
Senior Military Official Confirms Coup Deaths

Col. Lamin S. Sanneh being decorated by Jammeh Vice President/State House photo

Col. Lamin S. Sanneh being decorated by Jammeh Vice President/State House photo

A high-ranking official of the Gambia National Army has confirmed the killing of three alleged coupists in the capital Banjul last night.

In a message, the Army Official whose identity cannot be disclosed for security reasons, confirmed that all the armed coupists died in a shootout at State House. The said officer also confirmed that one of the coupists who sustained injuries is hospitalised at the main referral hospital in Banjul.

This is the message Kairo News received from the said senior high-ranking military official in Banjul.

Good morning sir and how are you, I wish to inform you that there was a coup attempt at state house light night in which three people were killed (Ex-Colonel Lamin S Sanneh former CO State Guards and two other people). The rest ran way and one wounded and is at the RVTH. Ex-Col Lamin S Sanneh is the head and he died during the shootout.

However, the Gambia government’s failure to come clean on the purported story has led to rumour mongering, with some information circulating that six people died in the ensuing shootout.

We are digging deeper into the coup story in an attempt to remove chaff from the wind.
