With credit to Gambian historian Ensa Touray of the University of The Gambia (UTG) and his students visit to the ancient Fortress of Kansala (present day Guinea-Bissau). A short but very insightful video painted a historical narrations of Kabou conflict.
However, one gets to see the present realities of Kansala and the story of the present custodians. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fDwtm2g0oM
The visible shrines, and some of reason for the final battle of Kansala have been highlighted. By that, Kansala was just one among 32 provinces. The recurrent facts are that, the war between Kansala and Futa was not religious but control of trading routes, slave trade and tax revenue. Religions ended becoming the accidental justification. The Futa Almamate was engaging in the capture and sale of human stock, whilst the Kabou kings were collecting tax deep into Futa Jalon territory.
Lafia Touray la Manju
Kaironews, al Beng nmala deh!!!
Great job.
Lafia Touray la Manju
Subujang keng domolalu aning dolobata konkong la Lu.
Kutukutu ninmang Londi ninmang hari ninmang aaning dalla ninmang.
E kolay ko koring kulu koi e maafo nyancho tee koi.
Sanneh ning Manneh jonkendeh faalalu.
One wonders why futa did not fight the western infidels like mbemba samori touray and Alifa yaya did if they (futa) claimed that they were fighting Allah’s fight!!!!!!!!!.
keep coming please and many thanks
Lafia Touray la Manju
Karamo, that is already a resolved conflict and a lot of positive things has happened in the mandinka- Fulani relationship since then. For example, Musa Molloh Baldeh befriended Foday Kaba Dumbuya and later married Foday Kaba’s beautiful daughter, Kaddy. They were blessed with a son called Cherno Kaddy Baldeh. He is the father of Lamin Baldeh and Mathew Yahya Baldeh. This demonstrates how the mandinka-Fula relationship later transformed into mutual friend and eventually family union.
Kaddy Dumbuya, according to oral historian, would even grant clemency to prisoners with or without her hudband’s approval.
I think what kaironews is doing here is great because it highlight the cultural richness of the Mandingo people. Who said they can dampen Mandingo pride or take away our honour and dignity by taking out their lows at us???
Abarika touray. Believe it or not, my dear wife is a direct great grand daughter of Musa Molloh Baldeh and my very own great grand mum (maternal side ) is fula too. when i speak fula and not mention my name, the fulas think am fula haha . Its a very sweet feeling you right.
All humans are just the same…..
many thanks
Suntou Bolonba
Lafia, you are correct, in Sandou, Musa Molloh’s daughter was married to the Darboe clan, the late PPP MP Alh Musa Darboe’s mother was said to be Musa Molloh’s daughter. and the story of Alfa Yaya, which we will write about is also filled with similar inter-ethnic cooperation. We are one and intertwine deeply. As Ebrima Kamara stated, it is the selfish elites who perpetuate the tribal bigotry. Alfa Yaya’s mother was said to be Janky Wally’s daughter Kumancho. And there are evidence to that fact. Historians found women in Futa who claimed they’re descended from Kumancho Wally Sanneh.
Thank you Suntou and Lafia. Just to add to the history of Kaddy Dumbuya. She was first married in Janjanbureh and had a son called Mamady Kaddy Singateh who is the father of Sir Farimang M. Singateh the second and last Governor General of the Gambia.
After Mamady Kaddy’s father died she remarried to Musa Molloh Baldeh and had a child called Cherno Kaddy. This is why when Sir Farimang died in 1977 his wife Aja Basse was remarried to Sir Farimang’s cousin called Chief Lamin Baldeh. This is the relationship between the Baldehs and Singatehs in that area.
Also, my own maternal grand father married one of Musa Molloh’s daughters whose name is Wuday Baldeh. Therefore, it is important that we know our history and cherish it. Gambians are all one family but folks like Yaya Jammeh are bringing the divisions among us. He is doing it to divide and control. Please continue to inform the us about our history.
Lafia Touray la Manju
Thank you Janjanbureh. I am interested in Sir Farimang’s story. I didn’t know he is from Janjanbury. I always thought he is either from Baddibu or Wuli as these are the places where the singhateh’s are found historically.
The fulas particularly those in CRR and URR have a very close bond with mandinkas. Nothing should drive a wedge between us and the fulas. We can stop them from doing so by highlighting the unique stories and family histories the mandinkas share with fulas at every opportunity.
Thank you ever so much Janjanbureh for your support here and please tell me something about Sir Farimang Singhateh, the last governor-general of The Commonwealth of The Gambia.
suleimane seide
gostei tanto do documentário e bom assim relembrar das nossas historias para que possamos situar melhor neste mundo de globalização e temos que saber de onde saímos,onde estamos e para onde vamos.força universidade da Gambia,mais não esqueçam duma coisa os mandingas são melhores povos do mundo.
google translate:
I enjoyed both documentary and good so reminiscent of our stories so that we can better situate this world of globalization and we have to know where we came out where we are and where vamos.força University Gambia, more of a thing not forget the Mandingo are better people of the world.
Ggapm Agapm
ALLAH Akbar. God is the greatest.
You see, me? I am not impressed with these kings and all the ugly myths the praise singers chant to them. To me they are just a part of my hisory in the red archives. Yaya Jammeh is just another revival of those histories.
What a trend setters kings, events, places, times in our history. Slave trading and extortionist kings.Very true, know your history and you’ll know where you’re coming from. Did bad governance rooted itself in Africa today? The answer is obviously no. I hate those drunken and arrogant kings. They must be paying wages of sin by now, they committed in their times of rule against their own. Please let someone in this twenty first century try to make me love or respect those unintelligent war mongers of my history.
Ggapm Agapm
Kutukutu nimang lon lan li hao, ……………a Shaolin monk salute or whatever all those ugly myths in chant means?,………….Allah have mercy on those kings’ or rulers souls.
Ggapm Agapm
Nothing seems to impress me with regards to those Jankey Wallys, Musa Mollos and Fodays, even though some of them might have had claimed to be fighting religious causes. Those ancestors are my ancestory as well and part of my history’s heritage, I can criticise with all the due rights.
Hopefully in our future history books we’ll have our Einsteins and Isaac Newtons and their breakthroughs in record. DOLO BATA????……………..The drunken king??? ASTAQFURULLAH…………………….