everyone knows it. You can come out with your 100 pages of numerous press releases but the fact remains that PDOIS has not and will not grow, enjoy your 3 percent while standing in the way of unity.

    A 3 percent party that wants to lead a coalition comprising of a major party that pull over 30 percent hmmm let me go wash my face with bleach.

    • Bax

      “A 3 percent party that wants to lead a coalition comprising of a major party that pull over 30 percent hmmm let me go wash my face with bleach.”

      Observations….Either you genuinely misunderstood what PDOIS has proposed as an alliance format or you are deliberately engaged in spreading falsehood….I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you don’t fully understand the PDOIS proposal…

      Let me therefore attempt to summarise, own understanding, what PDOIS offered…

      (1)…Form : Non-Partisan..Meaning no party will lead the alliance..PDOIS is not asking to lead the UDP in this format, as you seem to suggest…

      (2)…Nature : One term transitional government…the alliance government (if elected) will serve only one term, conduct free and fair elections, under an impartial president, and hand over to the winner…So this cannot be in the interest of only PDOIS…It’s in everyone’s interest that we have such an outcome…

      (3)…Programme : In government, they will implement pre-agreed governance programme, signed by all partners in a document that may be called MOU (as was the case before)…With a non partisan president and chief executive, no party can exert undue influence and/or ownership of the process of reforms and rectification…Again, this is in everyone’s interest, except those who have ulterior motives..

      (4)…Selection of flag bearer : two mechanisms were proposed : primary and convention..(both opened participation to all eligible citizens with interest)…Selection by either mechanism is through the voting process…

      The number of delegates each party can have at the convention was to reflect the electoral achievements of each party…

      Thus, the UDP would have had the most delegates and PDOIS would have had, may be, three times less delegates than UDP…Again, this is more democratic than any other proposal being bandied around…

      I hope it is clear to you now, that PDOIS had the least chance of leading any alliance even by their own proposed alliance format…and cannot be guilty of all these malicious falsehood..

  2. Max

    Yero Ba, another outlandish and ridiculous claims you made was PPP was created for Mandinkas in rural areas to support the party. If you don’t know the history of PPP you need to learn and stop making ridiculous statement. PPP was spear- headed by workers union under the influence of leaders like Janjally Bojang who was from Kombos. Even at that time Gambian tribes are exactly how they are today because Mandinkas form the majority. Mandinkas are not the only tribes in the rural areas of The Gambia who supported PPP . PPP was supported by all the tribes in The Gambia. In fact Mandinkas are the biggest opponents of PPP during Jawara regime. Just like today Mandinkas are the biggest opponent of Jammeh’s regime if you consider the population size of the Mandinkas. Stop your cheap propaganda and ridiculous claims. I truly believe that you don’t know history.

    • Bax

      “PPP was spear- headed by workers union under the influence of leaders like Janjally Bojang who was from Kombos…”

      Question….Tell us the name of the Workers’ Union that (late) Sanjally Bojang was a member, that spear-headed the formation of the PPP…


    This article on PDOIS is ridiculous to the core. So PDOIS was form to stamp out injustices at the government level. In my opinion, PDOIS have failed woefully in that crusade as human rights violations, tortured, illegal detention, disappearance without trace is the other of the day in this present day Gambia.

    PDOIS so-called politican education bears no fruits for more than three decades as Gambians lack of political education/awareness reach a tipping point to a level that a larger majority of Gambians both home and abroad buy the idea that their votes cannot end the jammeh dictatorship that has continue to tear our country apart.

    Im of the opinion that Seedia and Halifa would make good lecturers at the Gambia University instead of selling a political strategy to Gambians thats unworkable. Gambians had rejected PDOIS idea since the first republic and continue to do so in the second republic.

    • Bax

      “PDOIS have failed woefully in that crusade as human rights violations, tortured, illegal detention, disappearance without trace is the other of the day in this present day Gambia…”

      Observation…Would you also consider, due to prevalence of all that you have mentioned, that all parties (not only PDOIS) have woefully failed, since it is every party’s expressed desire to end all forms of injustices in the country..?

      “Im of the opinion that Seedia and Halifa would make good lecturers at the Gambia University instead of selling a political strategy to Gambians thats unworkable…”

      Observation : What political strategy is PDOIS selling to Gambians that’s unworkable….You should be ready to indicate this and show why it is unworkable…Moreover, don’t you think that if Halifa and Seedia are good enough for The Gambia University, then they are also good enough for The Gambia Government…?

      “Gambians had rejected PDOIS idea since the first republic and continue to do so in the second republic…”

      Observation : What is your criteria to determine “rejection” ? Is it receiving fewer votes or losing an election..? It be will be interesting to know..

  4. Maxs

    Yero Ba, in politics people come together from different backgrounds to form a political party. This is why political parties are constitutionally oblige to have diversity of ethnic, tribe, language and religion in The Gambia. Political party cannot be formed by single ideology in our country such as tribe or religion, when that happens they are bound to fail and it is not constitutionally allow. So your description of each of Gambia’s political parties such as NCP, and Udp are formed as result of fraction or dissolution from other parties makes PDOIS a better political party is indeed laughable. The current Senegalese political party of president Sall has most of its top members once part of former president Wade’s party. Mr president Sall himself used to be in the same party with president Wade, therefore it is Silly argument that PDOIS is different from other parties because they founders never were part of any party in the country . Looking at the democratic presidential candidate of USA , senator Bernie Sanders, he was one time an independent candidate but today he is running for president as democrat . Donald j trump was once time both independent and democrat before switching his position to Republican Party, therefore your argument is simply lack of understanding of politics and how ideology driven you are. The way you think if majority of your fellow disciples think that way, or ordinary citizens have the same thinking, you will be lonely in your party. PDOIS campaign for people to change position to support your party. What can you boost up when you have 3 percent of votes with only one constituency in the whole country. Politics is dynamic and you guys needs to change strategy.

    • Bax


      I may not necessarily agree on the insinuations of the tribal component of the previous parties, but there is ample supporting evidence to argue the case that PDOIS is different, from the perspective of party formations in The Gambia…

      As it is rightly pointed out, the formation of PDOIS, and the reasons for its emergence on the political scene, is markedly different from all the parties that are in operation in the political arena today and that explains their approach to issues that they are involved with or interested in…I think you should learn to accept and respect that…

      Indeed, a political party must be dynamic to keep with changing times, in order to succeed and recent pronouncements from PDOIS, relating to the creation of new party organs and enlargement of the Central Community, with a specific quota for women, is evidence that the party is dynamic and evolving…

      Dynamism, however, should not mean abandoning the very principles that are at the core of the party and the reasons for its existence….PDOIS, unless I am wrong, will never play the political game of the Gambia, as long as its founding members are alive and active in the party…because that would constitute a betrayal of the principles for which they stood firm, for so long…

      America has many great things, including essential ingredients of democracy, but it is not a model (in its current state) that anyone aspiring to build a genuine democracy, should look up to..

      And whatever Trump, Obama, Sanders or Hillary chose to do in America, is done within the context of realities and practices of the American system, that is accepted by the lot of them as normal…And these (actions of American politicians) have no bearing on what should happen in The Gambia…

      • Maxs

        Bax , I know you will never answer any question about yero, Ba said “Jammeh will not try pdois lest he be exposed for every one to see “. What specific information did pdois has which will make Jammeh so fearful that he won’t try pdois ? Secondly if pdois letters are such Powerful influences on Jammeh’s decision why do we have so many atrocities , corruption and constitutional violations since 1994 , when Jammeh has already received countless letters from pdois during this period ? Or is your fellow yero Ba simply lying ?
        Pdois emerged into Gambian politics was convenient and democratic time compare any party especially UDP which came into Gambian politics In the worst period when criminal leaders are in control . How could you possibly compare the two periods? . Any right thinking Gambian will tell you that UDP and NRP came into politics at worst time than pdois unless you want to tell us there was democracy and rule of law in that period . But as usual you will argue with yourself to the grave but you will never agree and accept that facts .
        Workers unions played huge role in the formation of PPP and I am sure historians will tell you that , ( I hope Lafia Touray will jump here and tell us more since I notice he is very good in history lol ) . Janjally Bojang was very instrumental and influencial in that efforts . Workers from old PWD example were all part of group of Gambians who helped in that efforts . Majority of these people were not educated and sir Dawda was later part of the party to Lead the party . I stand to be corrected but this my knowledge. So PPP formation was spearheaded by ordinary Gambians without much education but with good communication skills and understanding of the society . This was why they were successful to galvanize the population and lead the country to independence under the abled leadership of sir Dawda . Today little indoctrinated yero Ba without any knowledge in history can come to kaironews and blatantly distort the truth in a more profound and dishonest manner . I hope Gambians with accurate knowledge of history will come forward to tell the real story of PPP and how it was formed . One thing to support your party but it has to go with truth . Without truth most people give their back to politics . Please Bax , answer all my questions in the previous posting , I always answer your questions if I can and I want you to be fair to answer mine .
        As usual , you will dismiss anything about USA including its greatest democracy but you can profoundly defend three man party which never change its leadrship , no new ideas and the same old tactics . The basic principles of America will never change which is a country of immigrants , a country where individual rights and pursuits of happiness are respected with personal responsibility. Despite its own flaws , USA has greatest ingredients of democracy in the world . The country you hiding in , is today acting as little brother to USA . Today USA is less of discriminatory Society than it used to be in the past .
        You can claimed and dismissed that American politics has no bearing on Gambians politics which I very much doubt in this global world . Bax , it is good to learn from others especially those who have been practising democracy for 200 years ( USA has been practicing ) .
        Tell us why despite your countless letters we still have human rights violations in our country if at all your letters have such influences to change Jammeh’s mind . Please please answer in simple terms .

      • Maxs

        Bax , Can you please explain reasons for PDOIS emergence on Gambian political scene and why they are different ? You are so fixated on PDOIS political emergence on Gambians politics without giving us your explanation . Was PDOIS formed to rescue the country from tyranity ? How is duration of their formation has any impact on the running of the party ? An empty rhetoric online doesn’t take your party any where . If your eloquency Match with your deeds or actions , you have more than 3% of the total votes .

        • Bax

          You.never stop yapping about change of strategy for one party and 3% for another…You must also be fixated with these, right..?

  5. Maxs

    Yero Ba, you have claimed Jammeh “will not even try PDOIS lest he be exposed for everyone to see ” and you went to state that PDOIS letters has multiple effects on leadership and it has compels Jammeh to change track on issues otherwise he will face embarrassment . I know kaironews has taken down that posting and they haven’t post my respond to it but I will attempt again to see if they would post it .
    I find your such claims not only outlandish and ridiculous but it is also Insulting to the intelligence of Gambian people . Your fellow disciples ” Gambia ” made similar bold face lie when he indicated that if the regime continue to prosecute mr sallah when he was arrested on his stand against witch Hunt , mr sallah was well equipped with information that would expose and destroy the regime once for all . If PDOIS has such capabilities which will make Jammeh so fearful that he won’t try PDOIS , then what are they waiting for ? What special information did PDOIS has which will Make Jammeh so fearful to be exposed . In the same posting , you went further to state that Gambia civil servants has confidence and trust in PDOIS and PDOIS were never deny permit because they do exactly right things . Is it because of the same reason that PDOIS has never call this regime dictatorship or this regime has never confronted PDOIS on any issues ? Is PDOIS and Jammeh’s regime working hand in gloves and at the same time PDOIS is pretending to be fighting for democracy and socialism ? If PDOIS letters were such effective and influential on Jammeh , why do we have so many horrific human rights abuses , corruption , mismanagement and constitutional violations in The Gambia since 1994 , when Jammeh has already received countless letters from PDOIS during this period ? The more you post your comments , less intelligence your posting becomes . I hope kaironews will post your comment for Gambian people to make their judgement on such a ridiculous comments .

    • Bax

       “Is PDOIS and Jammeh’s regime working hand in gloves and at the same time PDOIS is pretending to be fighting for democracy and socialism ?..”

      Observation : This is cynicism of the highest magnitude…Don’t pretend to be asking a question… Just make the statement that, by all accounts and purposes, reveals your true feelings about PDOIS….

      But alas, history is NOT on your side….PDOIS emerged to fight for democracy and socialism, more than 7 years before Yaya Jammeh emerged on the scene…

      And PDOIS was amongst the first groups, if not the very first one, that stood up to Yaya Jammeh, his bullies and their enablers, some of whom are now on our side, being hailed as “heroes”…whilst PDOIS is accused of collaboration…

      Chei Aduna…

    • Maxs

      Kaironews, I didn’t hear from you when I asked why Yero Ba’s posting in which he indicated that “if Jammeh try PDOIS lest he be exposed for every one to see “was deleted. In the same posting Yero has indicated that Gambia civil servants has confidence and trust in PDOIS and he also stated that PDOIS was never refused a permit because they do right things. just to paraphrase, Yerro has stated again that PDOIS letters has multiple effects on Jammeh and has enabled Jammeh to change tracks on issues otherwise he will face embarrassment. My respond to this posting was never publish and Yero Ba posting too was deleted from comment section.
      I want an explanation why his posting and mine were deleted but you have chosen to publish part of his Posting on headline with the title above. I think going by your motto which is ” in pursuit of the truth , freedom and justice”, such posting should stay on for public debate so that we can pursuit the truth in those statements. It is the responsibility of author to defend his posting. I think such statements require public scrutiny and verification. I believe that Jammeh is huge part of national problem but each citizen and organization has responsibility to ensure that truth and justice Prevail in our national discourse. I hope you will give your explanation. Thank you for your space.

      Editor’s note:

      Thanks for your inquiry. Contrary to your claims, neither your comment nor that of Yerro Ba were deleted or removed. Instead, we deem it necessary to move your comment. Check it out under this link: We are digging into the archive to see whether Yerro’s comment was accidentally sent to the Spam. We will be grateful if Yerro can help us with the comment in case we can’t find it. We want to assure you that we censor only when it absolutely becomes a necessity. We appreciate all of you for making this comment section lively. We are proud of you all. Thank you!

  6. Deyda Haidara

    The competition should not be amongst opposition political parties but between the opposition parties and the APRC.
    We are in an election year and should not encourage division in our midst. This will only reinforce our common enemy the APRC and Yaya Jammeh. Please cease fire.
    We have a lot of work to do together to remove Jammeh from office in December 2016.
    Stay blessed and united until victory.

    • Bax

      As usual, you have sounded as a wise community leader, whose advise should be enough guide for all…..

      But when there is a persistent and determined effort to cast doubts on the credibility of an opposition partner, through constant falsehood, misinformation, absurd generalisations and sometimes, outright lies, for no reason other than daring to offer an alternative proposal on alliance, to the one from the king makers and self annoited heirs to the imaginary throne of the undeclared kingdom, then it is right and proper that they are confronted until they desist…

      Indeed, unity is essential but, in my view, not at any expense, and most certainly, not at the expense of truth, integrity and credibility of perhaps, the most credible party (from a political and economic point of view) amongst all the parties…

      So pls forgive us to engage in these exchanges, once again…

      • Maxs

        Bax , Gambian people have given their verdict based on rejection and repudiation of pdois political idealogy , policies and programs . The truth is that people have spoken long time ago and you continue to call us Gambians as unaware or political backward . Majority of Gambian do not support your political party , this is the fact you need to understand . You and your fellow indoctrinated disciples continue to propaganda falsehood , lies , political mud sliding and self righteousness to distort truth . You are indeed a minority despite your eloquency. If you can have success in wuli why can’t you be successful in Serekunda where you have high concentration of educated and middle class Gambians ? How come the most educated Gambians do not support your party and are those people not also aware as you always claimed ? People don’t buy into your ideas . How can three people formed a political party for 40 years , no single Gambian join that party at the highest level ? Even those Gambians who claimed to follow or sympathize pdois leave the party as their political maturity grows . Why pdois can’t concentrate on those issue to grow your party rather than always claiming that you are embarking on political awareness or revolution ? People are not listening to your message , it is time to change course . What specific information did pdois has which Jammeh so fearful about them and he won’t try them as indicated by Yerro Ba . Please answer directly , don’t dodge this question with another question . Finally one thing I observe , you never admit you are wrong despite sometime you engage in false presentation and it is the same thing I observed about your fellow disciples .

        • Bax

          Max….(Response ONE)

          Firstly, let’s address the issue of rejection…What is your criteria to determine “rejection”..? Is it polling fewer votes than your opponents..?

          If so, then let’s see who else is “rejected..? ” Let’s create an imaginary box and dump the names of all those “rejected” into it..

          1st test : PDOIS vs NRP….PDOIS is the “rejected”, so PDOIS goes into the “rejection box”..

          2nd test : NRP vs UDP….NRP is “rejected”, so NRP goes into the “rejected box”…

          3rd test : UDP vs APRC…UDP is “rejected”, so UDP goes into the “rejected box”…

          As you can see, if we use “polling fewer votes than one’s opponents, then PDOIS is not the only “rejected” party….Only the APRC could pass your test…So next time you volunteer such a claim, just remember who else is in the “rejected box..”

          Or is it losing a Presidential election that constitutes “rejection” by The Gambian People..? If so, why regard only PDOIS as the rejected party..? If this is your chosen criteria, then you are being economical with the truth….

          Let’s hear what criteria you prefer or whichever you relied on to make your claim.?

          • Maxs

            Bax , this is simply argument . Just look at your numbers or support base to see if Gambian people truly care about your message . You guys will continue to live in denial till the next government is in place . Today some villages in The Gambia are not even aware of existence of PDOIS except in Wuli area . I agree with Alagie that Halifa and Seedia should be at the university of The Gambia or turn your party as civic society organization so that they can continue to educate citizens about their constitutional rights and responsibilities. Teaching is a great profession . Many people are speculating that president Obama will go back to teach constitutional law when his term expires . I suggest your party leadership should do the same after 40 years of failed trials . Let them have new leadership who will bring in new ideas , strategies and vision . Hey Bax , if you are trying to date a girl for two to three years but you don’t have skills to talk to her , if someone show up with good communication skills and is able to get her into a relationship , don’t blame the girl or the boy ,blame yourself for having poor communication skills and courage to talk to her .
            Mr sallah should expand people’s center in Serekunda into bigger institution for political science and socio-cultural issues .
            I would suggest that lawyer Darboe also should serve as legal adviser to UDP if new leader is selected in coming months .
            PDOIS has zero chance in its present status to lead The Gambia . I do not need to tell you the citeria , whether or not Gambian people have rejected and repudiated PDOIS . This coming election they need to be part of whatever works out for Gambian people whether that is lndependent candidate or UDP party lead. It is time to put national interest first ahead of party interest .

        • Bax

          “. You and your fellow indoctrinated disciples continue to propaganda falsehood , lies , political mud sliding and self righteousness to distort truth ….”

          Let’s address the above….Max, I am only responsible for my views and not for anyone else’s…Nor do I represent anyone on this forum, though I may share similar views with other contributors…If I am guilty of any of the above, you should be able to quote me to proof your claims, just like I do to expose you….So I will be waiting for the evidence, before I fully respond to these claims…

          ” How come the most educated Gambians do not support your party and are those people not also aware as you always claimed ?”

          Have you forgotten your earlier claim, where you stated that PDOIS support base is the “elite educated Gambians who believe in Soviet era politics….?” Are you now debunking your own claims..? You should say so openly…

          Political awareness or conciuosness is not dependent on education…Uneducated people can demonstrate a kind of political awareness and conciuosness that is absent in some of.the most educated people…So don’t mix the two or think that one is dependent on the other…

          “. How can three people formed a political party for 40 years , no single Gambian join that party at the highest level ? Even those Gambians who claimed to follow or sympathize pdois leave the party as their political maturity grows .”

          Max, you are losing your way and losing the argument too…PDOIS was not formed by three people, nor did it exist for 40years…This is clear falsehood and blatant lies…

          No single Gambian joined them at the highest level, so what..? Which party was joined at the highest levels (apart from APRC) by Gambians who were not original members…

          Are you talking about people leaving parties..? Don’t you know that some of the founding “fathers” of the UDP; the very people who came up with the idea of UDP have deserted the party, and joined the APRC, to add “insult to injury.”

          Please Mr “independent analysts”, don’t turn yourself into a laughable joke….

          My view, in any case, is that voters should not be “owned by”, or be tied to, any one party forever..Voters should be free to change their choice of party or candidate in a genuine democratic system…So if people, who used to support PDOIS no longer believe in them, they should be free to change….

          But the question is, why make a big deal out of voters leaving PDOIS ( if that is the case) but are mute over defections between APRC, UDP and NRP..? I would like to know. ..

          “. What specific information did pdois has which Jammeh so fearful about them and he won’t try them as indicated by Yerro Ba . Please answer directly , don’t dodge this question with another question . ”

          I am not even aware that Yero Ba made such a claim, but even if he did, why expect me to answer that…? Hold me responsible for my claims and statements….Not anyone else’s…

          “Finally one thing I observe , you never admit you are wrong despite sometime you engage in false presentation….”

          You want me to admit that I am “wrong” without proving me “wrong”..Strange logic indeed…Show me where I have engaged in “false presentation” and I will admit if you proof your case…

          The ball is in your court…You asked, if PDOIS can win in Wuli, why not S/Kunda…Silly question indeed, but for your info, it’s because the voters voted for them in Wuli but not in SK…

  7. Kinteh

    With all due respect for opinion of party sympathisers, I believe that care should be taken not to inflame mistrust among the opposition. Casting the PPP as a distinct Mandinka party and implying the same character to the UDP tantamount to grave misrepresentation of Gambia’s socio-political alliance system.

    Badibu and Bakau remained steadfastly opposed to PPP while Banjul or Foni (both Mandinka minorities) remain loyal PPP followers.

    It can be difficult for PDOIS to swallow the popularity of UDP-a party that came to being comparatively. However this is no free ride to attribute the popularity simply because the figure head happens to be a mandinka.

    by the way, as Deyda pointed out, this is not the kind of discussion we should be having. We all interrelated – paradoxically encouraged during the PPP era.

    • Maxs

      Kinteh , with all due respect to you , this is why I encourage everyone to speak our mind so that we can tackle our problems and put our house in order before we can form any unity to face Jammeh . This is the kind of anti-UDP sentiment they will say about the UDP , PPP and NRP . Yero has no knowledge of how politics works in any civilized society . The mere fact that he can lied that PPP was created due to mandinkas support was not only a dishonest statement but it exposes his biasness and ignorance about how PPP came into being . Today number one spokeperson of PPP , OMAR jallow OJ is non mandinkas . Despite lies being peddle by yero Ba , Bax dishonestly came to his defense to dismiss my respond . This is why I said , in this “silly political season” , we will see untruthful alliance to hijack the truth . Today our online media is full of such dishonest individuals which is why there is no unity among diaspora because majority of these people are focus on their narrow political , economic and tribal agenda .
      Kinteh , just like you said , I have indicated that mandinkas are the biggest opponent of JAWARA regime and Jammeh’s regime because they formed the majority in the country . In fact stronghold of opposition parties in both regimes are mandinkas dormimace areas . I am surprise to see kaironews to put such a blatant distortion on the headline while they removed the subsequent comments made by yero Ba regarding pdois letters to Jammeh . As i said before , I am here to Join truth squad and I do not have any party affiliation. I stand for common sense practical solution . Unless I am ban from posting , I will challenge any misinformation in my view . Thanks

      • Bax

        @Max….” Despite lies being peddle by yero Ba , Bax dishonestly came to his defense to dismiss my respond . ”


        I may not necessarily agree on the insinuations of the tribal component of the previous parties, but there is ample supporting evidence to argue the case that PDOIS is different, from the perspective of party formations in The Gambia…”

        Does this look like a defense of anything relating to tribalism in the composition of any party..? I have asked you to quote any lies, propaganda, misinformation that I have been engaged in, if you are truthful…

        Unlike you, I always quote you to proof my allegations….You claimed that PDOIS has been existent for 40yrs, which is not true….That it was formed by three people, which is not true….That its support Base is the elite educated Gambian who believe in Soviet era politics, which is not true….That its alliance proposal is in its party interest, which is not true…

        That’s how a decent person behaves when you decide to accuse others…

        • Maxs

          Bax , it doesn’t matter whether I quote you or not , you will never answer any question directly and you will continue on your deceptive tactics . Apart from three leaders such as Sam , Halifa and Seedia who formed PDOIS , tell us the other leaders who are known to Gambian people ? Your party leadership is being viewed as elite-educated by majority despite the fact that majority educated Gambians did not buy your ideas . It is left to you to dismiss or deny it but Gambian people have spoken loud and clear . It is time for self evaluation and change strategy . As an outsider , I am in better position to critique your party strategy and give better recommendations in good faith . This is why I first acknowledge your efforts in awareness campaign which is also done by other parties before and after the emergence of PDOIS in Gambian politics . Today our diaspora organizations and online media is doing the same thing to educate Gambians .

        • Maxs

          Bax, I know you will not denounce and repudiate Yero Ba’s tribal vitriol , ignorance and discriminatory remark about PPP because it is pattern in your party leadership as well as its supporters or followers . This is evidence by your party leadership failure to Join press conference organized by Gambian opposition parties ( NRP , PPP and UDP ) few years ago to condemn and denounce DIctator Jammeh’s tribal vitriol against ethnic Mandinkas . It is from the same Play book that you and Yero Ba continue to display your bigotry , ignorance and intolerance to political belief of majority Gambian who supported PPP and UDP .

          • Bax

            Wow….now PDOIS is a bigoted party because it did not join in whatever took place..Is that your new criteria to establish “bigotry” ?… You have lost it mate….!

            I do not agree with any views that portray any of our present or past parties as tribal entities, whether that comes from Yero Ba or Max….

            I do know, however, that appealing to tribe, family, region, and even religion, is a strategy adopted by many politicians and/or their supporters to win votes in The Gambia…and it works sometimes…

            I remember Aja Bintuba Bojang (Sanyang Kombo North), responding to inferences about the late Paul Mendy’s religion by members of a certain party, in the run up to the 1996/97 National assembly Elections, retorting (to the amusement of many) that they were not engaged in an Imam selection contest…

            So NO, I don’t agree that these parties were tribal in composition or favoured any one tribe over others, but tribe and other considerations have indeed been used, to gain votes or to redicule opponents…

          • Bax

            I mean Sanyang-Kombo South….

            (Late) Dr Touray was a founding member of PDOIS….He was the one.that the party sent abroad when they challenged the obnoxious Decrees of Yaya Jammeh in 1994/95…He.was to carry the event that they were killed or incarcerated for life…

            Same as the ANC did with (late) Oliver Tambo, who was the overseas rep of.the ANC though out their struggle…

            So your figure of three is false…

    • Bax

      “It can be difficult for PDOIS to swallow the popularity of UDP-a party that came to being comparatively.”

      Kinteh, I honestly think that this is an unfair statement, unless you have irrefutable reasons…

      Because the views expressed here are NOT PDOIS (official) views, and shpuld not be attributed to PDOIS, nor has PDOIS ever indicated that they have a problem with UDP popularity…

      Both parties have indicated publicly, that they have a good working relationship and continue to explore areas of cooperation…

      I have heard Lawyer Darboe informing journalists that he has been honoured by the opposition, to serve as the leader, in all their joint negotiations for electoral reform, and has nothing but appreciation for the honour…

      So unless you have reasons for such a claim, I will say that it is indeed an unfair statement…

      • Maxs

        Kinteh , you see Bax will continue to argue with your statement regarding the popularity of UDP . It is even clear to him that your statement is factual correct but he will continue on his pointless and self contradictory argument just to make his point . If he is a lawyer , I will never allow him to represent me in court of law because his argument will not help any case . This is Bax for us . For God sake , just this time alone agree and accept to our point . One thing I will tell you to do in any debate , is to acknowledge the truth about what your opponent say then you can continue with your counter argument . But you refuse to acknowledge the truth , your integrity and credibility is question . I hope you change that when you are in debate . This is my tip for you , my friend . Maybe PDOIS didn’t teach this thing when you recieved your indoctrination .

        • Bax


          I don’t rely on sentiments and feelings….I.rely on FACTS…That’s why I stated that the statement is UNFAIR, unless Kinteh can show that he relied on irrefutable evidence to make.such a claim…

          The mere existence of an alternative PDOIS approach to alliance formation or party politics and strategies,…

          Or the fact that UDP has been able to poll more votes despite being a younger party…

          Does not, and shouldn’t mean, that PDOIS is “finding it hard to swallow UDP popularity”…

          Where is the evidence for such a claim…? That’s all I am asking for….

          • Bax

            @Max….”Kinteh , you see Bax will continue to argue with your statement regarding the popularity of UDP .”

             By the way, it is not the “popularity” of the UDP that is the issue here, but the alleged reaction of PDOIS to it…You should learn how to understand what the issues are.

          • Maxs

            The evidence is your continue denial of the significant of UDP support base as a leading opposition party and your indication in one of your posting that “UDP large support base is not useful since they did not win election ” . How can you possibly compare the support of UDP 32% to PDOIS 3% in 2001 election ? Bax , I think it is better for you come out clean and stop hiding behind the name of PDOIS to distort the truth .
            In your insinuation to deny and dismiss Yero Ba’s tribal connotation of PPP as Mandinkas party ,is not only a disgrace but it also underscore your bigotry ,ignorance , willful efforts to distort the truth and be part of untruthful alliance. As I said before , It is better for you to show your true tribal and political agenda and stop hiding behind PDOIS name .

      • Kinteh

        That is why I used the phrase “It can”, well aware that the piece above is from a sympathizer. A proposition arguably mirroring a sentiment held by party followers but not necessarily a PDOIS official line.

        Finally, my sympathy goes out to political forces forging hands to salvage our dear country.

  8. Kennibugul

    Yerro Ba, for the first time in life you made mention of this type of nonsense. It is a blatant lie that PPP is a Mandinka party. My father was in PPP since the inception and he is never a Mandinka; I never believe that you will lie. Why are Gambian into tribalism now? Jammeh is no God, tell him the truth and stop all these nonsense. You people think you will gain popularity like that, by using tribalism and sacrificing your tribe.

    Sir Dawda rules Gambia for twenty nine years, we never hard of these stupid things, because Jammeh want to suppress the Mandinkas as the biggest tribe, so that he can stay long in power, all Gambians became tribalists. If Mandinkas are stupid let’s see…

    • Maxs

      Kennibugul , Yero Ba is the greatest liar in this forum . His contributions are based on narrow partisan agenda . He continue to lie on daily basis to promote his narrow partisan and tribal agenda . Yero is supported by confused chameleon ( Bax ) whose is so inconsistent that he always betray his subconscious mind. Yero Ba went further to indicate that PDOIS has such an influences on Jammeh that if ” Jammeh try PDOIS lest he be exposed for every one to see “. What a disgraceful lie.

  9. Maxs, I have tried to answer your concerns regarding PDOIS to the best of my ability but my answers are not appealing to you for obvious reasons to all. The historical records cannot be hidden, they are in the achieves. Sanjally Bojang and co were opposed to the politics in Banjul where all the other party leaders were from Banjul, the capital and or the Colony. Sanjally and colleagues were opposed to that because they felt that none of them were Mandinkas. He initially wanted to turn the workers kafoo into a political party but he was advised that could not be done. So they decided to form the ‘Bolongkono koolu la partyo’ Protectorate Peoples Party and started to look for a Mandinka elite to lead them. They contacted Dr Marena of Kudang who turned down the offer. They asked him to suggest a Mandinka educated man for them. He suggested Dr Jawara to them and they met Jawara. Jawara refused initially, but they begged him. Jawara told them that he does not trust Mandingoes, they could lift you up today and dump you down tomorrow. They assured him that they would never do that. He told them about losing his gratuity, they flocked money and paid him that just to assure him of their commitment. Eventually he accepted.
    “Janjally Bojang was very instrumental and influencial in that efforts . Workers from old PWD example were all part of group of Gambians who helped in that efforts . Majority of these people were not educated and sir Dawda was later part of the party to Lead the party . I stand to be corrected but this my knowledge,” said Maxs. Yes, the only correction is that it is Sanjally and his colleagues at the BOARD OF HEALTH or better called ‘BODOFEL’ and not the PWD as you mentioned and their campaigns were mainly MOTIVATED by the feeling that they were being dominated by the Banjul people who were mainly Wollof and Aku. Are you saying that is a lie, then you don’t know anything about the PPP history. Mark you, if you continue to deny I will search for Suwaibou Touray’s interview with Sanjally Bojang before he died.
    Maxs, do you know that Sanjally and his thugs had burnt down many huts in the provinces forcing Mandinkas to support the Protectorate ‘People’s Party. To them, any Mandinka who refused to support the PPP was a traitor who must be dealt with severely. Go ask the people of Bakadagi in Jimara. Sanjally was on a crusade to forcefully turn every Mandinka speaking person to PPP. He had literally gone to battle with many villages, it is not just his eloquence, it was coercion.
    My grand parents rejected the PPP because they said they would not be forced by anybody, so they supported the UP. So who can you fool?
    Those so-called Mandinka party leaders all branched off from the PPP because of petty squabbles relating to how Jawara dished out cabinet positions, not on any fundamental national issue.
    You said despite PDOIS letters, Jammeh continued to violate the rights of Gambians. So you think PDOIS is responsible for Jammeh doing so. Has Halifa not turn himself into a sacrificial lamb to protest against the witchcraft bullshit? What is important is that PDOIS continues to inform Gambians and expose Jammeh’s bad governance and present a better alternative to them. It is left to them to want to continue with him or to change course. So if they failed to change course PDOIS is to blame again? Are you sane?
    You are propagating the lie that it is only UDP that Jammeh government harass or intimidate because it is afraid of the UDP. Is that not your partisan statement? I am giving you the reasons why PDOIS has not been refused permit for many times. And know that PDOIS is not a CRY BABY, cry every time it’s refused a permit. PDOIS fights on and gets its right in secret so that its supporters do not become apathetic or fearful. Crying of political leaders on every small incident can send a wrong signal to the grassroots that the ruling party has power to do anything. This is why you don’t see a lot of publication by PDOIS on small frictions with the government, not that it does not happen.
    Maxs said and I quote: “I am surprise to see kaironews to put such a blatant distortion on the headline while they removed the subsequent comments made by yero Ba regarding pdois letters to Jammeh.” Maxs, you should ask Jammeh to clarify but even the DSTV presenter expressed his opinion that Jammeh is afraid of PDOIS and invited Jammeh to clarify issues raised by Halifa if he is not indeed afraid of them. He also called on him not to attempt to arrest Halifa for the comments expressed since he has been offered the same chance to express himself.
    Kaironews’ reason of excluding my comment on permit issue is best known to them since you have access to the original, you can still persuade them to file it if you want.
    So are you now waking up from your endless slumber?

    • Maxs

      Yero Ba, the lies you continue to propagate about PPP formation is beyond belief.. Sanjally Bojang was among people who are instrumental and influencial in the formation of PPP. Workers union of PWD, bodofels and other groups are all part of group of people who helped to form PPP because they were disenfranchised people from the rural areas. My closed family friend were part of the people and were very involved in this workers unions. In fact, he told me that they are the people who organized themselves because they were disenfranchised at the time. In my conversation with that family member friend, he disclosed to me that there was no tribal animosity that exist among the workers but they felt that those in the rural areas needed to be part of political process. That family friend passed away years ago and he was over 100 years old (May God have mercy on him). Swaibou is part and parcel of PDOIS, so whatever he has on his interview agenda he knows better but i can tell you my family friend was not an active politician and he has never been active in politics after independence.
      Yero Ba, PDOIS has its own agenda and those who are following your party, we see a pattern of anti-Mandinka sentiment by your supporters. Recently your leadership has failed Gambians to denounce and repudiate Dictator Jammeh’s tribal vitriol and hatred against Mandinkas. It is the same vitriol you continue to propaganda for your narrow tribal and political agenda.
      After the independence JAWARA embarked on to form all inclusive government. Majority of technocrats, senior government officers/ ministers and party leadership are non Mandinkas. Every tribe was part of PPP. PPP government became a symbol of human rights and rule of law in Africa.

  10. “Sanjally Bojang was among people who are instrumental and influencial in the formation of PPP. Workers union of PWD, bodofels and other groups are all part of group of people who helped to form PPP because they were disenfranchised people from the rural areas,said Maxs.”Sanjally and his colleagues at the BOARD OF HEALTH or better called ‘BODOFEL’ and not the PWD as you mentioned and their campaigns were mainly MOTIVATED by the feeling that they were being dominated by the Banjul people who were mainly Wollof and Aku.”
    Maxs, stop the argument and pretending that you do not know the facts. What you are saying above is exactly what I have said about the motivation behind the PPP. Other people may eventually come after they have seen progress and hope but the initial or principal architects of the party were motivated or inspired by a tribe or sectionalist agenda which no one should deny.
    I have never categorically called the PPP a tribalist party. All I said is this: “You cannot compare PDOIS to the PPP whose leaders had initially named their party PROTECTORATE PEOPLE’S PARTY” meaning party for the people in the provinces or better still the Mandinkas who mainly inhabited the rural areas at the time as a stepping stone to win votes from them. Are you saying my this above statement is incorrect or are you just expressing anger because of the unpleasant fact?
    I see that you enjoy bashing others but you do not want others to do the same. Know that we all have some information that we can use to bash the other if we want. No one has monopoly over phrases to demean others.
    How many lies have you said about PDOIS in this forum? You have been cautioned many times and advised to desist but you continued to pronounced lie after lie as if you are a mad man. How many times did I tell you to concentrate on your party, help them to work to win supporters, especially of the ruling party, but you kept on attacking PDOIS indiscriminately, pretending not to belong to any party in the Gambia. What a blatant lie! If i had wanted i could go on and on narrating the corruption and misdeeds of the PPP during their 30 years of reign but i only decided to stop here. Do you want us to continue unabated. The choice is yours.
    The PDOIS leaders are very tolerant of criticism but we the militants will not allow you to make it a preoccupation to castigate the protectors of our struggle as if you do not belong to any culture. As Amilcar Cabral said: “Only the best songs and daughters should lead our people”.

  11. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Do not compare PDOIS and UDP? I am the first to say that and I am UDP.