Now you supporters of Ousman Badjie what is your problem. This is not new. I have been imprisoning, torturing and maiming for many years. Badjie and his family and friends did not criticise me then. They know that I was blamed for killing Deyda Hydara and many others but they were ok with it. In fact Badjie just showered me with praises during the occasion of my 20 years rule when I made him Minister of Works. So what is the problem no? I just want to teach him a lesson so that he will know who is boss. He has said some “funny” things behind my back while he was my Ambassador to France. His family members and friends must also know that Badjie is no one without me. In fact all the ministers, directors and anyone serving my government are nobody without me. I am the boss Gambians.
I am so happy that a one time nobody who was not respected by the Mandinkas, the wolofs and the Fullas is now ruling you. And guess what?? You can’t do anything about it because you are cowards and selfish and I am going to use you one by one to do my bidding. I have reduced all my subjects to nonsense. Jolla Boy has done it and everyone is dancing to my tune. Even the Akus, and Banjulians who did not know how to farm are now weeding my fields-Huraaaaaah. I have long realised many years ago that most of you Gambians have no moral character and over the last 20 years, I have been able to enslave them. Whatever I do to them they accept. The Imams support me and even those that I regularly insult also support me. I lock up your fathers, uncles and brothers; I torture Gambians and even make some disappear and you still tell me that you love me Gambians. Even when I am accused of raping young girls, Isatou Njie Saidy, Fatou Faye, Fatoumata Jahumpa Ceesay and the other women folk congratulate me for being the champion and defender of women’s’ right. I am sorry to say but I don’t need a Gambian wife that is why I have decided to marry a half-cast Moroccan Zainab Zuma Jammeh. At least my wife has character and she challenges me and even threatens to leave me if I don’t give her enough money for shopping. I own the Gambia and no one can do anything about it. I don’t care about the online papers or you diasporan Gambians. I have even penetrated some of you -hahaha. Ask Sankareh of Gambia echo. Watch this space …… other online newspapers will soon directly or indirectly sing my praise.
A final warning to the so-called opposition parties and voters. Don’t waste your time, the 2016 elections belong to me. I will only leave power the day I die and my Malian marabouts are telling me that this is a long way away and Mohamed would have been old enough to take over.
Have a nice weekend my subjects and make sure you behave well; remember I am watching your every move.
Your Life President- Babilimansa
A close confidante getting into President Yahya Jammeh’s mind
Deyda Haidara
No matter how long you bully us, kill us, steal our resources we Gambians will always see you as a homeless boy, a complex boy, and a foreigner and this picrure we have on you cannot be taken from our MINDS.
Human beings have their minds to make up between good & evil, hence humans became highest creed of animals & adapt to make the world, society & community in particular better place for all to live in harmony…..??? Hence the eventual repercussions of ones decisions, actions & deeds….?? This is a good insight into the evil instincts of the demonic kanilai Satan….. But how many murderous dictators world over ever concluded in happy endings after…….?
Luntango Suun Gann Gi
@DeydaHydara: ” … we Gambians will always see you as a homeless boy, a complex boy, and a foreigner …”
With respect DH, those were the DRIVING FORCE of Jammeh’s and Singhateh’s 1994 “Revolution”. I remember Lawyer Darboe saying in around 2000 that “Jammeh did not even have a bed to sleep on when he was living at Bakau Barracks”. Of course, Edward and his siblings were disrespectfully referred to as Toubab’s – and I recall this particular Fajara girl being dismissive about “those homeless boys trying to chat us up”.
With respect DH, the issues facing Gambia are serious and Gambians need to move away from this narrow mindset that judges people on whether they are “poor”, “homeless”, “complex” or “foreigners”. The REAL issues are those of democracy and Human Rights.
Deyda Haidara
@Lungtago, I am far from being a hater. If you believe in the Koran, Allah said the world started with one man, then two persons, then a family, neighbor, country and continent and then eventually humanity. Here we must narrow down criticism to the indivivual. If JK did not manifest his devil character to the Gambian people, I would not have uttered these attributes on him. These attributes have no bearing on the material conditions of the person. We have seen good poor people and we have seen rich bad people.
JK being a very disrecpetful person all am doing is showing him disrespect.
Didn’t JK teated us the diaspora Gambians as maids of the whiteman and illegitimate sons of Africa. If we have to treat JK the way he sees and treat us, I would call him an ungrateful boy whom the Gambia has given everything only to receive his ungrateful wrath on us.
JK is simply jealous and mad of Gambians and that’s the truth.
Lafia Touray la Manju
We mandinkas are not arrogant. We are simply just proud of our culture and history. And we are certainly not responsible for anybody’s low self esteem in The Gambia.
Luntango Suun Gann Gi
Lafia, UNJUST social orders will always risk a violent overthrow. One of the things I hate about our African Middle-Class is how they treat the poor Africans with less regard than their dogs. Rich Gambians will take their children for Sunday Roast at the Sheraton and spend 10,000 dalasis – oblivious to the fact that they don’t pay their watchmen the monthly salary of 1,000 dalasis on time. As long as this attitude persists in Africa poor hungry soldiers with guns will overthrow the Middle-Class. No UN or AU Resolutions will prevent that.
Deyda Haidara
@Luntango, it seems you have a problem with rich and poor people.
Behaviours, attitudes and characters have nothing to do with money or poverty.
As for JK he is a hater and johnny just come and a very complex one indeed.
Luntango Suun Gann Gi
@DeydaHaidara: “Luntango, it seems you have a problem with rich and poor people”.
DH, you hit BULLSEYE!!
Dida Halak , You missing the point as always.
Scarlet Pimpernel
This is the first time I’m on the same page with Dida.
Luntango Suun Gann Gi
@Pimpo: You were just being obstinate!
Luntango Suun Gann Gi
@Malik. “The point” being? Enlighten me please.
Lafia Touray la Manju
Dida, I am not aware of mandinkas being responsible for any unjust social order in The Gambia or anywhere else. The low self esteem people cannot just take out their lows on us mandinkas. We have settled all sorts of tribes in our communities and inter marry with most of them.
You talked about Edu and peter Singhateh; well there are from the Jula creed of the Mandingo tribe just like Ousainu Darboe and President Alasana Quattara of Ivory Coast.
Lafia Touray la Manju
Dida, I am not aware of mandinkas being responsible for any unjust social order in The Gambia or anywhere else.
You see; the low self esteem people cannot just take out their lows on us mandinkas. We have settled all sorts of tribes in our communities and inter marry with most of them.
You talked about Edu and peter Singhateh; well they are from the Jula creed of the Mandingo tribe just like Ousainu Darboe and President Alasana Quattara of Ivory Coast.
Luntango Suun Gann Gi
Lafia, let me see. While we were busy slaughtering the Italians across in Ethiopia, the Mandingos were busy trading with the British invaders, selling them James island AND any other Gambians them Mandingo Warriors could capture?? Maybe I am wrong.
As for “Inter-Marry”, you have to admit that it is only because you Mandingo men are CRAZY about our FULANI beauties!
Lafia Touray la Manju
I recognise the humour about Fula women, Dida.
James Island was an inhabited island belonging to people of Nuimi whose Mandingo king decided to lease it to European traders (not slaver traders but gold explorers) and who in turn pay tax to him. Our forefathers can handle diplomacy with the rest of the world. That’s why all the treaties were brokered by Mandingo kings.
A Mandingo king resisted the British and fought a four months war with them. The king then signed a peace treaty in 1832 thereby ending the Barra War of 1832-32.
When the British were asked to consider ceding gambia to the french, a Mandingo king wrote a protest letter to Queen Victoria and asked for a return of the Banjul Island in the event that Her Majesty’s govt chose to cede gambia. That is why I am a Gambia today, and not a senegambian. I am against the So-called Senegambia Federation by the way.
A Mandingo Chief, Mama Tamba Jammeh was once Royal Guest in
On slavery, the Mandingo suffered most in The Gambia river basin than any other tribe. The first settlers of James Island weren’t trading in slaves . They were looking for gold in the guinea coast as the entire west African region was called.
There is a prominent Aku family who are in fact mandinkas. Their forefather, a mandinka, was a liberated slave who briefly lived in London and became wealthy. He then settled in Banjul as a wealthy trader.
Yes, there was a turbulent period in which kings of all tribes in our region trade in slaves in exchange for arms or as a punishment against enemies war captives.
Don’t Mess with Mandinkas, Dida. We are profoundly friendly. Even that is enough a sore in the eyes of Mandinkaphobics. Of course you are not one of them.
Luntango Suun Gann Gi
@Lafia: “… there was a turbulent period in which kings of all tribes in our region trade in slaves in exchange for arms or as a punishment against enemies war captives…”
Ha,ha,ha! Lafia, I was a better advocate for the British Resisting Mandingo than you are!! When, some 35 years ago my Scottish University Professor said that we Africans also sold each other, I replied: “There are criminals and collaboraters in every society – and these were armed and paid by the British for their criminal slave raiding”. ACTUALLY, that is a FACT, my proud Mandingo Warrior! The Fante in Ghana equally collaborated with the British while the Valiant Ashanti resisted.
lafia Touray la Manju
It was not quite like that Dida. It was THE British and American Merchants who were engaged in slave trade, not the british govt. In fact, the British govt passed a bill in 1807 abolishing the slave trade.
The British sent soldiers to the Banjul In 1816 to stop the trade in slave there. Cpt Grant decided James Island was not strategically located to combat the trade. He moved the post in Banjul in 1816 where he SUCCESSFULLY sought the collaboration OF two Mandingo kings to combat the trade. The king of kombo gave him banjul were a british fort was built. The king of Nuimi CEDED a mile of his land along the mouth of the atlantic were another fort, Fort Bullen was later build. These steps effectively killed slave trade in Gambia and IN 1913, IT WAS OFFICIALLY ABOLISHED IN THE GAMBIA.
The British signed a treaty with the mandinka king of nuimi for the use of river gambia to stop the slave trade and were making an annual payment for this right to use the river.
tribal kings were only selling prisoners of war in exchange for arms before the british intervention.
The point is; it was the British with the help of Mandingo Kings who stopped slave trade in the Gambia.
Luntango Suun Gann Gi
OMG! Lafia, get a life!!!!!! The British Merchants, like today’s IMF and “World Bank” were the arms of British Colonialism!!!! The British East India Company COLONISED India; the Bristish East Africa Company COLONISED East Africa, Cecil Rhodes Company grabbed South Africa and Zimbabwe, etc, etc! “Sir” John Hawkins, who took the first ship-load of Gambians to America into slavery was KNIGHTED by the Queen on his Heroic return to England! I am outa here! This Lafia is a Mandingo Fighting Warrior and NOT an intellectual!
Lafia Touray la Manju
Barra war is 1831-1832.
Luntango you know nothing about our history. Mandingos are well known for been resistant to any kind of foriegn domination. We dont take anything that we dont want. Find your facts my friend.
Lafia Touray la Manju
Mama Tamba Jammeh, a Mandingo chief, was a Royal Guest in London while Sir Farimang Singhteh replaced a Sir John Paul a Queen’ representative( Governor General) in The Gambia.
Mandinkas are blessed with rich history.
Luntango Suun Gann Gi
@Lafia: ” … Sir Farimang Singhteh replaced a Sir John Paul a Queen’s representative (Governor General) in The Gambia. Mandinkas are blessed with rich history.”
“Queen’s representative”??!! Damn Lafia, the man should be FIGHTING the Queen for HIS country – like Jomo Kenyatta!!
Lafia Touray la Manju
No Dida, Sir Firimang needed not to fight the Queen because another Mandingo, sir DK Jawara, was successfully negotiating independence for The Gambia . Through DK ‘s lead efforts, Gambia attained independence on the 18th February 1965 and republican status on the 24th April 1970 without any shot been fired. The Duke of Kent attended our independence in 1965 while the princess Royal Anne attended our Sliver Jubilee.
You see mandinkas are diplomats and can always achieve a negotiated settlement of disputes. I already got a life with my facts, not anti western fiction of yours.
When the tiger feels the need to show off its “tigeritude” there is this sense of disillusionment that it has lost the battle.