
Gambia’s Independence Means A Lot

darboe lThe leader of the opposition United Democratic Party (UDP) believes The Gambia’s independence means a lot, despite the current unfortunate state of affairs which makes it disheartening to talk about anything positive.

Lawyer Ousainou Darboe’s message – contained in his party’s 50th Golden Jubilee Message – recognises the “positives and laudable achievements we gain as an independent nation is attaining full custody of our own affairs. Some may today take that as something irrelevant, insignificant, however, nothing is worst in life than letting strangers running the affairs of your nation.”

Read below Mr. Darboe’s full message:

18 February 1965 saw the Union Jack lowered and the Gambian flag raised. We became a nation that is called The Gambia. Britain did not believe that The Gambia will survive as a nation. For some 18 February 1965 is only significant as a day marking “the birth of an improbable nation”.

But here we are today celebrating 50 years of nationhood. As we celebrate 50 years of nationhood we must congratulate and pay tribute to those who led us to independence, those men and women who with dedication and determination laid a solid foundation for nation building.

Let us congratulate ourselves for establishing parastatals that have contributed and continue to contribute to the socio-economic advancement of The Gambia.

Let us on this day reflect on what we have achieved in the past 50 years and consolidate our gains. We must also look at ourselves critically and constructively to discover our failures and shortcomings and avoid the negative incidents that have restarted our efforts to reach our set goals.

Let us all today rededicate ourselves to combating poverty, ensuring better health delivery system, improved educational standard, a trusted legal institutions, a viable and sustainable agricultural system fit for purpose and the creation of an environment that is conducive to political pluralism. Today each Gambian must make a pledge to do something however little that will make The Gambia a model for others.

I congratulate the leadership both past and present and every Gambian on this great national birthday.

As we celebrate a milestone in our country’ independence, let us all take pride in the sweat and tears of our forefathers. The land that is The Gambia is situated such that, our existence was deemed as unviable, a country that cannot by any stretch continue to exist as an independent nation.

The British colonial masters demarcated The Gambia in such a way; we are left at the mercy of the Francophone Senegal. We became sandwiched in the belly of another independent nation, a nation that speaks a totally different official language.

When Africa commentators at the time of our independence opined that, we will be an ‘improbable nation’, they never factor in the resoluteness, doggedness and tenacity of the people of our beloved nation.

50 years of nationhood is something every citizen in the Gambia should be proud of. The struggle to see that, we became an independent nation from Great Britain brought forth the realisation that, colonialism was a crime against our people, against our humanity and heritage.

The Gambia’s independence means a lot, and due to the current unfortunate state of affairs, it is disheartening to talk about anything positive. The positives and laudable achievements we gain as an independent nation is attaining full custody of our own affairs. Some may today take that as something irrelevant, insignificant, however, nothing is worst in life than letting strangers running the affairs of your nation.

Colonialism was a dehumanising exercise, a superiority complex matrix that allowed western nations to export their values and way of lives on others they occupy a completely different region with. It inflicts a deeper and lasting scar, the imposition of western superiority and an indirect blow to the self-confidence and assurances of the colonised. Thus, the statement of Thomas Greer is true “All the new nations faced severe problems, for political independence did not automatically bring them prosperity and happiness…they were seldom free of external influences. They were still bound to…structures developed earlier by the colonial powers.”

However, for The Gambia, labouring on the difficulties and impacts of colonialism will be less relevant if placed in the larger context of the present dilemma for all democratic loving Gambians. The 50 years celebrations, marking the Golden Jubilee today to many Gambians is a savoury taste since in the last 20 years the Gambia has experienced a difficult political existence.

The 50 years of our nation’s celebration cannot be a joyous affairs wholly until such a day, when Gambians can bridge the political divide, mend fences, never allowed political differences to epic into hatred. Gambians will celebrate much more jubilantly when fear rule is no more, the freedom and peace of mind Gambians enjoyed in the first Republic became a reality once more, however with a different dimension and spectrum.

By this, we mean with responsibility and dedication to preventing the public space falling into wrong hands. The 50 years golden jubilee acting as a catalyst for inward scrutiny from political leaders, civil society activist, the media and Gambians at large. In this day, the United Democratic Party remembers the many Gambians who are suffering persecutions due to political reasons, we remember Gambians who are missing, Gambians who are in jail, Gambians who are inflicted with the harshness of a constricted political environment, Gambians who are in exile, Gambians feeling the pains and brunt of the hard economic environments in this Golden Jubilee. Our thoughts are with every single Gambians crying in silence.

Long live The Gambia, long live our peaceful co-existence, long live the UDP and long live the determination to survive against all odds.

Thank you.



  1. Sarjo Colly

    Thanks Mr Darboe. Good to hear you always.

  2. Bax

    Quote UDP statement. ..”I congratulate the leadership both past and present and every Gambian on this great national birthday.”

    Independence is a.day to celebrate but please, don’t congratulate Yaya Jammeh on our Independence Day: The day he has reduced to almost nothing..

  3. Alieu Jados

    A man of grace. Less noise and pump. Quietly going about defending people, talking with them. See you tonite at the UDP jubilee dinner. When you have the trust and respect of people, you don’t overload the media.

  4. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Aah! Mbah, Ken duko wak bopam. Others will say it for you. Well done Mr. Darboe. Always graceful and mature in statements.


  5. Bax

    Quote….”Thus, the statement of Thomas Greer is true …“All the new nations faced severe problems, for political independence did not automatically bring them prosperity and happiness…

    (“they were seldom free of external influences. They were still bound to…structures developed earlier by the colonial powers.”)

    I have a lot to say but the quotation in brackets is what interests me here most, and here is why..

    In the IMF forum, when I talked about how our economies were entrapped in a certain cycle by the Global economic and financial system, Lafia accused me of blaming colonialism and the West 50 years after we gained independence…

    Now the same Lafia is hailing the UDP Leader as a “graceful and mature statesman”, even though he seems to be saying the same thing : quoting an opinion which states that “our economies were tied to structures earlier developed by the colonial powers. ..

    Lafia, I am not going to accuse you of double standards. ..I just want you to come back and give us an explanation…

  6. Lafia Touray la Manju

    He was providing a historical background to our Independence. The message itself is this below;

    “However, for The Gambia, labouring on the difficulties and impacts of colonialism will be less relevant if placed in the larger context of the present dilemma for all democratic loving Gambians. The 50 years celebrations, marking the Golden Jubilee today to many Gambians is a savoury taste since in the last 20 years the Gambia has experienced a difficult political existence.

    The 50 years of our nation’s celebration cannot be a joyous affairs wholly until such a day, when Gambians can bridge the political divide, mend fences, never allowed political differences to epic into hatred. Gambians will celebrate much more jubilantly when fear rule is no more, the freedom and peace of mind Gambians enjoyed in the first Republic became a reality once more, however with a different dimension and spectrum.

    By this, we mean with responsibility and dedication to preventing the public space falling into wrong hands. The 50 years golden jubilee acting as a catalyst for inward scrutiny from political leaders, civil society activist, the media and Gambians at large. In this day, the United Democratic Party remembers the many Gambians who are suffering persecutions due to political reasons, we remember Gambians who are missing, Gambians who are in jail, Gambians who are inflicted with the harshness of a constricted political environment, Gambians who are in exile, Gambians feeling the pains and brunt of the hard economic environments in this Golden Jubilee. Our thoughts are with every single Gambians crying in silence.

    Long live The Gambia, long live our peaceful co-existence, long live the UDP and long live the determination to survive against all odds.”

    I Know your views are always obscure and outlandish but this one is not even suited for “pointless” on BBC1.

    Thank you.

    • Bax

      I have no problem with the historical context….I think even primary school children can give us a degree of historical narration about Independence from colonialism…

      However, in providing the historical narrative, Lawyer Darboe quoted a man who was giving his opinion about the (economic) realities of the independent countries. as follows….

      (1)….”Political independence did not…..bring prosperity or happiness”……to the peoples of independent countries…
      (2)….Why…? Because “they were still bound to structures earlier developed by the colonial powers”….( simply meaning that they were still playing the roles designed for them by the colonising powers)…

      I offered almost a similar view when I stated that the current Global and Financial System is designed in a way that restricts Third World countries to playing varying degrees of the same role…(which brings “prosperity” and “happiness” to a few, but nothing to the masses…)

      The explanation I want from you Lafia, is why you took exception in what I stated but heaped praises on Lawyer Darboe for quoting an opinion that expressed a similar view…

      I have no problem with his views on what we need to do as a nation,so spare me the quotations…

  7. Bax

    Could it be just coincidence or by design that these two parties release statements into the public domain at about the same time. ?

    The difference in style and the contrast in substance, could not have been more emphatically indicative of the difference in quality of the two as opposition parties, offering an alternative choice to what we have now…

    At a time when events of far reaching consequences are taking place in the country; whether it is human rights violations, decline in agriculture, worsening economic situation, increased debt levels and extravagant waste of public resources, whilst one party is “massaging” Jammeh’s ego by congratulating him (past and.present leaders), praising him by incredibly insinuating that parastatals are continuing to contribute to the socio-economic advancement of the country under his watch, (I can’t figure out which ones he has in mind) and lauding him for what we have achieved during past 50 years, 20 of which was under his destructive rule, the other could not have been more clearer, more emphatic and more uncompromising in its criticism and scrutiny of the regime, and more unambiguous in its alternative programme to what exists today and impressive demonstration of its understanding of the problems we face..

    If ever there is a doubt in any sincere minds as to which is the genuine opposition parties in The Gambia, that doubt should be answered here, as far the UDP and PDOIS are concerned…Because genuine political parties that believe in seeking the mandate of the electorate, use every given opportunity to criticise and scrutinise the party in office, as well as, present their policies and programmes as viable alternatives…As opposed to those that believe they should.not say anything because they are entitled to inherit government… (how else could one say it?)

    And once again, as always, it is the PDOIS that has done that while the UDP has woefully failed to live up to expectation…If substance is what we vote on, some will not have a look in at all, never mind count votes…

    Unfortunately, until we demonstrate that our political choices will be made on substance and nothing else, we will continue to.get what we deserve…The ball is in our court…No one will play it for us..

  8. A rather quiet if sombre reflection from Mr Darboe, more akin to a poem by Scottish poet Robbie Burns…..

    ” Auld Langs Syne”

    He maps out with certainty the passage of Gambia’s difficult history, and laments over Gambian’s lost but not forgotten…casualties.

    Sometimes those who speak quietly fill the air with a loud and deafening silence.

  9. Lafia Touray la Manju

    I thank the UDP leader for keeping his statement within the relevant context. The somber reflection is very graceful and dignified.


  10. Musa Kora

    Happy independence everyone. Yesterday evening, we converged on Mr Darboe’s residence for a Jubilee meal, it was wonderful. All the youth leaders attended the happy atmosphere. The sharing nice memories from the old guards, we learnt a lot. And that is the spirit. Thanks Mr Darboe for the warm welcome.
    Lafia La Manjou, we read you here. I heard the UDP Talinding boys sharing your comments. Kemeseng’s group, keep it up.
    There are some who will never read the context of a message, or the relation it have to an event or occasion. The High office is what Mr Darebo always respect, not the Presidency. And people always want angry talk, constant attacks etc, that does not work with our people. All honest observers know, no one call Yahya Jammeh by name and attack his dictatorship than Lawyer Darboe. And this is why, the likelihood of President bothering about what other opposition leaders say is slim. Even Yankuba Colly hardly respond to other opposition politicians. They know who they fear and against who they will use all loopholes to cause trouble with.
    The UDP has always worked honestly and diligently with all opposition politicians, and we will continue to work closely with allies. But adamant and petty individuals will not waste our time. No more. Happy Jubilee, we shall be embarking on a countrywide tour in the coming weeks, with over a 100 youths and the senior leaders. Thanks to Diaspora support, you have always stood by us quietly.

  11. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Musa Kora, thank you very much for your update. This is the spirit. Get the message out all the time. Jammeh’s collaborators in the opposition should not be allowed to cause distraction. Continue mobilising and get the message out so that we in the Daispora can support you.

    I am grateful to Lawyer Darboe and his wives ( our good Aunties) for spoiling you guys yesterday.

    The Manding Griots have said that ” Jula mu banna lay ti; Jula dingkay mu banna lay ti”. Who can refute that about Lawyer Ousainou Numukunda Darboe of Niani Dobo???

    Thank you Musa.