By Janko Camara
In the past few days, the name “Terri-Kaffor” has come to denote all things negative, thanks to a deliberate vilification campaign started by of one of the online radios. Suddenly “Terri-Kaffor” has been “re-branded” to us as the originator of every evil that ever took place on The Gambian soil during the First Republic. I have no affiliation whatsoever with the Terri-Kaffor that we used to know and hear about in the First Republic. Therefore, my reference to the group is just tangential to the underlying subject matter which may not be visible to all. My intervention is based on my believe that what we see and hear about Terri-Kaffor is just a façade beneath which is a sinister move by a selected few to sow anti-Mandinka feeling amongst the population and also to project the entire Manding-speaking Gambia as evil and the cause of Gambia’s current predicament. This is why I feel highly obliged to address the subject matter and drive home the truth despite my very busy schedule. If this monumental lie is left unchallenged, the consequences can be very dangerous for two reasons:
1. It will ultimately result in tribal hatred (mobilizing all other tribes against one tribe – the Mandingo Tribe) since people with less mental sophistication might be swayed into believing this falsehood and thus start nurturing hatred for this tribe.
2. Those who were born post 1994 might grow up with the fallacious notion that “Terri-Kaffor” was a negative concept and anybody associated with it was evil.
In view of the above, therefore, I have decided to challenge the wholesale lies being peddled around. Let me also say that the main propagator of this lie, in my opinion, is just a political pawn used by his bigger masters in a game of Political Chess that he has no clue about. So for his own sake too, I write this piece to emancipate him mentally from the obvious bondage he appears to be held in. As the late Reggae star, Robert Nester Marley, put it, we need to emancipate ourselves from “mental slavery” for it is only then shall we achieve The Gambia that most of us yearn for – a truly democratic Gambia where all are given their due and where the Rule of Law remains supreme.
So to begin, if Terri-Kaffor is not what it has been portrayed to be, what then is “Terri-Kaffor”? Etymologically, the term Terri-Kaffor” is a Mandinka Phrase comprising two words – “Terri” and “Kaffor”. “Terri” is a derivative of the Mandinka word “Teeroo” which means “Friend” in English Language. “Kaffor” can loosely mean Group or Association. Therefore, the compound word “Terri-Kaffor” means a Group or Association of friends. So, if a group of friends adopt a name e.g. Terri-Kaffor, or Allen Street Vous, or Vietnam Border Boys, what is wrong with that? What is in a name? what is all this hullabaloo? Why all this Razzmatazz?
In Banjul of yester-years, we had “Terri-Kaffor”, just like we had the Allen Street Vous (comprising a group of friends). Most of the people lampooning the Terri-Kaffor today do not even have a scintilla of knowledge about the group. Some might have been very small boys working on some outlandish farm in Niamina and were “not hammered by social life” at the time, borrowing the words of a long-time colleague in the academia. Therefore, their castigation of the Terri-Kaffor and literary taking it to denote the entire Manding-speaking Gambia is anchored on ignorance and, as I said earlier, the fact that they are being used as pawns in a political game that they clearly have no clue about. This is Politics ala African. The truth about Terri-Kaffor (in the First Republic) was that it composed of people from different tribes, and, in some cases, different political ideologies who were united by only one factor – their provincial origin and, by extension, their social background. So, whilst the name “Terri-Kaffor” is a Mandinka name, the group’s membership transcends tribe and tribal affiliations. Therefore, Terri-Kaffor is not a proxy for “Mandinka tribalism”, as is being currently portrayed by some outlandish mimic journalist. The most prominent member of this group, by virtue of his position in the then Jawara Administration, was Bakary Bunja Darbo. For those who were of the ripe age with political maturity and intellectual sophistication (not small boys who could barely read or write at the time), and also if we are to be honest with ourselves, Bakary Bunja Darbo was one of the most respected and respectable ministers in the Jawara regime, at the time, due to his demonstrated intellect, competence and integrity. Hassan Bubacarr Jallow, the then Justice Minister, was another icon in the Jawara Administration. To some degree, these two gentlemen, among others, added a bit of colour, character, class and integrity to the Jawara Administration. Of course, this is not to say they were perfect. However, in relative terms, these were people with demonstrated integrity and the common people had so much confidence in and respect for them. This, in fact, was the main reason why “Demba Darbo” or “Dumbuto Jalango” was re-called by the Military Junta to serve as their first Finance Minister. His acceptance of this offer was his undoing. Obviously, this was a serious error of judgment on his part which, given the benefit of hindsight, he should not have accepted. People can attempt to re-write history but the truth shall always prevail in the end. I am not holding brief for Bakary Darbo, certainly he is capable of defending himself. I am just saying it as I saw it happened. I just brought this point to demonstrate that apart from the Terri-Kaffor being a social and “cross-tribal” group, it also has produced civil servants that were outstanding.
Given the above, the current debate on Terri-Kaffor appears to have been started by people who are bent on advancing their sinister agenda of promoting tribal discord by plaing one tribe against the other so that in the ensuing confusion, they can pursue and drive home their bigger and most important agenda. They are full of hatred and usually they are the first to cry foul always nagging against “unfair” treatment. I have said this in an earlier article and I will repeat it here: Those who are clueless and have nothing to offer their people resort to tribalism and tribal bigotry. We elect our political leaders to represent us and improve our lot, not to use tribalism as a red herring to divert our attention from the realities of life in today’s Gambia. Educated people cannot be blowing tribal trumpets at a time when our country is looking for salvation. Never in History has the promotion of tribalism led to the salvation of any country. So it must be discouraged at all cost. It appears, however, that this warning is not sinking in some people. Therefore, without mincing words, let me blatantly say that the case of Mandinkas in The Gambia is a case of “Jal mu Yallah Jal….”. We had better accepted reality and move on. Likewise, Mandinkas must also not think that they alone own Gambia and can salvage the country without working with the others. We all need each other. The singer Michael Bolton has said it all in his song “Lean on Me”. In my opinion, we all deserve a dignified life and if this is really true in everyone else, we do not need to be told that only unity can lead to the achievement of such a noble objective.
Without attempting to offend anyone, I dare say maybe we need to dig a little into our recent past history to remind ourselves so that the fickle-minded ones among us do not get swayed by the lies being currently peddled around. I would like those waging war against the Minding tribe, using Terri-Kaffor as a proxy, to answer the following questions for me:
1. Was it the Terri-Kaffor members that brought down the National Trading Company (NTC) to its knees, being the head at the time?
2. Was it the Terri-Kaffor members that brought down The Gambia Produce Marketing Board (GMPB) to its knees, being the head at the time?
3. Was it the Terri-Kaffor members that brought down The Gambia Commercial and Development Bank (GCDB), being the head at the time? Who were the principal loan defaulters of the moribund bank?
4. Was it the Terri-Kaffor members that brought down The Gambia Utilities Corporation (GUC) to its knees, being the head at the time?
5. Was it the Terri-Kaffor members that brought down The Gambia Airways to its knees, being the head at the time?
6. Was it the Terri-Kaffor members that brought down The Gambia Telecommunications Company (Gamtel) to its knees, being the head at the time, even though this one happened in the Jammeh era? Ask the long-serving Gamtel staff.
7. The 1987/88 Customs saga which uncovered monumental levels of corruption within the institution, was it the Terri-Kaffor members that headed the Customs at the time; and how many of those implicated were Terri-Kaffor members or from the Mandingo tribe?
8. Was it the Terri-Kaffor members that were responsible for the then chronic underperformance of the Gambia Post Office (GPO), being the head at the time?
The list goes on and on. You see, we must stop the joke and be honest for once. Almost all these institutions were set up by the Jawara Administration after independence to cater for the wellbeing of the population. These were important and relevant institutions that a nascent nation, like The Gambia, needed at the time but which were all destroyed due to either the incompetence or lack of integrity (or both) of their leaderships. So looking back at history, who were truly responsible for the corruption which eventually gave a ready justification and platform for the Military takeover by armed bandits parading themselves as “Soldiers with a Difference”, even though they proved to be not any better. Given all of the above, who, therefore in their right minds and without biased sentiments, would know all these yet continue to heap The Gambia’s woes on the Manding-speaking tribe of The Gambia? I was born and raised in the Greater Banjul Area (call it Urban Gambia, if you like) and if I should have any element of bias, it should be in favour of those born in so-called Urban Gambia. However, the truth is: almost 100% of all those who led failed institutions in the Jawara era were people considered to have come from Urban Gambia and had the “social and intellectual sophistication” to head those institutions. They turn out to be massive failures. Your so-called “provincial born”, in our experience as a country, were the “Yaaraam” who feared, if not God, but their family name and would not do anything to soil it. Of course, Yahya Jammeh spoiled all of that for them too.
I will not end this piece without sending out my usual message to our wannabe or mimic “journalist” and other media practitioners: we have had enough of the character assassination and the totally irresponsible and reprehensible manner of conducting journalism, anchored on the promotion of tribalism. Enough of the tribal vilifications and provocations. DEFA DOI!!! In the recent past, people have been arrested in The Gambia whilst some were dismissed from their jobs mainly due to the irresponsible comportment of some outlandish and a rather comical character parading themselves as journalist. Freedom of Speech is not absolute. In fact, Freedom itself is not absolute but relative to the freedom of others. Therefore, those whose livelihoods depend on writing and publishing stories must understand that they have a responsibility towards society. They should be using their pens and platforms to promote the public good and not the opposite. Remember, you cannot erase what has already been written in this digital age, and not only shall you be judged by history but society shall hold you accountable for your contributions in turning our peace into pieces. When war starts, no one is immuned to the consequences. We must remember that the media played a key, albeit dastardly, role in the Rwandan genocide and that was why some individual members of the media had to account for their roles. No sane, DECENT and well-raised Gambian, whether journalist or not, should promote tribalism or allow themselves to be used for the castigation of other tribes. LU OPA TUURU!!!, goes the Wollof saying. With these, I humbly move the motion to hang my pen.
Motion seconded my brother….because the pen has written well…And what a piece from Janko Solo yet again ..!!!
Janko, my only concern is that people are falsely using tribe as the basis to fight their own wars. And if you look at the people who are in the forefront of this “political struggle” they are mainly the educated folks who should know better.
If you asked me tribe has nothing to do with the struggles that they waged against each other for political control.They wars that they waged against each other to gain political power.
This is a struggle that involve the educated folks who appeal to one another because they share the same social background; who appeal to one another because they profess the same interest persuasions, and who appeal to another because they belong to the same ethnic groups.
And the danger is that when their conflicts become more pronounced; when it becomes more agitated, they easily transform their struggles into a struggle that involve the larger society by cajoling, inciting and appealing to those who belong to their groups to help them strengthen their positions in these conflict situations.
This is how these “educated’ people deliberately create tribal conflicts and wars; only to see which group among them will gain political control and power.
I am putting the blame squarely on the educated people because in most instances they are the ones who start these tribal conflicts and wars by creating proxies that defend, safeguard and promote their parochial interests. Which is mostly political.
We know for a fact that people who share the same geographical space call a country belong to different tribes. This is no different from the Gambia and people belong to different tribes. People have different belief systems; we have different interest persuasions; some people like politics and others don’t. There is nothing wrong with all these. We should cherished and celebrate it. And we should endeavor to strengthen our diversity and ” join our diverse people to prove man’s brotherhood.”.
How to manage all these differences so that we can live in peace and harmony should be the fundamental concern of every Gambia.
We have a constitution and institutions that seek to guide the process of managing these differences. We have a duty and a responsibility to work within this political infrastructure to resolve any and all conflicts.
We have our political parties. Let us get to work.
Lafia Touray la Manju
Terri-Kaffour simply means an association of friends. How that turned to symbolise a supposed Mandingo tribalism is beyond me.
Look guys, the mandinkaphobics needs to be careful. Hurling insults at mandinkas for no reason whatsoever is unacceptable. Stop it for it is dangerous. Have a look at the Mandingo history and you will know what I am talking about. Our dignity is everything to us.
Respect bro
Thank you Mr janko. Well said. A word for the wise…
God bless the Gambia and her peoples. In fact God bless all of human kind..
Abarika morro ning Allah….
What needs to stop is amplifying a false narrative. How many people can be labelled as mandinkaphobics out of a population of 1.5 million inhabitants? Or are you referring to people on facebook, on the internet discussion forums, the online radios or people here on Kairo news?
The effects of military dictatorship in any given country is division , fear , bigotry , discrimination , tribalism , hatred and intimidation . This is exactly what is going on in The Gambia . We have now arrived at the consequences of military dictatorship and if we fail to recognize this facts , we will all perils. Jammeh will continue to divide us by setting tribe against tribe , region against region, family against family . Every Gambians has a responsibility to acknowledge this fundamental problems first before we can solve them. If we continue to dismiss them while we pretend that all is well in our communities , then we will always see tribalism raising its ugly head frequently . This anti-mandinka hatred started with Jammeh because as a president , he should have recognized that vast majority of those who voted for him are mandinkas and majority of those who also oppose him are mandinkas . This is because mandinkas are the majority in the country . He should respect every tribe because he is the leader of our country . But the fact is that , it is in the interest of Jammeh to bring this tribal discord in every aspect of our lives even those in diaspora . This is why it is fallacious to think we don’t have tribalism in our country . I am glad to see people speaking against those who try to bring tribal discord . In speaking about tribalism , we have to condemn Jammeh how he treat tribes differently in order to promote his personal interest and security . Our political leaders and community leaders all have a role to play to diffuse and eradicate hatred among us . If they failed to speak up , wrong people will be speaking on our behalf which will result to tribal conflict . Blaming the diaspora or intellectuals of the struggle as the perpetrators of tribalism is totally misplaced . Though I believe they do have huge responsibility to ensure that it doesn’t show its ugly head in our midst . I think diaspora or journalists or activists all has responsibility to expose Jammeh’s tribalism and preferential treatment he accorded to his Tribe without alienating his tribe or showing tribal discord . This should be carefully done by encouraging and educating jolas and other tribes that Jammeh is a bad guy who want to destroy our society and country for his personal interest . It is a good idea to talk about Jammeh’s tribalism and expose him.
deyda haidara
To Janko Camara.
Your article is malicious, tribalist and dishonest and here is why?
1- You said and I quote: “Some might have been very small boys working on some outlandish farm in Niamina and were “not hammered by social life” at the time, borrowing the words of a long-time colleague in the academia.” Here you should been brave and bold enough to call out Pa Nderry Mbye.
2- You said again and I quote: “Therefore, Terri-Kaffor is not a proxy for “Mandinka tribalism”, as is being currently portrayed by some outlandish mimic journalist. Again the only journalist in the diaspora talking about Terri-Kafor is Pa Nderry Mbye.
3- I depict in your article very heavy tribal leniency and let me quote you again: “Given the above, the current debate on Terri-Kaffor appears to have been started by people who are bent on advancing their sinister agenda of promoting tribal discord by playing one tribe against the other so that in the ensuing confusion, they can pursue and drive home their bigger and most important agenda. They are full of hatred and usually they are the first to cry foul always nagging against “unfair” treatment.” Here you mean the freedom radio commentators lead by Pa Nderry Mbye a woloff.
You see Janko; it is only Allah who decides in which tribe, race, family and country an individual should be born. No human being on earth decides who should be a good or bad person. In all tribes and races and nationalities you will find three categories of people, the good, the bad and the hypocrite. Amongst these three groups the worst are the hypocrites hence Allah in his Holy Koran explicitly calls them out in “Suratul, Nafihun or Nafekha in Wolof”. They are sure enough a nuisance and a menace in society.
Secondly every individual on earth has an ambition and will do everything to fulfill that ambition either honorably or dishonorably. It better and will a have more lasting effect when done honorably and honestly with patience and tolerance. We all know that Freedom Radio and Fatu Radio are at loggerheads for the past three weeks. Both radios are trying to win the hearts and minds of Gambians in the diaspora and both have regular commentators that promote a specific “Kabudu” agendas. Pa Ndery should have used the word “Kabudu” that depicts better his insinuations than using the word “Terri-Kafor” which is different and I quote again: “I just brought this point to demonstrate that apart from the Terri-Kaffor being a social and “cross-tribal” group” and further you said “The truth about Terri-Kaffor (in the First Republic) was that it composed of people from different tribes, and, in some cases, different political ideologies who were united by only one factor – their provincial origin and, by extension, their social background.” Such being the true definition of Terri Kafor, Pa Ndery should have better understood in using the word “Kabudu” which has no tribal or regional connotations.
Thirdly throughout your piece you truly vilified the woloffs in your point to point demonstration that they destroyed the parastatals fabric of the Jawara regime except Gamtel led by a Mandinka: from points 1 to 8 you castigated other tribes. As much as I concur with destruction of the said parastatals, please keep in mind that the Government Cabinet was the boss of these parastatals. Who were the Cabinet members of the Jawara Administration?
Another point you should always bear in mind is that education acquisition in the colonial Gambia started with the Akus, then the Wolofs and third in order came the Mandinkas. Therefor when the colonialist left, independent Gambia had no choice but to lean on the educated elites to run the Government. Now enter 1994 and this is exactly why for the past 21 years Yaya Jammeh made sure the Jolas got the largest chunk of the education expenses and opportunities from his government and his pocket. Today the Jola tribe occupies the most important positions in Jammeh’s administration. Would you blame Jammeh for sidelining other tribes in favor of his own? I would live that answer to the readers.
In all fairness I would NOT consider you a tribalist but when the heart speaks, the mind gives it the chosen words and exposes it to public scrutiny. As you rightly said the pen is the written word and verily you were extremely mad when penning your disgust against tribalism and by doing so you alienated and chastise another tribe just because Pa Nderry Mbye got into your nerves. You owe us an APOLOGY as not ALL woloffs agree with Pa Ndery Mbye and not ALL mandinkas agree with Faturadio. The issue should have been laid to rest by now. Your article came too late when hearts and minds started refocusing on the main objective of REMOVING Jammeh from office.
Finally Janko always remember that you are not the custodian of history, truths and facts as even the twenty one year old youth can question the elderly to learn about history.
Let tribalism RIH. (Rest in hell).
Deyda, this is a tiresome rebuttal, trying hopelessly to score some points, in view of Jankos devastating critique of your earlier posting on tribes and the electoral machinery.
I think (my opinion) you are an honest and dedicated lover of your country, and this point to point sparing with Janko, another great Gambian, does not help.
Gambian tribes have got on well with each other except for a few elites who are really fighting for their won pockets using tribes as smokescreen. Just let this tribe thing go away!!!
The media should hold the government and political parties accountable to the people. Ruling parties are supposed to deliver freedom and prosperity.
Opposition parties are supposed to criticise what a ruling party is doing wrong and indicate what it would do right if it was put in its place. The media should transmit the divergent views.
All those who are following the political scene would notice that a party like UDP is holding rallies and has conducted a countrywide tour and regional tour of LRR and Kombo. A party like PDOIS has reached all villages in the country, has held a Congress and is conducting tours and rallies. Discussions have taken place among the opposition to take a common position on electoral reform which witnessed the participation of 6 opposition parties.
It is therefore strange that any member of the opposition, especially a minority leader, could be quoted to be criticising other opposition parties for boycotting elections. Only an opposition member who wishes to mislead the media would talk about electoral boycott when everyone is talking about electoral reform and a party has even announced its intension to hold a primary to select its presidential Candidate for 2016.
Only those who seek political legitimacy by exploiting political vacuum could continue to criticise other opposition parties instead of speaking for their parties and leave other parties to speak for themselves.
Source : FOROYAA
Deyda, I guess for your state of mind, or your quality of being mature-enough, will see the writer of this article, a person who lacks the courage to call Hamat Bah by his name.
The Gambian tribes of today are so inter linked through marriage that only idiots and people frustrated by their failure in life due to their own making and short coming would pick on any tribe. The new era is GAMBIAN. Most of the present generation have different tribes genes in them.
Mr Camara’s mighty pen said it all. Thank you for speaking for all true Gambians.
Sol Jarju
Well said Janko. In fact, the point to note is that, this Mandinka media attacks started with Sam Sarr, and Pa Nderry is well aware of those sentiments. Again, in as much as there is a media rivalry between Fatu Radio and Freedom, there is no need for Freedom to single out Mandinkas for his venomous nonsense.
Fatu radio never tirbalise any issue or discussions. So long as Pa Nderry continue to listen to mandinka haters, he should be responded to in kind. Let him use English to define his targets. All responsible folks know that, the failures of both Republics lies at the feet all and sundry. Pa Nderry was even repeating the venom of the Tribalist Pierr Njie..Let sleeping dogs lie and focus on the aggressor of Gambians, Yahya Jammeh and his APRC.
Janko merely pointed out the if you blame the Mandinkas for failure X, why not blame others for Y. Why not use their language to point out their groupings? Since we all know, folks from same language or cultural background will always have some bond. Since when has that became a crime? The distortion need to be corrected.
Alimatou Sarr
In all fairness, what I don’t understand is the unwillingness of the families, friends and associates of those fanning the flames of tribal hatred to put them in their rightful place. They should be scolded and warned seriously for advocating for destroying the harmony and cohesion our forefathers had jealousy guarded for years. Instead of shaming them, we have seen a group of people lobbying hard to calm the already artificial tense situation. I am sick and mad at this lobbyist hypocrites and squarely blame them for fanning the embers of tribal hatred. Personally, I know them and have been keenly following them from North Carolina to Atlanta and across Europe. It is time to expose these wolves in sheep’s clothing. We must not all watch and see anyone cause bleeding in our Gambian social fabric.
Luntango Suun Gann Gi
Alimatou, Luntango is the only truly non-tribalist here! As Presidential candidate, I will marry as follows: 1. Mandinka bride from Badibu; 2. Fulla Bride from Basse; 3. Jola Bride from Foni and a Wollof Bride from Banjul (Half-Die). If I am allowed 2 more I would add a Serer and a Manjanko (even though VOTES are few there!).
Ggapm Agapm
All who bear within their hearts’ confines hatred to a person, race, tribe or a sect are dommed thereof.
“The effects of military dictatorship in any given country is division , fear , bigotry , discrimination , tribalism , hatred and intimidation . This is exactly what is going on in The Gambia . We have now arrived at the consequences of military dictatorship and if we fail to recognize this facts , we will all perils.”
Its been 21 years now of what you have described above and we have not perished yet. We all recognized the fact that it is very difficult to uproot a regime that has entrenched itself in power. This has been the case in the first republic and it takes a military coup to end that regime.
Now we have a political situation where we are dealing with the same scenario. 2016 is fast approaching. Is there a political solution?
“Jammeh will continue to divide us by setting tribe against tribe , region against region, family against family . Every Gambians has a responsibility to acknowledge this fundamental problems first before we can solve them. If we continue to dismiss them while we pretend that all is well in our communities , then we will always see tribalism raising its ugly head frequently. ”
I don’t know who is dividing who, but it is definitely not true to suggest that tribe has been set against tribe. I do not see that happening in the Gambia. I do not see the Jolas fighting against the Mandinkas or any of the other tribes fighting against each other.
What can be true is that there is favoritism and patronage being extended to members of one tribe at the expense of members of another tribe. And this is all political.
The ordinary Jolas, Mandinkas, Fulas, Serrahulas, Akus, Manjagoes and other tribes are continuing to live their lives in peace and harmony. Sometimes oblivious to the political struggles that goes on between those who are members of their tribes.
We have a political leadership that is promoting a certain agenda. We have opposition to that leadership that wants to promote a different agenda. And we have people on both sides who are doing the fighting.
We should keep the fight to ourselves and not drag the ordinary members of our tribes who have nothing to do with our political fights into this. The only thing we can asked our people is to vote when we have elections. That is the only responsibility they bear in our fight.
The tribalism that raised its ugly head is only the one that I see being talked about in our discussion forums and online radios.
Again I do not see the ordinary Jolas, Mandinkas, Fulas, Serahulas, Akus, Manjagoes and other tribes talking about the tribalism within their midst. It is always the educated members in these tribal grouping who talk about tribalism. And it always has to do with politics. And that is also where it always raised its ugly head.
“This anti-mandinka hatred started with Jammeh because as a president , he should have recognized that vast majority of those who voted for him are mandinkas and majority of those who also oppose him are mandinkas . This is because mandinkas are the majority in the country . He should respect every tribe because he is the leader of our country . But the fact is that , it is in the interest of Jammeh to bring this tribal discord in every aspect of our lives even those in diaspora . This is why it is fallacious to think we don’t have tribalism in our country .”
It is also fallacious to think that because of all of your above reasons we have tribalism in our country.
” I am glad to see people speaking against those who try to bring tribal discord . In speaking about tribalism , we have to condemn Jammeh how he treat tribes differently in order to promote his personal interest and security . Our political leaders and community leaders all have a role to play to diffuse and eradicate hatred among us . If they failed to speak up , wrong people will be speaking on our behalf which will result to tribal conflict . Blaming the diaspora or intellectuals of the struggle as the perpetrators of tribalism is totally misplaced . Though I believe they do have huge responsibility to ensure that it doesn’t show its ugly head in our midst . I think diaspora or journalists or activists all has responsibility to expose Jammeh’s tribalism and preferential treatment he accorded to his Tribe without alienating his tribe or showing tribal discord . This should be carefully done by encouraging and educating jolas and other tribes that Jammeh is a bad guy who want to destroy our society and country for his personal interest . It is a good idea to talk about Jammeh’s tribalism and expose him.”
We just have to acknowledge that we have a political fight and it is a fight that we ought to be fight. Let us concentrate on this fight and leave the ordinary people within our tribal groupings alone. .
I think mr janko camara should have been bold enough and attack the individual who he claimed to be “mimic journalist ” who Started the latest anti-mandinkas hatred or tribalism .This individual should have been called out by his name and expose for his tribalism and tribal hatred . This would have been the best strategist to expose this individual as rightly pointed out by Haidara . But mr camara’s attempt to blame tribalism on educated Gambians and his further attempt to blame the failures of past institutions on non-mandinkas as well as coded used of ” provincial born ” vs urban Gambians as justifications to distinguish honest and the corrupt officials is itself troubling , malicious and further entrench discrimination among us . As I said in my previous posting , the effects of military dictatorship is division , fear , hatred , discrimination , tribalism , bigotry and intimidation. Jammeh is the chief prepetrator of tribalism , therefore blaming diaspora , intellectuals or educated Gambians of the struggle as prepetrators of tribalism is misplaced . Though every Gambian has responsibility to expose those who used tribalism for their selfish political and business interest whether they are in the struggle or not. This should be our priority .
The anti-mandinkas hatred was started by jammeh in early days of military dictatorship and I think mr camara was right to point out that consequences of using “Terri-kaffor” as a pretext to generate hatred for mandinkas was uncalled for , malicious , hateful , divisive and he has stated well two consequences that is , first mobilizing all other tribes against mandinkas and secondly fallacious notion that “Terri-kaffo” was a negative concept . These two consequences was the main objectives of Jammeh’s tribalism and tribal hate speeches towards mandinkas .Mr camara should have embark on good things done by this group (Terri-kaffo) so that he can educate young Gambians . He should have also demonstrated the danger of tribalism and why it is prepetrated by jammeh and those in the struggle to promote their selfish Business and political interest . The article has great start in my view but it ended up further creating division and discrimination against non-mandinkas and urban Gambians . We should always try to avoid sectionalism or regionalism in our politics or national discourse . I always believe that Jammeh is the only one who brought tribalism , tribal preferential treatment and tribal discord in our country . Mandinkas being majority in the country in all fairness , are tolerance just like other tribes and this was demonstrated by JAWARA in all his government , majority of those who opposed him are mandinkas and peaceful coexistence of Gambian people during his time . I think mr peacemaker ( janko camara ) has dropped the ball this time lol. Next time , just sit down calmly and don’t write right after listening to these radios online . Lol . Two negatives cannot make a positive unless you are multiplying two negatives then it becomes positive .
Kamalo , If you are not seeing people talking about tribalism in The Gambia , my question ” have you seem people openly talking about murders , illegal detention , disappearance , torture or other atrocities in The Gambia ?”
Luntango Siun Gann Gi
Maxs says: “Two negatives cannot make a positive”
Luntango says: False Prof Maxs!
Germany went to war (negative) + UK went to war (negative) = Nazism was defeated (positive).
Kamalo , you must be living in a dream world if you are denying that there is no tribalism in The Gambia .
You have said ” the tribalism that raised its ugly head is only the one that I see being talked about in our discussion forums and online radios ”
So if that is the case , who are these people who are talking about tribalism ?” The answer is ,these are Gambian people from different tribes who continue to accuse each other of tribalism or tribal hatred . One of the most important criteria to be good human being is to be honest at all times . If you are not honest with yourself , you will never have peace and thorough understanding of any given problem . If there is no tribalism , why is janko camara writing this article ? Your dismissal of current situation as a political situation is not only misplaced but outright false . In your mind , you think Jammeh didn’t start this anti – mandinkas hatred and it all started by educated online commentators or educated Gambians in the struggle , what a myopic and dishonest view you have on this . Again you have further indicated that we have to acknowledge that we have a political fight . What political fight are you talking about when people are engaging on identity fight which has no basis to improve the wellbeing of Gambians. Don’t you understand that tribalism never promote or advance any country and this is exactly this bigotry , hatred and discrimination is doing to our country . President Jammeh is the chief prepetrator of this because no one in our country history has ever spoken up against any tribe in a hateful , vitriol and discriminatory manner except him . Jammeh being the leader of our country should have been a unifier because he should have recognize that we have different tribes but we are one people with common interest and that Interest is the republic of The Gambia.
Your suggestion that bigotry , discrimination , fear , division , hatred , tribalism and intimidation have not yet perished Gambians is not only I’ll-conceived , ignorance but at its best hypocrisy and insulting to the intelligence of Gambian people . So you have not yet realize that as we speak you have countless Gambians who live in fear , intimidated , and victimized because they have not committed any crime . Please get some education about Gambian situation before expressing yourself online . Whatever is discuss online and on radios are true reflection of what is happening in the country. In fact majority of us who are online are more current about issues than ordinary Gambians in The Gambia who has no access to information because the dictator has control the media and basic freedom of speech .
Kamalo said ” I don’t know who is dividing who , but it is definitely not true to suggest that tribe has been set against tribe . I do not see that happening . I do not see the jolas fighting against the mandinkas or any the other tribes fighting against each other ”
Kamalo , despite the fact that Jammeh has personally attacked mandinkas in his various hateful , discriminatory , divisive speeches by sowing the seed of tribal discord you have not seen him setting tribe against tribe. Those Gambians who are honest and intelligent have seen it and that was why joined opposition press conference was done to condemn such a hateful speech against mandinkas . Every decent and responsible Gambian condemned jammmeh vitriol and hatred except those who are bigotry and those who pretend that nothing serious had happened because of their rigid political view. So are you trying to implied that once we don’t have tribal war , there is no tribalism in The Gambia ? Did you ask yourself , what motivated Jammeh to do such hateful speeches towards mandinkas every time he felt threatened or insecure . Kamalo , even Jammeh’s sincere supporters , majority of them condemned such hateful and divisive speeches .
if you want to be taken seriously and respected , acknowledged the fact that Jammeh is the chief prepetrator or engineer of tribalism in The Gambia for his selfish interest .
Dida , I think you are mathematically in deficit to suggest that your assertion was positive . Even if I go by your postulation , you will find out that the consequences has serious negative impact on both sides which was significant destruction and lost of lives. So it is a false positive ( negative ) in my view .
Again Dida , using your statement below;
” Germany went to war( negative ) +UK went to war ( negative ) = Nazism was defeated ( positive )
Do you realize that you are adding two negatives which always give you negative result .
– + – = – , a negative result
Therefore I think I am right on this . Lol.
Also , I know jammeh is your friend and he is my enemy , that is a friend is positive + , enemy is negative _
So our relationships can be described as
1. A friend of an enemy is my enemy
2. An enemy of a friend is my enemy
You see my points , therefore two negatives cannot make a positive .Lol is fun. I hope Jammeh will find this funny so that he can put a smile on his ugly face .
Janko Camara
Deyda Haidara, for some reason, I have always tried to refrain from engaging you because I think I have been able to see through you long time ago. However, I will try to respond to a few of the issues you have raised here in order to put them into perspective and put a stop to the narrative you are trying to sell.
First, let me say I am so glad that my article has got under your skin, so you feel exactly how people of other tribes feel when they are insulted. Let me also add that I am even more pleased that you decided to respond with your heart instead of your head.
You challenged me to be “brave and bold enough to call out” the name of the person I was referring to. Obviously, you appear to have no clue about the history of this subject matter and that explains your flippancy. To update yourself, refer to my article of 28th December 2013 in Kibaaro News on the same subject matter. When you read that article, please find time to correct your above-quoted statement. I have never hesitated in calling names when I consider it appropriate. I deliberately avoided mentioning names here to create the effect I wanted, and from your reaction. clearly it has. Therefore, who the cap fits, let them wear it. So my article has scratched you where it hurts most and thus forced you to come out of your cocoon. This is the effect I was looking for – for people to realise that all tribes are equally important and any abuse of another tribe truly hurts. This same answer goes for your second and third points.
Having said the above, let me now delve into the rest of your response to bring out the contradictions in you. Since you have decided to insinuate hypocrisy, I will evaluate your present and past statements cum actions for the readers to clearly see for themselves who the real hypocrite is.
Before proceeding, let me first correct you – there is no Surah (Chapter) in the Holy Qur’an that is called “Suratul, Nafihun”. I challenge you to bring me a shred of evidence to show the existence of a chapter in the Qur’an called NAFIHUN. The chapter in the Qur’an that refers to hypocrites is Suratul Munafiqoon. You are free to contest my claim. Now to your point about hypocrisy?
Who is the hypocrite here? Is it a Janko Camara who uses his own name to CONSISTENTLY speak against tribalism and publish articles in his own name; or a faceless “Deyda Haidara” who sits behind a keyboard audaciously using a dead man’s name to subtly encourage tribalism and tribal bigots whilst pretending to be against it? Your article captioned “Gambia’s Opposition Conundrum”, says it all. I challenge you to read all my articles on this subject matter to see for yourself, the consistency in my messages.
Still on hypocrisy, Deyda Haidara, you made the following statements:
1. “Let me first say this. My blood runs all the way to Segou in Mali reason why I said my 3rd citizenship is Mande Empire. Gambians say Bambaras but in Mali it is called Bambana.” 23rd August 2015 reacting to comments on your above-cited article.
2. “How many times should I have to say that i am neither a Mandika nor a Wolof”, 25th August 2015
3. “You owe us an APOLOGY as not ALL woloffs agree with Pa Ndery Mbye” 5th September 2015
Deyda, do you now see the contradictions in your statements? So you now admit that you are Wollof (quotation No. 3), having earlier denied it (quotation No. 2) within a span of just two weeks. Is this the effect of senility on you part; or you are just exhibiting one of the characteristics of a hypocrite? In an authentic Hadith of the Holy Prophet of Islam, one of the signs of a Munaffiq is that when they speak, they lie. So from your above contradictions, who truly fits the description of a hypocrite – Janko Camara or the man dressed in borrowed robes by audaciously adopting the name of a dead man whilst constantly contradicting himself? My boy, if you want to be taken serious, you have to be real for once.
Deyda, in the above-quoted article of yours, when you got challenged on the veracity of your claims about the Mandinkas, you said the unthinkable: “Well you know very well statistics are relative in Africa in general so depending on them does not necessarily translate the reality.” Are you really serious? So how did you arrive at your conclusion about the Mandinka statistics? If I can infer from your statement above, plugging numbers from the air is more accurate to you than going by existing statistics? how do you want your readers to take you serious?
Deyda, I give you credit for acknowledging, in your own words, that “Pa Ndery should have better understood in using the word “Kabudu” which has no tribal or regional connotations”. Too little too late, I dare say. Why did you and your likes keep silent when these offensive remarks were made? Do we assume that the guy was speaking for you and your likes, in which case I would award him the bravery medal, instead of you? Why do you have to wait for Janko Camara’s reaction before you came out to acknowledge the gravity of Mr. Mbye’s statements? Even at that, you only acknowledged but stopped short of condemning the statement. Is this not hypocrisy? Deyda, a stitch in time saves nine.
Finally and most importantly, Deyda, I hope you had carefully considered and understood the extent of the allegations/revelations you have made here when you say: “…throughout your piece you truly vilified the woloffs in your point to point demonstration that they destroyed the parastatals fabric of the Jawara regime except Gamtel led by a Mandinka: from points 1 to 8 you castigated other tribes.” First, let me unequivocally say that these are your own words, not mine, and they represent a figment of your twisted imagination. By now, you should have known that I do not mince my words. I challenge you to show the entire world where, in my article, I made the above allegations. Secondly, if your assertion is true, then this is news to me, and it would be interesting for you to dilate on how you arrived at this. Clearly, you have shown your propensity to spin things around. You turn White into Black in broad daylight, without batting an eye. If this is not hypocrisy, I wonder what then is hypocrisy. All I did and said in the Queen’s simple and plain language was to show how the Terri Kaffor, which is being vilified by your likes, were not responsible for the massive failures of our vital institutions by asking questions regarding our failed public enterprises. And, instead of answering my questions, you twisted my comments to introduce an angle that was never there. And you did it intentionally to garner support? To say the least, I am truly baffled at your behaviour and the level of hypocrisy exhibited here. Alternatively, were you indirectly providing answers to my questions? If so! I want you to be more transparent than that by directly answering the questions instead of coming through “the back-door”. That does not help your case. Deyda, we must stop the denials and accept the fact that these were the top reasons for the Military’s toppling of the Jawara regime. There is no other way I can put it, no matter how nicely I try to. You see Deyda, I have said it many times, I have very good Wollof friends and I speak fluent Wollof. So I will not stoop so low to insult a whole tribe. I respect all other tribes in The Gambia the same way I respect my own tribe. I have no bones to pick with any one particular tribe. I can never get to that level with anybody – not even the agent provocateurs. You can take that statement to the bank.
“NJUNJU DOINA BOROM HEL”. I had moved the motion to hang my pen, which was well seconded. So I do not wish to return to this subject because it clearly does not help our cause. At this juncture, I extend a hand of friendship to you, to join like-minds in our crusade to kick tribalism out of The Gambia in the same way the country is kicking out Polio. I hope you will accept the offer. NAGN ENDOOR JAMMAH, GIS JAMMAH TE DEEGA JAMMA, Wasalaam.
deyda haidara
Waw Janko Camara! all these diatribes just for my honor, I am truley blessed.
For your information, I join the Kaironews forum less than a year ago and it seems I have rattled the cage and the queen bee is out. Again how many times should I have to repeat that I am neither a wollof or Mandika. In fact I laugh at both of you when I hear or read your diatribes against each other. If there are any tribes that can reck havoc in our social fabric it is the Wollofs and the Mandinkas. What wrong with you? You intermarry yet you fight. You produce hybreed children yet do not feel shame to castigate one another? You will never see or hear Akus, Fulas, Sarahulehs, Njagos and Jolas peddling tribalism, therefor shame on you. To close my comments to your lenghtly useless answer that only Queen Elizabeth is interested in let me drive down two very important points to you so that you and I can rest in PEACE.
1- I am neither a Mandika or Wollof so please put that in your british brains for good.
2- I live in the Gambia and Kaironews can attest to that by looking at my IP adress. That being the case I am not free to expose my identity because I live 7 miles away from the NIA headquarters. You know the NIA, they are good at torturing people and puting them incommunicado for years or even killed you and my body and soul are not meant for that Brother. You live abroad and maybe decide not come back to Gambia as long as Jammeh is here reason why you have no problems exposing your TRUE identity because the NIA cannot get your skin.
These two points should give you a hard rethink of your insinuations, accussations and guessing games.
Let one thing be very clear to you, the internet forums were built not for people to expose their identities necessarily but to exchange ideas and debate on issues. This is exactly what I am doing and I am the least interested on the name of the person who seats behind the keyboard to project his/her thinking for others to react. The writings will do that for readers.
Finally, you extended a peace treaty between us, which I wholehearted accept to put to rest this issue which will not make us advance our country in the concert of civilized nations.
Thank You. Brother.
Well Janko, I think your rejoinder to Deyda’s rebuttal is bit of an over-kill, to be reserved only for our common enemy the Kanilai monster.
Interestingly, whilst reading your posting, I was enjoying a song on Kairo radio where a Jaliba is saying something like “Nmang hanyi mandinkolo daala”. Jammeh should take note!!!
In truth, I think both you and Deyda are fine gentlemen, and like most Gambians, are struggling with a psychologically traumatic Gambian nightmare.
Am sure we will all give each other the biggest hug if we live to see the end of this nasty dictatorship.
Ggapm Agapm
Haidara, I am urging you to guess peoples’ mindsets rather than know their mindsets. Others’ intentions in their writings is not meant to present their illfeelings to other individuals in my opinion but saying everything sorrounding our state of affairs. I have no experience in journalism but I do like reading properly written articles with reason and purpose that in their nature may not mention any name but can help you understand the message they want to portray. This is different from the Gambian styled idioms ‘indirect talking’, that usually, is meant to deface or belittle others.
Max, I will later comment on the opinions you have expressed on some of my statements. But you are making it difficult by concentrating the discussion solely on the president.
I have to admit that since 1994 when I started to comment on Gambian political issues on the Gambia-l, the Gambia Post and on the Bantaba, I have never mentioned this president in my writings nor make any contributions I make about him. My contributions were of a general political nature that has significant national import.
In my political camp we always want to talk and discuss political issues and not political personalities. I will try and keep it within this framework as much as possible.
Correction: “I have never mentioned” should read “I have not mentioned explicitly”.
Whether this author call Pa Nder by his first name or last name, or simply uses a phrases to described him, For All I Care.
Tribalism , Bigotry, and Intolerance is a serious threat and cannot be ignored , at least this author was bold enough to use his first and his last name to confront the power in our country, when rest of us are not bold enough to confront him ( Yaya Jammeh ) a killer beast , from three Thousand miles away, have you Dida Hidara thought about that before you charged your smart phone?
Hey Troy , you must be a genius to know the true identity of this author . Do you know if this author real and true name is samba Pateh , Tony Dabaa, bufaalay jammeh , Dafaataba Jammeh , Merci Njie , yamatouje Sarr , or Troy Mendy . Come on be serious here . Who care about the name? Did you see his full picture on this article? . He is scare to hell to show his identity as Anyone of us . I care about the message . Lol
Maxs , I know consistency is not in your vocabulary because you are artificially made from contradiction, So I’ll engage your debates, But only when you give up being Inconsistence.
Luntango Suun Gann Gi
Janko, this “Deyda Hydara” is PHONY … That is why I asked him to stop defiling the late (RiP) Deyda Hydara’s name. I don’t even bother engaging him now.
Janko observed:-
Janko Camara
September 6, 2015 at 10:45 AM
Deyda Haidara … I have been able to see through you long time ago.
Still on hypocrisy, Deyda Haidara, you made the following statements:
1. “Let me first say this. My blood runs all the way to Segou in Mali reason why I said my 3rd citizenship is Mande Empire. Gambians say Bambaras but in Mali it is called Bambana.” 23rd August 2015 reacting to comments on your above-cited article.
2. “How many times should I have to say that i am neither a Mandika nor a Wolof”, 25th August 2015
3. “You owe us an APOLOGY as not ALL woloffs agree with Pa Ndery Mbye” 5th September 2015
Deyda, do you now see the contradictions in your statements? So you now admit that you are Wollof (quotation No. 3), having earlier denied it (quotation No. 2) within a span of just two weeks. Is this the effect of senility on you part; or you are just exhibiting one of the characteristics of a hypocrite?
deyda haidara
Luntango, you are too small and feminist for me to engage you. In point 3 “us” means we the Gambian people, period. Why do you behave like a slave praise singing others because they took up a debate which you are not qualified to engage in.
The last time I know, Deyda was a honorable journalist whiles you Luntagago were busy at Observer licking JK’s foot aiding and promoting his battered image.
Hyppocrites are those who pretend to love Deyda whiles refusing to admit that their boss killed the man.
Janko Camara said “Deyda Haidara, for some reasons, I have always tried to refrain from engaging you because I think I have been able to see through you long time ago”
From above statement, I can see clearly the effects of military dictatorship which is division , suspicion, intolerance and fear to deal with fellow citizen. Mr Camara, you can disagree with your fellow citizens without avoiding them because the issue at hand is a national issue but not personal. Are you trying to avoid me too? No one can avoid maxs unless you quit this forum lol. I am not avoiding anyone even if I disagree. We have to agree to disagree, that is what civilized people do. We need to educate each other even if we don’t agree.
Janko camara said “first, let me say I am so glad that my article has got under your skin, so you feel exactly how people of other tribes feel when when they are insulted”
Mr Camara, I don’t think that response is appropriate since you are insinuating tribalism or tribal hatred. This is because your reapond is intolerant or generate tribal animosity by indicating mr Haidara should feel the same hateful message which we are trying to discourage. What is the benefit of that hateful message, other than tribalism or bigotry. You are better than that. You are on the record acting as peacemaker and you should be tolerance to allow others to express their views. Let me say this very clear, I did not know mr Haidara personally and I only care to know what is the issues of national concern under discussion.
The word “Hypocrite” in politics simply means pretending to hold certain political opinions, views or beliefs when in reality one doesn’t believe in such opinions or beliefs. I know in The Gambia, it is insulting to some people because of cultural misinterpretation of the word. This has nothing to with Islam or religion in my opinion. So please let’s us dump that misconception and focus on real meaning of the word in this context. I know Bax don’t like the word at the beginning but he is using it a lot now hahahatie. Every politician is an hypocrite at some point because you change positions, beliefs or opinions in your career.
“Kamalo , you must be living in a dream world if you are denying that there is no tribalism in The Gambia.”
I don’t think your above statement is correct. I don’t remember making such a statement.
‘You have said the tribalism that raised its ugly head is only the one that I see being talked about in our discussion forums and online radios.”
So if that is the case, who are these people who are talking about tribalism?”
Well, you and I are talking about tribalism. And we are talking about tribalism because we are also talking about politics. If I was not interested in politics I would not be talking about tribalism here with you because I would be somewhere else taking care of other businesses. That is the reason why I draw a parallel between politics and tribalism. The people who are in the Gambia and are not interested in politics are not talking about tribalism. They are taking care of their businesses.
“The answer is, these are Gambian people from different tribes who continue to accuse each other of tribalism or tribal hatred.”
Then what is the basis for their accusation of each other of tribalism and tribal hatred? I am a Gambian and I am not accusing anybody of tribalism or tribal hatred.
“One of the most important criteria to be good human being is to be honest at all times. If you are not honest with yourself, you will never have peace and thorough understanding of any given problem. If there is no tribalism, why is janko camara writing this article?”
Did Janko Camara write this article because there is tribalism in the Gambia? I don’t think so. Janko is reacting to the tribal insinuations associated with the name “Terri-kaffor”. That is why he asked the question: what is in a name?
“Your dismissal of current situation as a political situation is not only misplaced but outright false. In your mind, you think Jammeh didn’t start this anti – mandinkas hatred and it all started by educated online commentators or educated Gambians in the struggle, what a myopic and dishonest view you have on this.”
it appears to me that you do not understand what I wrote or you are deliberately ascribing statements to me that I did not write.
Where did I write who started and did not start anti-mandinka hatred? Where did I write that anti-mandinka hatred all started with educated online commentators or educated Gambians in the struggle?
“Again you have further indicated that we have to acknowledge that we have a political fight. What political fight are you talking about when people are engaging on identity fight which has no basis to improve the wellbeing of Gambians.”
Yes, the political fight is the fight between the Gambian opposition political parties and the ruling party and its government. There is also a political fight among the opposition political parties and their supporters. This is what we do here all the time.
“Don’t you understand that tribalism never promote or advance any country and this is exactly this bigotry, hatred and discrimination is doing to our country. President Jammeh is the chief prepetrator of this because no one in our country history has ever spoken up against any tribe in a hateful, vitriol and discriminatory manner except him. Jammeh being the leader of our country should have been a unifier because he should have recognize that we have different tribes but we are one people with common interest and that Interest is the republic of The Gambia.”
You have digress from the topic and bring all these convoluted arguments. This is why I warned that I don’t want to make this president the discussion.
“Your suggestion that bigotry, discrimination, fear, division, hatred, tribalism and intimidation have not yet perished Gambians is not only I’ll-conceived, ignorance but at its best hypocrisy and insulting to the intelligence of Gambian people.”
You are the one who stated that all of those things listed above will imperil Gambia. I merely stated that for 21 years it has not imperiled the country yet. What is so ill-conceived, ignorant, hypocritical and insulting about what I said?
Do you want to tell me that none of those listings ever occurred in the first republic?
“So you have not yet realize that as we speak you have countless Gambians who live in fear, intimidated, and victimized because they have not committed any crime. Please get some education about Gambian situation before expressing yourself online. Whatever is discuss online and on radios are true reflection of what is happening in the country. In fact majority of us who are online are more current about issues than ordinary Gambians in The Gambia who has no access to information because the dictator has control the media and basic freedom of speech.”
What can I say? Oh! boy.
Kamalo said ” I don’t know who is dividing who , but it is definitely not true to suggest that tribe has been set against tribe . I do not see that happening . I do not see the jolas fighting against the mandinkas or any the other tribes fighting against each other ”
“Kamalo , despite the fact that Jammeh has personally attacked mandinkas in his various hateful , discriminatory , divisive speeches by sowing the seed of tribal discord you have not seen him setting tribe against tribe.”
Max, the problem I have is taking the personal attacks of someone against an ethnic group, and holding the ethnic group that person belongs to as equally responsible as the member of their ethnic group who makes the personal attack.
The Jolas as an ethnic group did not insult or disrespect the Mandinkas. This is why that incident never affected their relationship nor should it. They continued to have good neighborliness, peace and harmony. This is the Gambian tradition and custom and we all cherish it. If that incident was to set tribe against tribe it did not succeed.
What happened was a deliberate provocation. And it was political. And most people see it for what it was. Nonetheless it was rightfully condemned. And I also firmly stood on the side of the aggrieved.
“Those Gambians who are honest and intelligent have seen it and that was why joined opposition press conference was done to condemn such a hateful speech against mandinkas . Every decent and responsible Gambian condemned jammmeh vitriol and hatred except those who are bigotry and those who pretend that nothing serious had happened because of their rigid political view.”
Max, even those “that have their rigid political view” also condemned it one way or another.
” So are you trying to implied that once we don’t have tribal war , there is no tribalism in The Gambia ?”
Did I make such an implication in any of my statements? I do not think so.
” Did you ask yourself , what motivated Jammeh to do such hateful speeches towards mandinkas every time he felt threatened or insecure . Kamalo , even Jammeh’s sincere supporters , majority of them condemned such hateful and divisive speeches”
“if you want to be taken seriously and respected , acknowledged the fact that Jammeh is the chief prepetrator or engineer of tribalism in The Gambia for his selfish interest .”
Are you serious? Well.
Ggapm Agapm
Perhaps the chaotic extentded Gambian family systems have done more damage to our political economical, and democratic processes than the ghost word ‘tribalism’.
During the 1981 thwarted coup, though a child then, I can still clearly remember closely related extended family members accusing and implicating each other for taking or playing part in the one week civil war. From a population of people combined largely of such families, all efforts to put a government in place that will govern with rule of law and progress for the ordinary people, will be hard to realise as governments are composed of families of a country. Hate in the extended family system and sibbling rivalry have brought down many good and resourceful citizens than the tribalism outdoor. My individual opinion out of experience is that, the glory in most extended family brotherhoods is not bread WINNERS but bread THE WINNER thus establishing grounds for hate and jealousy and praise singing. Thats why most of the population is too supersticious and unfaithful so Marabouts must be sought for to be secure in such a society. Who will disagree with me about a common Gambia say when others encounter troubles along their life times or acquired very little in terms of material gains; They say he or she is being spellbounded and so you have to be working hard to find money to locate another Marabout to undo that spell. Folks, attitude or mentality of the people plays a very important part in the making of a beautiful country with happy people.
Even if Marabouts or Batutas may not be responsible for anyone’s lifetime problems, who knows we need advance autopsies in the future to determining the cause of most of our deaths usually considered natural. I think most extended families are chaotic and disunited, so members of such families in important Government positions have the likelihood to be misguided not to mention the ordinary voter. Other problems of our society apart from tribalism and colonisation, are laid within the roots of our Kabilos and extended families. In some cases clo9sely related extended familly members become real hell of an aversity towards each others wellbeing. I would like to convince other participant that, opinions are more important than identity for this matter. This is just meant to be read. checking out who is it means you trying to eat it. Thanks fellow citizens for your understandings.
Luntango Suun Gann Gi
PHONY & FRAUD is Kairo’s “Deyda Hydara”. Luntango is Luntango. The late great Deyda Hydara (RiP) does not need a FRAUD to DEFILE his great name.
sulanding kunjaro
No teri kafoo in Gambia ever again.
Tribalism & relatives-hatred exists in the Gambia; spearheaded by the Murderous kanilai yaya Killer DEVIL & aid-abets, dubious aggrieved individuals, as well as amongst family structures in suspicious intertwines…
Majority of ordinary Gambians don’t tribalise against one another; but the Murderous kanilai Killer DEVIL, & some tribal sycophants vilify, oppress, castigate Mandingo in particular, into subjugations for political reasons & motives…
For falling out with tribesmen, aggrieved individual persons will dubiously falsify & castigate the intended targets in attempts, & can only stoop low at times, thereby vilifying a whole tribe in the process…
There are rivalries & grudges among related & non-relatives in communities, due to various reasons, that may require on-going solutions; but the Murderous kanilai yaya Killer DEVIL’s & individualistic tribalism MUST be condemned by all decent people worldwide; sensitise each other; ensure it’s nipped in the bud; not to lead to strife, as at other places before…
Troy , can you please come up with one inconsistency which you observed about my writings, position or contributions . I like to know . I want to engage you in a civilized and intelligent manner.
Ggapm Agapm
Bajaw, one like me have to be convinced this time, if Yaya Jammeh spearheaded tribal and the family hatred in the Gambia, though I would say he learnt of it and is now using it as a locomotive for his dictatorial fantasies.
What I opined earlier on here has nothing to do with personal affliction with family war but sincerely reminding us of our responsibilities in guiding each other as families even before dealing with tribalism as a worthy issue of discussion in our current state of affairs. I would say maintaining respect for tribes different from anyone’s is an attitude best begins at home. I might be as irrelevant in bringing up the phenomenal extented family crisis of our society in as much as putting any significance to the tribal affair talk. However some might refute or despice of such a discourse, yet sadly enough its hard to keep the quiet when fellow citizens indulged in it. We all need to find and make a living because we need to eat and answer to every call of nature alike. You can even see for yourself in our society, that the richest amongst the different tribes are the most respected and get the most priviledge amongst their own. One of the most arrogant, unintelligent and dishonest conscience is tribalism. Almost all civil wars and global conflicts in the world left behind in the history books, registers of multitudes of victims of ethnic cleansing why, most civilsed people want to do without it.
Sure Ggapm, you citations are credible; I too mentioned to buttress the same; except for individualistic differences, there WEREN’T any malicious manipulative tribalism or fermenting hatred for particular tribe in Gambia, EVER before the Murderous Tyrannical kanilai Syndicate…
Whilst some of us can contain oneself in our reactions, as humans, others can’t be blamed for their reactions to provocations from sensitive tribal sentiments…
We may be in different tribes but are one & same people; NOBODY must be allowed, to cause strife for selfish manipulative tribalism…