
Notification To Existing Diaspora Organisations 

Omar Bah

                      Omar Bah

Immediate Release

14th September 2015

The Gambia Youth for Unity (GYU) movement is a conglomerate of youth efforts in the struggle to bring about democratic change in The Gambia.
Over the past few months, we have held series of meetings that bordered around dialogue, unity and efforts towards harnessing the structures of the
Diaspora organizations into a coalition to coordinate efforts to restore democracy and rule of law in The Gambia.

Recently a structure and organogram was proposed, reviewed and accepted by organizations that attended the last meeting. It is important to note that no existing organization has been asked to dissolve but rather affiliate themselves to the new union. So far it’s been agreed for one representative from each organization to hold a seat within the united entity. Further, no member of the GYU will hold a position in the coalition instead we will remain as the youth group and will continue to provide support for the unitealloalition.

The success of this initiative will depend largely on how many organisations are willing to engage in the democratic election process; which has been very encouraging to date. To ensure a more inclusive process we are urging all organisations to contribute towards shaping the structure they will find most comfortable, thereby eliminating avoidable problems from the beginning. We are writing this press release to notify allorganisations to engage the process of creating a united entity, instead of joining an already agreed structure.

In service of our beloved Gambia,

Omar Bah GYU acting Chairperson

+1(401) 499-2745, gam.y.u.info@gmail.com
