Religion, Society

Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba ‘Kadimou Rasul’

amadou bamba

“A cleric who seeks the favours and reward of a King/Ruler is like a fly that feeds on excrements” Serign Amadou Bamba

Kairo Radio today starts a two week series on ‘Mouridiyaa’,ย a study of the followers of Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba. In that the anchor Mohammed Lamin Sillah’s usual Letter from Gambia is coming from Senegal principally to showcase the life and legacy of Mouridism, an essential religious, cultural, political and economic powerhouse.

In Part 1 which is being aired today, Mr. Sillah revisits Serign Bamba’s intellectual legitimacy over his peers at the time. As such the legendary Islamic leader who never blinked to follow the teachings of Islam, despite being arrested, detained and exiled for many years by the colonialists. Bamba had taste for Islam and knowledger and ejected companionship with the rulers of the Jollof Kingdoms. He challenged the kingdoms on what he classified as their ‘ruthlessness’ and abuse of power.

Serign Bamba crowned himself Kadimou Rasul [the Slave of Prophet Muhammad]. He had propagated, taught and written tons of books in Islam.

In part 2 of the programme next week, Mr. Sillam will enlighten his audience on mysticism, Sufi Tariqas [Brotherhood] and how Bamba’s holy city of Touba was named. Touba has over the years been famous for being the center of Islamic excellence where millions of Mourides conduct annual Magal to celebrate Bamba’s victory over his exilers.


1 Comment

  1. balla njie

    When was Ahmadou Bamba in Gambia?