
Solo Bojang’s Troubles Add Up

Lt. Col. Solo Bojang

A former state guard commander was on August 27th sentenced to a year in prison. Former Lt. Col. Solo Bojang, also an erstwhile manager of Kanilai Family Farms, was earlier freed by the courts. His whereabouts remains unknown until his secret trial and subsequent conviction by a secret court martial in Fajara Barracks.

Gambian authorities remain tight-lipped on the trial and its outcome, forcing Mr. Bojang’s family to spill the beans to the media.

Family sources told Foroyaa newspaper that Mr. Bojang was escorted out of the court soon after the verdict was handed down. He was escorted back to prison, denying his family members to talk to him.

The absence of the media in the secret trial has thrown the public into darkness about its circumstances and modus operandi.

Mr. Bojang, who was implicated in President Jammeh’s sanctioned fatal witch hunting exercise, was last year acquitted and discharged on abuse of office, conspiracy and theft charges. He was however convicted on false information charge and therefore fined D50, 000. Bojang remained hooked up a system he had helped consolidated, despite paying his fine. He has since remained incommunicado detention until his court martial appearance.


1 Comment

  1. Bajaw

    “Jalo Singho beh lorring foorangho Kang” “drummer who trampled own drumsticks’, difficult to find, by others”… {Mandingo adage }

    Solo can have taste of own medicine, he helped maladministered to the innocent, whilst aid-abetting the Murderous kanilai Killer DEVIL, in oppression of Gambians…

    Solo’s leg is trapped in the poisonous jaws of the Murderous kanilai Tyrannical Alligator yaya; probably Solo knows too much, but his episodes can only serve for eyes-opening; WHOSOEVER aid-abets Murderous kanilai Tyranny in Gambia, against humanity, will ALL pay in one-way OR another…

    There’re lots of Solo Bojangs out there; the genuine Gambian populace are determined to endeavour collectively, ENSURE tyranny is UPROOTED in Gambia, by ALL & ANY means necessary…

    In their times of “reaping own fruits”, Evil Murderous Tyrannical kanilai yaya Killer Devil & aid-abets don’t expect any sympathy from the oppressed population; in fact ALL & ANY of them, will be accountable in post-dictatorship; anybody who passed away, gets accounted in hereafter; EITHER way, fair enough; all we’ll ensure is, fair dispensation of justice & rules of law; contrary to what’s obtained in the Murderous Tyrannical kanilai Syndicate…

    So why can’t humans & humanity in general, instead direct our energy to impact services to better humanity, rather than engage in molestation, oppression, murder…?