Tag: Politics


TRRC Clarifies Bench Warrant Issue

TRRC Press Release The Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) takes note that on the 4th November 2019, during the Yankuba Touray Trial, Counsel for Mr. Yankuba Touray requested that the Court issue a Bench Warrant against the Executive Secretary of the Commission Dr. Baba Galleh Jallow, for failing to […]


The CRC On Track To Deliver A Draft Constitution  

  The Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) today announced that it is on track to deliver a draft Constitution. “Consistent with its terms of reference, the CRC is well poised to deliver to Gambians at home and abroad a draft Constitution that will engender public debate and comments before finalisation”, said […]


‘Mai’s Comments Are Misleading’

RE: STATEMENT ON MAI FATTY’S ALARMING COMMENTS My attention has been drawn to a newspaper article on the Tuesday, 29th October 2019 edition of the Standard Newspaper, which quoted Ahmed Mai Fatty as saying that “we [referring to the people of The Gambia] are yet to defeat some ways of […]


Edward Singhatey and His Missed Opportunity

When news got out that Edu was sighted in town for a possible appearance at the TRRC, the whole country was drowning in euphoria. This elation was borne out of our collective expectation of finally closing that chapter on not the WHO or HOW questions surrounding Koro’s death but instead […]



In his latest routine visits to institutions within his constituency, Hon. Ousman Sillah, National Assembly Member (NAM) for Banjul North, on Friday, 18th October, 2019, launched a formal campaign for support to revitalise and enhance the services of the Gambia National Library in Banjul. The Banjul North representative announced this […]


Chad: No Redress for Ex-Dictator’s Victims African Commission Should Press for Habré-Era Reparations

The Chadian government has yet to provide reparations ordered by a court in 2015 to 7,000 victims of grave crimes under the rule of former dictator Hissène Habré, four human rights groups said today. The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, which is currently reviewing Chad’s human rights record in Banjul, Gambia, should press the […]


TRRC: Managing The Narratives

By Baba Galleh Jallow The TRRC’s ongoing public hearings have generated a number of interesting narratives in Gambian society. From the testimonies and statements of victims, alleged perpetrators and perpetrators emerge a narrative of brutal dictatorship, gross human rights violations, and the victimization of hundreds of innocent Gambians. This narrative […]


Aren’t Our Own Hands Bloody (Or Aren’t We Culpable)?

Legally one doesn’t necessarily have to be the triggerman/woman and/or machete-wielder to be a killer/murderer.  Our words, money, demeanor, encouragement, head-nodding, expressed endorsement, (whatever) motivated men, women and even young school going children to confront a-ready-and-loaded killer men/women of Yahya AJJ Jammeh for a supposed cause that we don’t seem […]


What Gov’t Can Learn From Tragic Accidents

How many fatal accidents would it require before something was done? Who and how many lives would be lost on our dangerous roads before the responsible authorities act? These are vital questions that need answers. This is what you get in a nation where every single development and achievement is […]