
OJ Says "I'm Ready For Protest"

OJAn opposition political leader has reiterated his readiness to launch peaceful protest in the Gambia, stressing it’s about time that he exercised his constitutional rights.

Over the years, Gambian police have repeatedly denied opposition their constitutional right to hold peaceful demonstration in the country. But Omar Amadou Jallow said it was about time the opposition fight for their right to protest peacefully.

“I have made it clear on tour [in United States and United Kingdom] that I will consult with my colleagues upon arrival in the country,” Mr. Jallow said, insisting, “It is our inalienable right protest.” He could not understand why only the ruling Alliance for Patriotic, Re-orientation and Construction party of President Yahya Jammeh only enjoy the right to protest.

“When the APRC supporters have a right to demonstrate for Jammeh not to adhere to the 17-points of the European Union, why we as citizen cannot invoke that same provision of the Constitution and demonstrate in favor of the EU?

“As opposition parties, we have a right to demonstrate as stipulated in the Constitution, if we sit on our rights we are making Jammeh more powerful.”



  1. Lafia Touray la Manju

    Oh yea? Go and do it then.

  2. Bax

    OJ is right to want to exercise his inalienable right to hold a peaceful demonstration to express his dissatisfaction with the governance situation in The Gambia…

    No doubt, he is also aware of the risks such an exercise could pose to himself, his followers and the general public,under the current government…

    Yaya Jammeh has made it clear that he would respond with brute force if any demonstration shows the slightest inclination towards regime change..

    I don’t even think he will wait for that…April 10/11th is proof of his willingness to slaughter enmasse, even when no serious threat is faced by his regime…

    What then would be the reaction of the leaders of any demonstration if Jammeh unleashes his terror on them, as he surely will…

    That is the question that OJ should answer…

    We know the reactions of the demonstrators in Tunisia,Libya,Egypt, Senegal, etc…

    Will our would be “demonstrators” have the willingness and courage to undergo such hardships and sacrifices..?

    Only time will tell..But Gambians need to put some sense in Jammeh’s stupid skull…Otherwise, we will be in for a very long reign of oppression and terror…

  3. Actually Bax, Jammeh might decide it is good politics to allow OJ to lead a small demonstration! OJ may even be officially INVITED to do so! Just a thought – contrary as usual!!