Gambia opposition leader Mai Ahmad Fatty refuses to be distracted by President Yahya Jammeh’s latest move to expel EU diplomat Agnรฉs Guillaud, describing it as part of an “organized distraction”.
“We will not permit you to dictate the narrative. Expel a thousand foreign diplomats and taunt all world leaders, we shall remain focused on removing you from power,” said Mai Ahmad Fatty of the oppositon Gambia Moral Congress (GMC) in a statement posted on his Facebook wall.
Over these past months, President Jammeh has been making headlines with his anti-western diatribe, perceived by many observers as a leitmotif [dominant recurring theme] of his 20-year rule. A situation which tends to relegate to a secondary level the country’s poor human rights record.
Fatty said what they really care about is how the Jammeh regime “have been brutalizing” Gambians ‘like animals, and voraciously raping the economy, for over two decades.”
Exiled Gambian opposition leader expressed his resolve to oust the current goverment from power, but through “the legitimate route.”
He said “the politics of distraction and organized deception have failed woefully.”
The smallest country on mainland Africa has been ruled with an iron fist by Yahya Jammeh, the man who led a group of rag-tag soldiers to seize power by force i 1994. His government is often accused by rights activists for cracking down on dissent and carrying out summary executions, among other crimes.
well said Mr Fatty. Jammeh has failed the people and should just go. People are fed up with his dramas…. thanks
I think Mrs Guillaud is in the to promot homosexuality in The Gambia , as by EU new law or you support the gay law or no deal with you , and if we are true Muslims we reject and honestly say no to EU /USA , or be with Allah or with shaitaan