Tag: Politics


The National Assembly and National Destiny  

If anyone understands the nature of a Democratic Republic one will not be in any doubt to realize that the destiny of the Republic lies primarily in the hands of the National Assembly. This is why the Constitution provides all the necessary powers and tools to the National Assembly in […]


Elite Capture of State Power in the Gambia

There is no doubt that the incidence of a few powerful people, aka the ‘Elite’ have hijacked the Gambian State to serve their own selfishness at the expense of the masses of the people. Known as ‘Elite Capture’, this practice, existing since the beginning of Independence, has now been perfected […]


3rd Reaction to the Draft Constitution from Dabanani Law 

Equality or exceptionalism: embedding preferential treatment in the Draft Constitution As we continue to interrogate the proposed Draft Constitution (the Draft) in the tradition of public conversation, issues central to equality and the fundamental precept of the separation of powers are being partially considered in this instalment. Although not a […]


The GAP And The So-Called “General”

Someone once said that “light travels faster than sound, so some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak.” If anyone embodies this quote, it’s none other than this dull Lamin Bojang who is creating a huge idiotic gap in GAP! Sometimes, you wonder what poor Gambians have […]


Covid Billions: Finance Minister “1 Billion GMD Landed in our Account Yesterday”

By Yusef Taylor, @FlexDan_YT The Gambia’s Finance Minister, Hon. Mambury Njie informed members of the National Assembly’s Special Committee that the Government received 1 Billion Dalasis in its accounts yesterday morning, 20th April 2020. The Minister explained that the “very soft loan from the IMF has now landed in our account. […]


GMC Leader’s Beef With Lawmakers

1. I am disappointed that although most MPs acknowledged the need to provide a relief package to thousands of poor and vulnerable families, no such resolution was made. We had advocated for a 21 to 30 days extension instead of the 90 days proposed by the State and the N.A […]


New Constitution to Provide Safe Haven for all Citizens

President Adama Barrow has said that the new Constitution, premised on strong foundations and all-inclusiveness, will provide a safe haven for all citizens to enjoy the path to peace, freedom and prosperity. The President made this remark in receiving the draft new Constitution presented by the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) […]