It was the big weekend news that never materialized. What exactly have been the rumors fueling in every nook and cranny of The Gambia?
It is claimed that dictator Jammeh wanted to announce his intention to withdraw The Gambia from Economic Community of West African Ststes (ECOWAS) to tighten immigration rules in the country. The Gambia is said to start soon oil exploration of substantial commercial value. So the Dictator thinks removing the country from ECOWAS would be am important starting point to ensure that only Gambians benefit from her resources. It is also rumoured that the Chinese are behind the oil venture. Insiders with the rumour hinted that removing Gambia from ECOWAS will be the quick ticket for this barbaric regime’s demise. There are other less credible reports of the dictator standing down. What a lazy thinking Gambians are engaging in. None of the speculations became real. As if Gambians have not understood President Jammeh’s desperate moves to cling on to power, they went to bed with high hopes that he would deliver a resignation speech in public. Now that this also turned out to be s hoax, what more is left on the plate of these enthusiastic bunch of people who expect Manna to fall from Heaven.
On a separate note, Kairo News got some inside story of President Jammeh’s mindset over the weekend.
A special European adviser to he Gambian tyrant told Kairo News about Jammeh’s mindset. “Jammeh believes the world hates him for being a strong African Leader and a no nonsense Pan-Africanist”, said an expert who along with his colleagues endorsed the Gambian dictator’s project document to access EU and other development related funding. The expert said “The Gambia is in a deep mess, and in a very precarious situation that is different from many African countries.”
Our source highlighted that many African countries require the services of economic experts and agriculturist to sugarcoat their plea for EU, U.S and other development partners aid. However, the difference with The Gambia is that, “you have a President who betrays all protocols and even attempts to intimidate us European advisers. In a sense, if a President can intimidate foreign advisers, what will he do to people under his rule, under his government apparatus?”
The said ecpert was quizzex on the kind of services they provide and why they still execute such duties. His answer was like a stan on one’s back. “We are paid handsomely by African states to brush up their proposals so they can get the aid and grants. We do know that not all the funds ended reaching the very people they were solicited for. However, there are networks of EU country representatives and USAID staff who all want the funds to be provided, so that they too can continue being in a lucrative job.”
The expert revealed another interesting part of the Gambian leader. “Jammeh is very insecure, lonely, unpredictable and aggressive and for me, he has past his sell by date. Any day he spends as your president is a wasted period, a backward spiral for everyone.”
This is no news to Gambians who suffered serious irrational fallouts with Jammeh. If it becomes clear that Jammeh treats even his foreign advisers with contempt, the question that needs to be asked is: who does he respect or bow down to?
There are more rumours, some say,: He will not offer himself for next election, some are saying it is to increase civil servants salary which very low at present and others are saying it is the oil exploration.
President Yaya Jammeh! Explore the oil that the gambian population have been waiting for ages. What are you still waiting for? I think this would help in improving the economical situation in the Gambia instead of borrowing money from the IMF or funds from the EU!
deyda haidara
Jammeh is simply good at spreading rumor mongering. This started when he sent clandestine delegations all over the country to ask him publicly to remove his military uniforms and contest the 1996 elections. This dubious underground plans are beknowing to his comrades at the then AFPRC junta.
Jammeh is born DECIVER who will die in power, he has nowhere to go on exile, not in the Casamance forest anyway. Anything short of this fact is a wishful thinking.
Gambians should brace up, muster more courage and take Jammeh head on by any means necessary.
The only fact and problem Jammeh faces today is that the Gambia is in a big economic mess and people are hungry angry and suffering and he does not know how to fix it. Period.
Ggapm Agapm
How a type like Jammeh can be born and raised in the Gambia? A born Gambia to arm rob power and turn on the very Gambian people with the most wicked mischeve anyone can ever experience in his country of birth? Gambia was poor and ‘ NO PROBLEM’. Jammeh and his comrades toppled its democratic government to end corruption and bring about accountability. They were not able to end corruption but indeed privatised it. They didn’t stop there; they will incarcerate anybody who reminds them of what they promised and to the shock of every citizen, he and his killers started killing like he and them have a secret desire for human blood.
I don’t know how much peace is peace in a country but, suffering in the Gambia is purgatory though no one there dare say something like that, not even on the phone. Who really cares after all these if, Jammeh is predictable or not. I think a president who publicly considers himself to be unpredictabe can be automatically voted out of confidence in a true democracy. The expert’s preoccupations are worthy of concern because they kinow they were sitting face to a lunatic.