
Special Letter To President Jammeh

Lamin Saddam SanyangMr. President,

Can you tell me why your security officers are so slow and lazy that after so many years still they cannot find the detainees who were handcuffed and chained? What happens to your lazy agents of the NIA and stupid jungulers? Mr. President, do they need extra help to investigate the whereabouts of March 21st detainees? Mr. President, did your government commission any investigation into the purported escape of Daba Marena [former Director of NIA] and co? We have waited for so long and have run out of patience. If you don’t do anything about the mystery surrounding the fate of our secirith officers, can you tell us why? 

Mr. President, you took an oath when assuming office to protect and execute your duties without fear, favour and ill-will. You when on further to promise us that you will protect us up to planet Mars. Regrettably, you have not only broken your oath but turned into a vengeful monster hurting us physically, economically and emotionally. Can you tell me Mr President what have we done to deserve your cruelty?

It will be recalled on 11th November 1994 many patriotic Gambians were gruesomely butchered and yet still no investigation took place. Yet you don’t have the courage to tell us how many people were exactly murdered? How they were murdered? Who murdered them? Who ordered their brutal, cold-blooded murder? What crime has the victims committed? Has justice been meted out to them before their murder? Besides, have they been accorded the right to legal representation? If not, can you tell me why Mr President?

Another person who was brutally murdered and his remains burnt in his car was Mr. Ousman Koro Ceesay. Again no investigation was conducted to bring the killers of the former Finance Minister to book. Mr. President, what was Mr. Ceesay’s crime? Did you kill him to silence him and deter others from exposing your dirty linen in public? Was dialogue not good enough to resolve your differences? When will you tell Gambians the answers to the above questions? If not, can you tell me why?

Similarly, in April 2000, more than a dozen innocent students who were peacefully exercising their civil, democratic and constitutional rights were murdered in cold-blood by your trigger maniac criminals in uniform. The crushed students were meant to be our future leaders, doctors, lawyers, teachers and scientists. Was there any investigation to look into their untimely murder? Again, who ordered the massacre of the defenseless students? Did you give orders while in Cuba? Do you still stand by the statements you gave your partner in crime Vice President Isatou Njie-Saidy after those future leaders were murdered in cold blood? Do you still believe those unarmed students were the perpetrators?

Questionably, would you have issued the same statements if your children were among the victims? If not, why?

One of the most prominent journalists of our nation was murdered in cold-blood by your bandits. Can you tell me why your government is unsettled anytime Deyda Hydara is immortalised? Is that a sign of guilt? What was/were Hydara’s crime/crimes? Why didn’t n’t you take him before the court of law if he had committed any crime/crimes? Has any investigation taken place on his murder? Were you ever consulted by any concerned Gambian/ Gambians or international communities about his murder? Mr. President, do you dare face Gambian people explaining why you murdered him? If not can you tell me why?

Mr. President, you can fool some Gambians some time but you cannot fool all the Gambians at all time. Even though you know that is impossible yet you try to cast sand in our eyes like you attempted with those inconceivable childish reasons you gave Gambians after murdering Mr. Daba Marena and co. How can some prisoners who were handcuffed and chained on transit from one prison to another, escaped after having an accident? Where were the guards escorting them? Were all the guards dead before the prisoners escaped?

Following the unexplained disappearances of Mr. Ebrima Chief Manneh, Kanyiba Kanyi, Jisaja Kujabi, and many others, Gambians are now questioning what exactly happened to them. Can you please tell us what happened to them?

Did you murder them too? Was there any investigation to ascertain their whereabouts? If not, can you tell me why?

I cannot mention all the names of those you murdered or banished under your command, but I am well concerned about all who are still unaccounted for as well as those currently languishing in your torture chambers. I am just one out of numerous concern Gambians who is asking these questions on behave of those voiceless Gambians victims. Mr. President, can you please tell The Gambian people the whereabouts of all your victims? If not, can you tell me why?

Mr. President, Gambian people want to know how many millions of dollars has your so-called First Lady Mrs. Zainab Summa Jammeh embezzled?

If you were concerned about our domestic problems as you always claim, why aren’t you using those millions to solve our domestic problems instead of the flamboyant lifestyle of your continental prostitute? If not, can you tell me why?

Lamin Saddam Sanyang

