Family’s Tribute To Alhagi Jallow

Inline image 1We the under mentioned close and wider family members of Alhagi Pa Kabba Macoumba Jallow of Bakau New Town who sadly departed this world on Saturday, 29 August 2015 aged 85 years wish to register our appreciation of the significant contribution he made in shaping our lives and futures during his eventful and rewarding lifetime. Apart from being the best father; husband; brother; uncle; grandfather and great grandfather, Alhagi Pa Kabba as we all fondly called him was a magnificent example of all that is admirable in the human spirit.
He brought us up in a loving and caring environment and imbued in us the attributes of respect, discipline and above all empathy. It is therefore pertinent and instructive to have a look at and put his family origins in historical perspective and look at the past; put it in the context of the present and view the future with hope on the basis of facts.

Alhagi Pa Kabba Jallow was the grandson of Macoumba Jallow who was born at 36 Wellington Street in Banjul. The grandfather was a trader who ran his business between St Louis also known as Ndarr in Senegal, Cassamance and Mali. Legend has it that Macoumba found Sheikh Saihou Omar Futiou Taal sitting on the beach at St Louis in search of transport to travel to Banjul. However, he unfortunately found no favors until Macoumba Jallow came to his rescue and took him to Banjul on his boat called DIAMOND for free.

When he offered Macoumba some gold and silver dust as fare, the latter declined and requested for prayer instead. Macoumba then wholeheartedly accepted the offer of prayer which was made with the assurance that it will endure and for generations through his biological family to the last generation. It is said and believed that Macoumba’s compound at 36 Wellington Street is still in place as a result of this blessing whilst others have been demolished.

Subsequently, Sheikh Saihou Omar Futiou Taal visited The Gambia to meet the family of Alhagi Muntaha Taal who hosted him and Macoumba Jallow leading to a solid relationship between the Taal and Jallow families. In the process, the mother of Gibril Jallow, Isatou Ceesay was introduced to Nasiru Taal and they ended up getting married. The marriage was blessed with a son, Alhagi Amadou Taal.
Some years later and on the basis of research conducted by Alhagi Madikay Faal who contacted a woman called Aja Medina Taal was accompanied by her daughter, Aminata Touray who stayed with our late father at his residence in Bakau New Town. During this family reunion, Aminata Taal was engaged by Basirou Garba Jahumpa and later married to him. This nuptial was conducted, presided over and blessed by Ahagi Madikay Faal and dad; the late Alhagi Pa Kabba Macoumba Jallow.
Alhagi Pa Kabba was born at number 7 Macdonald Street in Banjul, The Gambia on 22 January, 1930 to his father Alhagi Gibril Macoumba Jallow and mother Aji Fatou Ceesay Jambounge. His grandfather was Macoumba Jallow of 36 Wellington Street, Banjul and his grandmothers; Isatou Ceesay of Banjul was the mother of Gibril Jallow and Jainaba Ndure of Bijilo, the mother of Fatou Ceesay.

Alhagi Pa Kabba’s had several siblings, namely: Alhagi Dodou Njie know as (M.S); Aji Sainabou Jallow; Alhagi Alhagi Ismaila Jallow; Alhagi Sulayman Jallow; Alhagi Bekai Jallow; Aja Yamoundow Jallow; Alhagi Ousman Jallow; Aja Ya Ida Jallow; Aja Yassin Jallow who departed on September 15, 2015; and Pa Momodou Jallow who also passed away on September 25th, 2015 most the famously Alhagi Dodou Njie, (M.S.) also known widely as Good Business.

By the grace of Allah, Alhagi Pa Kabba was blessed with many sons and daughters, children he brought up in the best traditions and culture of Gambian society, plus making them good practicing Muslims namely: Tuku Jallow; Mariam Jallow; Ida Jallow; Dawda Jallow; Madikay Jallow; Mama Fatou Jallow; Momodou Mustapha Jallow and Mariama Jallow who sadly proceeded him to meet her maker, Allah in May 2014.

Equally, Alhagi Pa Kabba’s children were blessed with an abundance of children – his grand children whom he saw grow up and enjoyed the pleasure of their company as is often the case between grand children and grand parents.; and supporting their parents, his own children in the process. They too were brought up as their parents in like manner and their names always resonate with the values of the Jallow family. They were Mustapha Jobarteh; Sheikh Ahmad Bamba Sakho; Aminata Suma; Baboucarr Janneh; Batty Cham; Abibatou Janneh; Amadou Janneh; Sulayman Jeng; Yasai Jeng; Amie Queen Kuyateh; Khadija Jallow; Jamal Jallow; Gibril Jallow; Dawda Jallow; Ramatoulie Jallow; Muhammed Jallow; Ya Jainaba Jallow; Zeinab Jallow; Yusupha Jobe; Tuku Jallow Jr; and Mariam Jallow aka Yam Pulo Jallow Jr.

In the last generation are the great grand children who are: Mam Sayerr Jeng; Musa Cham; Pa Buba Jobe; Bai Mdou Sey and Badou Sey. They too enjoyed Pa Kabba’s love and support.

Kabba Ceesay of Wuli Kansala was the father of Aja Fatou Ceesay (Jambounge).
Alhagi Pa Kabba Jallow was educated at Muhammedan Primary School and Methodist Boys’ High School. He joined the Gambia Civil Service in 1950 before proceeding to the Ghana in 1957 to attend the School of Surveying in Achimota. Following his graduation in 1957 from Ghana, he later proceeded to The London School of Surveying in the United Kingdom in 1963.

Alhagi Pa Kabba’s professional career spanned several years at the Survey Department started at Farafenni, Sapu, Bansang and then Jarra Soma. During this period and within five years he steadily rose to the position of Deputy Senior Surveyor and then became couple of years later, he was promoted to the Director of Survey Department at the Public Works Department, and he further rendered more years of dedicated and distinguished service before he retired in 1980.

After Alhagi Pa Kabba Macoumba Jallow retires in 1980, he was able to run his own Consultancy firm called MACOUMBA SURVEYING AND EVALUATION CONSULTANCY, and also contracted with the CADI MUNICIPALITY Court Kanifing, to oversee the judgments of the evaluation and validation of the properties to be divided within family members for inheritance. His services to his country were immense and his contribution to the development of The Gambia well known and recognized by both his colleagues and contemporaries, as well as the Gambian public in general.

In addition to his record as a truly family man, Dad was also a pivotal figure in civil society. Be it marriage or naming ceremonies; funerals and other community events his presence was always assured. His dedication to Islam and his contribution to the affairs of Pipeline Mosque where his funeral service took place, amid the massive turnout and crowds who came to pay their last respects and homage to him was a profound manifestation and representation of the deep esteem in which he was held. Thus at the end of the day, we were all richer for having known Pa Kabba and alas we are all now poorer for being without him.

This must be the permanent and enduring legacy of Alhagi Pa Kabba Macoumba Jallow know as (K.M.G.) and it behooves all of us to maintain and sustain it for now and for the future.

May Allah, the Almighty God grant him eternal peace in Arjanah.



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